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Posts posted by Kairali

  1. Jndas has got a lot of his history wrong!

    Being a Hindu from Kerala I contend many of his statements.

    First of all nobody has converted a majority.

    Hindus still are the majority (close to 60%)

    Christianity came to Kerala before it went to

    Europe.And the bulk of the initial converts were Brahmins and they had patronage from the Kerala Hindu rulers for most years.400 years ago, the portuguese started the conversion of the lower caste hindus, mostly fishing folks.Recent conversion is very very limited and the conversion is mostly from other denominations to the Pentacostal.

    I really wonder what was really stopping the

    lower castes from becoming Muslims because muslims never maltreated the lower castes.

    The Hindu Brahmins/upper castes were Barbaric in their behavior towards the shudras.Shudras had to wear a special container always so that their spit does not 'pollute the way'. They had to maintain a

    60 ft distance from a brahmin.Breaking the rule could land their heads under the elephant's foot ( Yea! Taliban is Merciful).

    Brahmin's always had immunity from death sentences.The irony was that as soon as the same shudra converted to Muslim/xtian, the Brahmins had no problem in dealing with him ( as stated by Swami vivekananda).Even today one of the greatest Kerala saint/philosopher , Sree Narayana Guru is not accepted by the Hindus at large !

    Reason: He belongs to the lower caste-Ezhava!

    He is just held high by the lower castes.


    Hinduism continues to torture its subjects

    from the lower strata and we have no right to make fun of the christian rites or life in kerala. They are far more cohesive group within their own church groups.There is no caste or any discrimination within the same church.Each church deems itself superior to others. That is human nature.



    Originally posted by jndas:

    I don't want to discourage the missionaries, but their conversions at really shallow. If you look at Kerala, where they have succeeded in converting the majority of the population, the Christians there are nothing more than Hindus named "Thomas". They just take Mary and Jesus, instead of Ganesh and Shiva, and build a temple for them. The worship is done according to Hindu customs. They offer deepam, incense, flower garlands, and even vibhuti! Some of them wear a vibhuti cross on their foreheads (pretty confused people). And despite the promise of being free form caste, they maintain their caste identities and only marry within their particular converted Christian caste. Once a caste always a caste I suppose.


    Bassically these people are really confused. They certainly aren't Christians. And they really aren't Hindus eaither. But in the game of money and numbers the churches are willing to over look all of these peculiarities in order to claim success in the field.


    I believe the pope even made some special concessions for Indian christian in regards to the practices of worship. I can't recall the exact details, it is something I read a long time ago.



    [This message has been edited by jndas (edited 05-16-2001).]


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