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Posts posted by Seth

  1. God is destiny with your names and the names of your surroundings even painted with the creation of the worlds. You do not think about what your child's name. Since it is itself born in your head.


    In our darkest time, no one can fully read the names of your relatives and friends. You need to learn how to build the correct horoscope based on the vibrations of color planets and the signs that these names are registered. In Jamini Sutras in the early chapters there is a table on which you can put the correct rising sign. But in order to properly build horoscope. This will work just in second’s events of your life. You need to take God's law, which does not give birth to real-time human birth, which tells you the mother or doctor. You should know that in the matter of all wrong, those who think wisely and do not have a second birth in the Spirit. The time that you are taking as the day and time of your birth, the fetus is output to the outside. Man is born with the first stroke in the womb. Although no one from a woman born. This is a figurative birth, everyone is born from his father (God). Moment of connection between matter and spirit is the point of your present birth. Should you find the exact Ayanamsa and apply the law of birth, that God securely secreted from the mind, you will build the right birthday card. Up to this point, all the astrologers of the world, just imagine God and subject to illusion .


    On Russian names already created a directory name. Where is the color name and affecting its planets and signs?


    You need to focus on the rulers of the deities that govern specific planet .Names are many, because in the birth chart is not one but three characters and planets can indicate you’re having. You need to bear in mind that your first home is 10 4 mother's house. He always refers to the name of the mother and her profession because. That matter your appearance comes from the mother, the father gives quality Soul.

  2. In the world of one truth, knowledge of astrology is not combined with the money are the droppings of the devil. If astrologer takes money for predictions, it is not an astrologer and cannot know astrology.



    Astrology and Spiritual Science is given by God only to those who donated helps others to understand the essence of Being.

  3. If the actual date of birth you have the Moon in this position, you cannot worry about. In true birth chart it in another sign and not in conjunction with Jupiter. Provide their data on the production and add another number of your blood. Profession can write your mom and your name will make it easier I find this your birth horoscope.

  4. I can not do without leading data horoscope birth to the true time of birth, and not real, but if I found the right real horoscope birth after the city of birth, then your daughter will have two spouses and marry delayed. First husband, she will lose and will have a second. Period of her marriage began back in March 2013. But when it happens, I did not consider her to sign. But the horoscope does not exactly because the compilation of this horoscope birth of consciousness, need a lot of suggestive data on relatives of the native and the additional data. Your horoscope astrologers did not materialize because they do not know what birth and make maps of the date and time it takes a mother and her entourage. You should know that a woman always lives in illusion, so do not always perceive the truth and a lie. That birth, you give the astrologer is the output of the fetus out, but the materialization of the image occurs long before this time. Earlier this time of the birth of consciousness prophets called conceiving, and the current astrologers think wisely and do not know the truth because the birth and when it occurs. By the way they always give false prophecies fate.



    my name is anju i also have same combination jupiter and saturn in 6th house my dob 8 june 1981 time 3:55 am chandigarh.. i also wanna know about this i am also searching for same answer




    If you have the first group of Rh-negative blood factor, then this horoscope your true birth of consciousness. Included consciousness materializes image and begins to work with the fate of this moment. Kshatriya caste for you. And since Rakshasa demon who was born at the foot of Brahma in the causal waters of this creation. 6 In the house you conjunction of Mercury and Venus, Jupiter and Saturn in the 9th house. Your question is not related to the topic.


    Astrological personality description


      June 1, 1981 22:34:08,4 (GMT +05:06:57 )

     Chandigarh, Punjab, India (30°45'01"N   76°44'14"E)




    * 11-th degree of Gemini.


    "Interior Stock Exchange: a few people cry, pushing each other and pick up the paper over your head." - Refers to a person with an inclination to speculation. He endured the pain for a chance to profit and pursuing this goal, gets involved in numerous fights with other people, leading a hectic life and vain. In the end, he may discover that "the game is not worth the candle," and positive energy could be used more profitably and is aimed at a more decent work. It is a symbol of risk.

     Very good character; prison or in exile.

     (Mars). Degree of emigration, exile, prison. Initially, kindness, openness, but then - gloomy, taciturn, secretive nature, irritability and nastiness. If men pronounced yin signs, especially cancer, and women - yang, especially Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, it may give homosexuality. Can also give problems with children, infertility.

     "Iconoclast". Indicates a person who sees through and trying to subvert "the sacred idols" of their society. Talented, friendly, intelligent. Good capacity for advocacy.

    Anatomical correspondence - thymus.




    * 30th degree of Taurus.


    "Huge stone hematite, rolling down the mountainside, crashes into a block of ductile flint, causing a blinding flash of fire." - Indicates a brave and determined man who dares to make a lot more and in order to achieve the implementation of their desires. Starting his life will be full of effort and difficulty, but as a man progressing over the years, that it will allow him to gain experience, so necessary in order to make his name known, and ideas - acknowledged. It is a symbol of Freedom and efficiency.

    Ability to architecture, the love of all the elegant, good financial position.

     (Mercury). "The Palace". Aestheticism, a good ability to architecture and music. Comfort, stability, and a large family, a good financial position, the desire for luxury. Idealism, emotionality. In the worst case - the false greatness. Refuge lonely souls, disclosure itself alone.

     "Emotional." Indicates a tendency to wave and dramatization. Career help friends or relatives. Degree musicians.

    Anatomical correspondence - Trapezius muscle.


    * Connection: Atlas (27 Taurus m 3.63) - Moon (orb -0° 1'13"),


    Legend: the Pleiades, or Atlantis - the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, six of them were visible, and one - invisible or "lost." They accompanied the young Artemis, and one day the gods transferred them to the sky in order to hide from persistent Orion. According to another version, the occasion served their sadness over his father, who had head and hands to support the heavens.

    Names and numbers of the sisters stars in the catalog as follows: Alcyone (eta), Maya (20) Elektra (17), Merope (23) Taygeta (19), Kaleen (16) and Steropa (21, 22). The group also includes their parents: Atlanta (27) and Pleione (28).

    "Lost" is considered Merope. Marrying a mortal Sisyphus, she hid her face, was the only one for the Pleiades, is not connected with the god of their own destiny. There is another opinion: "lost" Elektra - its so saddened by the death of Troy, based Dardania her son, she went out. Theon Junior argues that we are talking about Kaleen, which was struck by lightning.

    About Pleiades told in the Old Testament: "Can you bind the Pleiades and Orion allow node?" (Job, 38/31).

    Synopsis: The Pleiades star cluster are the main star Alcyone. It lies on the shoulders of the Twins; practice can take longitude longitude Alcyone for the entire group as a cluster fits in one degree of arc.

    Impact: According to Ptolemy, the Pleiades of the nature of the Moon and Mars Al-Vidas characterizes their opposition of Mars and the Moon to the Sun. It is believed that under the influence of the Pleiades born people are rampant, ambitious, rebellious, peace-loving optimists. They are waiting for wandering, often - the sea, the success in agriculture and intellectual work. Possible blindness, shame and violent death. Influence of the Pleiades as a whole emphasized malware.

    If back: blindness, eye inflammation, eye injury or other persons from injury knives, expulsion, arrest, disease, dangerous fevers, quarrels, exorbitant greed, success on the battlefield. If the Sun is in opposition with Mars or Ascendant - the violent death.

    At the climax: a disgrace, ruin, violent death. If culminate simultaneously with the Sun or the Moon: one becomes commander, commander of the cavalry, or king.


    With the moon: facial trauma, other injuries, illness, blindness, or some eye damage, especially if in the corner of the horoscope; colorblindness, strabismus, growths of the eye; unhappiness shame arrest. Blindness occurs when the compound is in the seventh house, and especially if the Sun and Mars in conjunction with Regulus and the moon in the last quarter.



    * Connection: Pleione (28 Tauri m 5.09) - Moon (orb 0° 0'11"),


    Legend: the Pleiades, or Atlantis - the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione, six of them were visible, and one - invisible or "lost." They accompanied the young Artemis, and one day the gods transferred them to the sky in order to hide from persistent Orion. According to another version, the occasion served their sadness over his father, who had head and hands to support the heavens.

    Names and numbers of the sisters stars in the catalog as follows: Alcyone (eta), Maya (20) Elektra (17), Merope (23) Taygeta (19), Kaleen (16) and Steropa (21, 22). The group also includes their parents: Atlanta (27) and Pleione (28).

    "Lost" is considered Merope. Marrying a mortal Sisyphus, she hid her face, was the only one for the Pleiades, is not connected with the god of their own destiny. There is another opinion: "lost" Elektra - its so saddened by the death of Troy, based Dardania her son, she went out. Theon Junior argues that we are talking about Kaleen, which was struck by lightning.

    About Pleiades told in the Old Testament: "Can you bind the Pleiades and Orion allow node?" (Job, 38/31).

    Synopsis: The Pleiades star cluster are the main star Alcyone. It lies on the shoulders of the Twins; practice can take longitude longitude Alcyone for the entire group as a cluster fits in one degree of arc.

    Impact: According to Ptolemy, the Pleiades of the nature of the Moon and Mars Al-Vidas characterizes their opposition of Mars and the Moon to the Sun. It is believed that under the influence of the Pleiades born people are rampant, ambitious, rebellious, peace-loving optimists. They are waiting for wandering, often - the sea, the success in agriculture and intellectual work. Possible blindness, shame and violent death. Influence of the Pleiades as a whole emphasized malware.

    If back: blindness, eye inflammation, eye injury or other persons from injury knives, expulsion, arrest, disease, dangerous fevers, quarrels, exorbitant greed, success on the battlefield. If the Sun is in opposition with Mars or Ascendant - the violent death.

    At the climax: a disgrace, ruin, violent death. If culminate simultaneously with the Sun or the Moon: one becomes commander, commander of the cavalry, or king.


    With the moon: facial trauma, other injuries, illness, blindness, or some eye damage, especially if in the corner of the horoscope; colorblindness, strabismus, growths of the eye; unhappiness shame arrest. Blindness occurs when the compound is in the seventh house, and especially if the Sun and Mars in conjunction with Regulus and the moon in the last quarter.





    * 2nd degree Cancer


    "Tiller, leaning against a tree, watching the other peasants digging up the adjacent field." - Indicates who provides others do the work, which he must perform himself. Such a man loves a luxurious lifestyle, quite agreeing to only receive, not bothering as follows for this. He can push his own philosophical concept for the protection of their actions and will be supported throughout its current incarnation. It is a symbol of stagnation.

     Envy, weak-willed character.

      (Pluto). Degree of impracticality, dispersion, nesobrannosti, weak will murder. When bad horoscope can give envious even podlovatuyu nature. At strongly expressed Pluto can give a greater likelihood of catastrophes due to lifestyle.

     "Sensitivity". This degree provides an understanding of other people's problems. Psychology, astrology.

    Anatomical correspondence - the seventh rib.




    * 25-th degree of Gemini.


    "A hand from heaven, holding a huge scroll on which shines a pentagram." - Indicates a significant personality occult forces, whose mission - to administer and is the power. This man should do what he prescribed fate, no matter how much he may resist. Such a person would be pointless to allow yourself to get involved in gambling and financial intrigues of our society, as well as go on about the lower manifestations of material life. It is a symbol of the Ethereal World.

     Poetic talent.

     (Mars). Anxiety, strangeness nature, quarrels, disputes, murder. Often life is in danger. Big risk. Addicted to bluff. Danger of accidents. Sometimes poetic talent.

     "Diligent". Indicates a person more prone to serious study of artificial intelligence. Good degree for scientists in all fields of science.

    Anatomical correspondence - The radius (Diseases - neurasthenia).




    * 27th degree of Taurus.


    "Inventor, rising from his seat, looking enthusiastically to the wonderful engine, which he had just gathered." - Refers to a person who creates a project that is required for all mankind. Such a person is granted a talent inventor and a quick mind, so he will be able to implement ideas while others will only dream about them. This symbol ingenuity.

    Frugality, thrift, wealth after hard work.

     (Mars). Degree of latent genius fertility. One of the degrees of genius, coupled with modesty. The wealth of ideas, great performance, abundance. Associated with frugality calculation. Wealth after forced labor.

     "Upstream". Indicates a person inherently powerful, but he wins the location and love of others. Good for business degree and "bosses."

    Anatomical correspondence - Cervical vertebrae.




    * 30th degree of Virgo.


    "A lot of bright yellow orange, wind plucked from the tree." - Refers to a person suffering greatly due to fraud and whose hopes are threatened. By itself, having sincere and soulful character, a man can not stand to find mistakes in the actions of other people and follows its own course, regardless of whether they hurt him or not. Fate plays a large role in the life of this man, and because of the circumstances he is forced to accept it. It is a symbol of circumstances.

     Risk of brain diseases, head injuries, congenital dumbness.

     (Moon). Degree of celibacy emigration. When negative Moon and Mercury - hearing loss, voice, often suffers head, possible catastrophe, congenital dumbness. When badly expressed Neptune, Moon and Pisces and Cancer - mental illness, pessimism. With a negative Mars - suffers head, face. When negative moon of Saturn, Neptune and pronounced signs of Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini - the possibility of suicide. Generally dangerous if the overall negative constellation and severity of Cancer, Virgo (especially).

     "Pent". Indicates a person who restrains himself excessively or may be constrained by parents, authority, duties or property. Good degree for designers working in industry.

    Anatomical correspondence - hepatic duct.




    * 2nd degree of Libra.


    "Gilded book, which is engraved with the ankh, a cross with a loop at the top, floating in a haze." - Refers to a person who understands the psychological subtleties associated with people and their relationships. In addition, he has special knowledge and inspiration needed to create products distinct beauty and practical expediency. His interests are mainly focused on specific knowledge associated with the notion of the unity and continuity of life, and in particular those relating to individual existence. Inside this man is the eternal competition between spirit and matter. There are times when triumphs matter, but there are times when the spirit triumphs, but ultimately adopt the spirit of his birthright. It is a symbol of forethought.

     Religiosity, successes in the scientific field.

     (Chiron, Jupiter). Degree of genius. Degree of musicality, subtle sense of rhythm. Gives a propensity to philosophy, religion, love

    Nature. Success in the scientific field.

     "Communication". Points to the person receiving the pleasure of communicating with other people. Type organizer. Sometimes wondered hidden factors in life. Organizer massive show.

    Anatomical correspondence - Shell kidneys.




    * 27th degree of Scorpio.


    "The King, holding on spearhead brilliant solar disk, talks with his ministers." - Indicates carrier lofty thoughts and grandiose ideas. This person is able to create around himself a special subtle but influential atmosphere, allowing it to act discreetly in their interests and entice people to his side. Others may be wrong, but he knows himself, knows his ambition and his ever-growing faith in yourself - unshakable confidence, no matter whether he enjoys the location and honor, or protected from discontent. It is a symbol of Honor and exclusivity.

     Generosity, compassion for the misfortunes of others, eloquence.

     (Proserpine, Saturn). One of the best degrees. Degree of clairvoyance. Generosity, compassion, grief of others. Gives great communication, the ability to use patrons. Secret power, authority, eloquence, pretty.

     "Fighter". Indicates a person though and peaceful, but get real pleasure from the struggle - in the name of principle rather than because of any serious disagreements. Good degree for athletes, but can also be realized in the fight at a higher level (policy, martial art).

    Anatomical correspondence - anus.




    * 23rd degree of Sagittarius.


    "A bee stinging roaring lion." - Refers to a person with a sharp and incisive mind and freedom-loving and well-organized intelligence. Such a person will tend to excel at anything. Catching creation and creativity, he will look at things with unmatched clarity and insight. Sarcasm that person is directed to specific authorities and forces them to make proactive when their passive attitude to their duties, it would seem, can not be changed. It is a symbol of stimulation.

     Strong jealousy.

     (Uranus). Blind jealousy, passion, outbursts strongly expressed in the fire element. Risk of suicide or violent death. In the worst case - criminal tendencies.

     "Calculation". Indicates a person who exhibits quality expert to achieve their goals. Degree is good for scientific research where needed numerous calculations.

    Anatomical correspondence - Bulge left thigh.


    * Connection: Lezath (34 Upsilon Scorpio m 2.69) - Neptune (orb -0°4'30 "),

    Synopsis: A system consisting of 4-stars on the sting of Scorpio, surrounded distinguishable nebula. The spectral class of the main star Lesath B3. From Al-Lasa, which translates as "sting".

    Impact: Nature of Mercury and Mars. Star gives insight subject brings him unexpected profit, luck, gives the ability to sound judgment, the subject can make discoveries. When negative effects: exaggeration, recklessness, immorality, self-destruction, violence. Terrible star gives persecution mania and manic states, requiring someone to chase. Risk of degradation of insanity, escape from reality, asocial, abandonment, loneliness, clash with ruthless tests, dangers on the road, especially in the mountains on Mercury and Saturn. Danger, despair, dishonesty and evil temper; associated with rodent poisons.



    * Connection: Lezath (34 Upsilon Scorpio m 2.69) - Neptune (orb -0°4'30 "),


    Synopsis: A small star on the sting of Scorpio. From Al-Lasa, which translates as "sting".

    Impact: Nature of Mercury and Mars. Danger, despair, dishonesty and evil temper; associated with rodent poisons.


    * Connection: Lezath (34 Upsilon Scorpio m 2.69) - Neptune (orb -0°4'30 "),

    Tail or sting of a scorpion. Terrible star. Gives persecution mania or manic state, requiring someone to chase. Risk of degradation of insanity, escape from reality, asocial, abandonment, loneliness, clashes with ruthless tests, dangers on the road, in the mountains, especially Mercury and Saturn. VIII on the border of the house - death alone or death secret. In conjunction with Mars - death by poison or poisonous animal bite and infection after bites of snakes, scorpions, etc.






    * 21-th degree of Libra.


    "Brightly and tasteless dressed woman sings, raising a glass of wine with his right hand. On one side of her spirit of joy, on the other - the spirit of the Tribulation." - Refers to a person pliable enough to be confused by external circumstances, and casts a shadow, losing significant. Jewelry and other trinkets, indulges his sensual needs only lure, never satisfied until the end and continue to demand more from him. If such a person, managing their own affairs, not be too cautious and reasonable, there is always a snake that sting him, and such a wound would be incurable. It is a symbol of punishment.

     Bad luck, bad luck.

     (Jupiter). Rebellion, protest, independence. Unstable, severe. Autocratic, unyielding man suppresses others. A lot of hardship.

     "Personality." Indicates a charming man whose sincerity is disarming and whose mind can be outstanding. Politicians, public figures, lawyers.





    * 2nd degree of Leo.


    "Paper roll, almost dropped out of the hand of a dying scientist, eagerly picked up a famous professor, on the face of Professor of triumph." - Indicates one whose childhood is under threat, but in later years he would become the owner of the real secrets found another man, who, though he has long sought. Having caught them, a man declares as its discoveries, thus acquiring reputation and further professional success. This triumph may continue until his last breath, and then the person learns what he, despite all his learning, and did not understand, and then what he did in the past, make him repent in the future. It is a symbol of insincerity.

     Danger of drowning or get shipwrecked.

     (Neptune). Degree of emigration. Rise and Fall of contrasts and imbalance. In the worst case (Phillips situation) - a violent death, especially from the water, the danger of drowning or sudden death.

     "Aimlessly." Indicate a person who is prone to fluctuations. He lacks confidence in themselves and in others, although it tends to produce the opposite impression. Great artistry.

    Anatomical correspondence - aorta.




    * 2nd degree of Aquarius.


    "Big mulberry tree heavily laden with fruit, around it - a variety of birds." - Indicates a romantic mood man with good taste. Fortune will be favorable to him, and he will get a lot of friends. Generally, it is a compassionate and generous nature, not devoid of ability to predict. In most cases, this person is fortunate in achieving their desires. It is a symbol of satisfaction.

     Deep mind, success in the sciences.

      (Pluto). Degree of clairvoyance, infertility. Deep mind, scientific career. Individualism, separation from others. Fraught with unexpected twists of fate. Gives the danger of sudden death murder.

     "Interpretation". Indicates the person who interprets the events in their own and pass on their experience to others, or to the person having their own distinct from any other understanding of life. Degree lawyers, journalists. 3 °. "Expression". Indicates a person bright expression, manifested in the word and in deeds. Never gets confused if it is in his element. Editors of newspapers and magazines, entertainer, television journalists.

    Anatomical correspondence - Nerves left tibia.




    * 17th degree of Scorpio.


    "Dagger with precious handle stuck in the document." - Indicates a talented man born under unusual conditions. Being in danger, he overcomes all and creates a work of great value. His powerful and active soul combines idealism, poetry and beauty. In all that makes a man, felt the hardness, which gives his work a soulful power and perfection. This symbol of romance.

     Poverty, wandering life, a lot of enemies.

     (Venus). Degree of temptation, exaltation Lilith. Dual degree. In the worst case, gives villainy, betrayal, insolence, rudeness, lack of remorse. "Snakes". From this man will come something sinister, it will be evil to others, to gather around him all the dirt of the world. This is not a plant, and the promise, the potential, so the person has a choice. And if not, people will be tough to treat yourself and vices of others. He will face meanness, treachery, many enemies. This may give disappointing breakdown. Poverty, wandering life.

     "Bandwidth". Indicates a person who may be too large or too small "size." Good degree for physicians.

    Anatomical correspondence - Pituitary share eggs, left ovary.

  6. But the Arabs, it Semites who have not yet entered the Indus-Aryan form of development. they are like the Jews did not have the knowledge of the truth. Only Indus - Aryan is the primary form of the human race, whose units can know the truth?




    Then this book, like all written after it, you can throw on the trash. Only Jamini sutras bear the truth of astrology. The main thing to lose your mind, and be born in the Truth.

  7. In a woman's horoscope, the Jupiter Ketu for various reasons takes born sons and daughters can take.HST108 was true birth: 


    17.02.1969, 09:29:13.4 AM (GMT + 05:19:20), 06 ° 55'21 "N 79 ° 51'00" E, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


    In June 2008. When she opened the thread in the forum, was not the period of Ketu, but quite another.

  8. The world is coming to an end. A Scam from astrology only getting bigger. This is alarming. After all, in this world everything is relative and proportional to both poles, which support its balance.



    According to my observations. In 2015, on the day of the vernal equinox, the world will start to pull black hole. Everything will be as described in the Bhagavad Gita, when Krishna pulled the chariot wheel of the cleft. Astral will tear you apart demons material mind, and enlightened in this vibration will levitate above the ground in a calm and go into their worlds in the light. But it will be later, but first we must jogged a little flood



    So that money (litter devil) who takes astrologers for spiritual knowledge is only an indicator of the end of this creation and ignorance of these scams from astrology. Everyone, if he does not "fool" should know that God does not give knowledge to those who earn their spiritual sciences. And if you do not know and you cheated. Then it's payback. Cause - effect relationship and you deserve it.


    Osho said: "You want to be a fool to get higher education material." And God said, "Freely you have received, freely give." The supreme goal of man is to serve people and not a rip-off with the money.

  9. In the first case, the woman, who was born on the actual date of birth (according to the self-deception of a mother who always takes only an illusion) 03.04.1975 year , there should be two or three daughters. Sons, she will not. Her true birth of consciousness and the beginning of destiny (material creation) was


    21.03.1975, 03:46:56, (GMT +05:31:03), 26°49'06"N 82°45'52"E, Basti, Uttar Pradesh, India.



    Doctors have told the truth, this woman increased emotional distress. She must be a scar or mark on his head or face . Of emotional experiences may be a violation of monthly cycles.  Jupiter, the planet of the sons of poor and especially burns. This provision does not give his sons. Rahu in the 11th house retrograde. This will reduce the number of daughters. I would advise this woman profession trauma. Would not have been of a very good doctor.

  10. Results Antardasas Moon in Maha Dasa Rahu, described in Brahat Parasara Hora Sastra, Chapter 57: 68 - 70.



    If the results do not match the description in this sutra, then it is a consequence of ignorance material astrologer Acura who does not know what the person's birth, and how to find it in space and time. After all, the time and date of release of the fetus out, gives you the fate of your mother, but the woman is deprived of the knowledge of the truth and everything she says you do not, it will be an illusion. Because a woman and a Jew was forbidden to teach the other, they are the truth of the matter and it is not given. All immaculately conceived, because only God can sow seed in the matter (shell sevenfold consciousness of the world), so no gestation and birth of the women do not. You are carriers of their own destiny and have not seen or do not remember the illusion of his birth. It simply is not written in your destiny. Because you do not remember that moment, it was not simple. Consciousness and the external world is materialized with the speed of light, only the enlightened mind (Ra - mind) can stop time and destroy images soluble dual mind. Only the enlightened can see the birth of consciousness. It happens every day when you come out of deep sleep and unconsciousness. But in order to see how your image will materialize again. You need to stop your mind. Therefore say: "Woe from Wit". This clueless organ of perception, which is the farthest from the Soul, you always make a fool of external perception of the world of illusion.


    If all immaculately conceived, then there is no sin. Sin is your destiny, you do not choose, but that you are given as the alternate passage of the life cycle of regeneration of the soul. God restores the matter through eternity. This is the principle of being. Need not whining and accept his fate with dignity with the understanding and knowledge of the fate of cycling, then stop your suffering in relative matter. I wish you to accept the truth, and not live a lie of his illusions.

  11. Hi.

    Dear. God long ago turned away from you. You wear even the purest diamonds, but for the proper application of stones. Requires knowledge of the laws of astrology birth. You apply the time of birth. That you told your mom, but it's real birth. And the reality, matter, Moon, mind, woman, synonyms illusion and delusion higher. Matter itself is deceiving you and your God-given destiny, because it does not want is not yet separated from the ripe fruit of the tree of life. You, and all your astrologers, still green and sour fruit that clings strongly tree of life.

    I help to know the true time of birth to many around the world and said that God gave to the Hindus only religion, but not the knowledge of esoterica and spiritual practices. You have children on the spiritual path of development, it is only the Indus - Aryan race opens the way to lifting the human mind. You children in this endeavor. Because more strongly attached to the matter (astral form). You still too early to know the truth. Your destiny deceive and be deceived. Cause - Affect a law of nature. And as the world collapses, your mind also folds and you become more primitive and go along the path of intellectual development. Just come into this world more intelligent species. But mind. This body of delusion? Because Osho said: "Do you want to be a fool to get higher education material." The allegory can be expressed in other words: "Do you want to be a fool, be very, very, very smart."

  12. This description psycho on planets degrees who work in Western astrology school, if you have correctly set the day and time of birth of consciousness and fate itself. Kiran Astrological personality description Kiran May 19, 1982 2:12:56 (GMT +05:34:42) Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India (18N12 83 ° 40'30 "E) SUN * 27 th degree of Taurus. Uranus "Inventor, rising from his seat, looking enthusiastically to the wonderful engine, which he had just gathered." - Refers to a person who creates a project that is required for all mankind. Such a person is granted a talent inventor and a quick mind, so he will be able to implement ideas while others will only dream about them. This symbol ingenuity. Frugality, thrift, wealth after hard work. (Mars). Degree of latent genius fertility. One of the degrees of genius, coupled with modesty. The wealth of ideas, great performance, abundance. Associated with frugality calculation. Wealth after forced labor. Upstream. "Indicates person inherently powerful, but he wins the location and love of others. Good for business degree and" bosses. " Anatomical correspondence - Cervical vertebrae. MOON * 29 th degree of Pisces. Saturn "Bat flying at night on the old cemetery." - Refers to someone who is prone to sadness and sorrow. This man must strive to overcome the decadent trends, communicating with cheerful and good-natured people or exploring the true nature of what is behind the ideas and special phenomena, which indicates that the esoteric school to which he is leaning. This person must always be alert to the appearance of feelings of envy in themselves and other people. Envy is a symbol. Unhappiness on the water, infirmity, kindness, sad end. (The Sun). "Dead fish". Degree of infertility. Good-natured, but failing, loss of initiative, crash. End of life worse start. Possible suicide. At best, people subtly uses his weakness as strength, adrift. "Submission." Indicates a person who works to overcome obstacles or to reject the objections to its purposes. The holder of this degree can be a very strong man, able to lead others. Degree captains and managers. Anatomical correspondence - Nails right foot. MERCURY * 14 th degree of Gemini. Venus "Man in the forest passes another open casket full of jewels, which he had just stolen in a nearby castle." - Indicates that the one who will suffer from the actions of others. They are either his present companion, or he was previously associated with them. Through highly risky ventures such person is able to gain wealth, but it can become a victim or their own ideas, or suffer damage from the actions of their partners. This symbol predicament. Quarrels, disputes, litigation. (Mercury). Narcissa degree. People prone to narcissism, posturing, to the external form. This leads to quarrels, disputes, litigation. In the worst case - sadomasochism. "Weakling". Indicates a weak character, pliable. Good degree for storytellers. Anatomical correspondence - clavicle. VENUS * 16 th degree of Aries. Ruler Mercury "Wild flowers growing on a field of wheat, illuminated by the sun." - Indicates a charming personality, loving nature of physical and intellectual freedom, naive and artless. Work and life of a man finding successful, and his personality will remain in the memory of others. It is a symbol of abundance. Love of nature, the ability to science. (The Sun). Degree of harmony, happy marriage. Man lives in harmony with nature. Pantheistic consciousness. Ability to art, if there is a connection with Venus. "Willfully." Indicates a person who is often the best intentions to burden all by yourself, or can not rely on others, or it can not be relied upon. Activities are often public in nature: a musician, a lawyer or a speaker. Anatomical correspondence - variola bridge. MARS * 30 th degree of Virgo. Sun "A lot of bright yellow orange, wind plucked from the tree." - Refers to a person suffering greatly due to fraud and whose hopes are threatened. By itself, having sincere and soulful character, a man can not stand to find mistakes in the actions of other people and follows its own course, regardless of whether they hurt him or not. Fate plays a large role in the life of this man, and because of the circumstances he is forced to accept it. It is a symbol of circumstances. Risk of brain diseases, head injuries, congenital dumbness. (Moon). Degree of celibacy emigration. When negative Moon and Mercury - hearing loss, voice, often suffers head, possible catastrophe, congenital dumbness. When badly expressed Neptune, Moon and Pisces and Cancer - mental illness, pessimism. With a negative Mars - suffers head, face. When negative moon of Saturn, Neptune and pronounced signs of Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini - the possibility of suicide. Generally dangerous if the overall negative constellation and severity of Cancer, Virgo (especially). "Pent". Indicates a person who restrains himself excessively or may be constrained by parents, authority, duties or property. Good degree for designers working in industry. Anatomical correspondence - hepatic duct. JUPITER * 2 nd degree Scorpio. Mercury "Two people, completely absorbed in the game of chess." - Indicates that the owner of an excellent and insightful intelligence capable of stable and long-term mental concentration. The mind of this man, live-action, but at the same time and intermittent, relatively easy to cope with the most difficult problems. This symbol teachable. Prominence, success in business. (The Sun). Energy, happy projects help. Prominence, success in business, but the events of drifting. "Communication". Points to the person receiving the pleasure of communicating with other people. Type organizer. Sometimes wondered hidden factors in life. Organizer massive show. SATURN * 16 th degree of Libra. Neptune "From the big break in the earth upward gases. Many birds trying to fly over this place poisoned by toxic fumes and fall into the breach, and only one of them managed to fly over this place untouched." - Refers to a person who will repeatedly take risks, often exposing themselves to unnecessary risks. It should especially beware of nearby subtle and difficult to detect substances such as gases, poisons, etc., and he needs to constantly try to protect themselves from others trying to exert undue influence on him. Many of those who go along with him on a journey, will not reach the end of the road, unaware of the approaching danger, but such a person will feel and recognize them - let it listens to his feelings. It is a symbol of the Subtle Distinctions. Wanderlust, diligence and patience. (Chiron, Jupiter). Will, perseverance, YM active, traveling, great diligence, patience, perseverance, hard, cool character. Wanderlust. Suicide. "The law-abiding." Indicates a person located follow the laws and ordinances. Penchant for science and music. Anatomical correspondence - Renal artery. URANIUM * 2 nd degree of Sagittarius. Venus "Woman with a changed face rage, compresses the dagger in his hand." - Indicates lucky enough, but extremely passionate person who finds it difficult to control yourself and manage your energy. Because of this, it can make a lot of annoying errors. This person may be involved in various kinds of lawsuits and quarrels, or be tempted to act aggressively, or just threaten someone. After that, the best side of his character will gradually subside, and well, if they finally turn into its opposite because of the constant rudeness and misuse. It is a symbol of rebellion. Danger of injury. (Mercury). Degree astrologers. Degree murder. Aggressiveness. In the best case - discipline, the ability to win, especially in the military. In the worst-risk persecution. "Service". Indicates a person who seeks to help others in order to enrich their life experience. This degree can be a way - any way, related to the distance, telescopes, astronomy. Anatomical correspondence - Femur. * Connection: Aqraba (8 beta 1 Scorpio m 2.62) - Uranus (orb 0 ° 6'13 "), Help: triple star, dull purple and white in the head region of the Scorpion, often referred to as Frons Skorpi. Impact: According to Ptolemy, the nature of Mars and Saturn, the Al - Vidas reminds square Jupiter and Saturn, and Jupiter and the Moon. Traditionally it is believed that it gives the ability to research, especially in the study of hidden, internal, mysterious processes. This star brings wealth, honor, good, that the subject will be in a short time, the success achieved great efforts, promotes advancement. Riot, infectious diseases, disease disguised. Causes extreme hatred, callousness, cruelty and ferocity, criminal inclinations, theft, crime, honor, and infectious diseases. If dates: wealth and career, which is accompanied by danger, violence, trouble, sickness; profits short. In combination: With Uranus: work in the field of religion, science or philosophy, difficulties with relatives marriage partner, favorable for marriage and children, domestic problems that in the end, yet solved; trouble in childhood associated with parents, good for earnings and commercial transactions; losses in affairs which is ruled by Mercury, unhappiness from fire or electricity, absurd death. * Connection: Aqraba (8 beta 1 Scorpio m 2.62) - Uranus (orb 0 ° 6'13 "), Claw Scorpion. Gives cunning, deceit, hapuzhnichestvo, deceptions, propensity to violence against others. People did not respect the interests of others, loves to interfere in someone else's life, gossip, spoil the reputation. But this is a weak man, devoid of Command. This star is considered a classic star and poisoners poisoners. On the border VIII and XII houses, as well as in conjunction with the Moon - the person may fall victim to poisoning or deliberate attempt by other means. From such a man can come is the real evil. He never did forgive. At Asc - Avenger is on MS - power through crime. NEPTUNE * 26 th degree of Sagittarius. Venus "Two brightly dressed girls ride on a swing, in the center - a man in clown suit holding a glass of wine." - Refers to a person that attracts sports and entertainment, for whom bodily pleasures are the very essence of existence. It can self-indulgent, rushing into extremes, and, most likely, not just survive the ups and downs of life. The philosophy of this man is focused on the pursuit of happiness, and his mental talents will be directed to develop their own ideas. It is a symbol of pleasure. Passion for theater. (Chiron, Jupiter). Ease, eloquence, authority, many contacts and friends. Favors acquisitions. Luxury. "Harbinger". Indicates man ahead of his time, or walking ahead of others. Usually universal abilities. Anatomical correspondence - Bulge right thigh. PLUTO * 24 th degree of Libra. Mercury "Vortex scattering by air many sheets of paper." - Refers to a person who suffer from overconfidence, ignoring the details seem insignificant, but is actually just necessary to protect its vital interests, ground water is essential. He has good intelligence, and he is capable of useful mental activity, however, it may lose the fruits of their labor, and will suffer because of this. This symbol was trapped. Arrogance and hubris, leading to large errors. (Pluto). Degree of temptation. Haughtiness, arrogance, wounds, injuries. Rude, boorish character, overconfidence, sexual abnormalities, homosexuality. "Victorious". Indicates a man whose energy and faith in success is always decide in his favor. Splendid chance for success in the arts. Anatomical correspondence - vascular system of the renal cortex. * Connection: Arcturus (Alpha Bootes 16 m -0.04) - Pluto (orb -0 ° 41'41 "), Help: Golden-yellow star on his right knee Bootes. From Arcturos, "bear keeper." Other names: Arktofilaks ("keeping an eye on the bear"), Alhamet Azimov, other names associated with the lunar parking Al-Simak. By Balindzheru word translated as "He will come." The Egyptians called this star MMAP ("Lord") and Bau ("Coming"). Impact: According to Ptolemy, is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter; Vidas Al insists conjunction of Venus with Mercury. Promises wealth, honor, great glory, clear objectives, and progress in navigation due to travel. Gives man the power to achieve great success in life, but also the desire to establish justice by force. Also evident in the enterprise and vigor. Star promises long-term success, if present harmonious aspects. On the contrary, if there are critical aspects of this star, weaken favorable effect on the path to success will be a lot of noise. A man with such influence, being involved in the legal, legal disputes, risks losing everything. Under appropriate additional guidance horoscope can be expressed in sexual perversions. If dates: happiness, along with fears and concerns generated by their own recklessness. At the climax: a high state orders, higher salary authority. Simultaneous connection with the Sun, Moon or Jupiter: untold wealth and highest honors. * Connection: Arcturus (Alpha Bootes 16 m -0.04) - Pluto (orb -0 ° 41'41 "), Shepherd Bears. Gives enormous power and often not only physical. Manifested in trainers, healers, magicians. But in conjunction with Mars, Saturn, and on the border VIII House points out the dangers of natural disasters. With Venus and the moon - it is often attracted to the same sex (homosexuality) and other distortions (eg, bestiality), with the Sun - the perversion of the spirit (this star was Oscar Wilde). In principle, Arcturus can be considered an evil star, but in fact he is not evil and not good, and gives enormous strength, and hence the danger of being crushed by this force. Arcturus admits cowardice. Once a person has cold feet, it piled all the adversity. Arcturus man confronts the problem in any case go to the end, or it will be crushed. IX on the border of the house gives a craving for sea travel, or a tendency to very large business. At Asc - romanticism. At a higher level, and allows us to take Arcturus assimilate very distant traditions and teachings. Impact: Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Sun, Pluto, Moon, Pluto. Rahu * 14 th degree of Cancer Mars "Crab, climbing on a vertical steel harpoon, above it - the ring of seven stars." - Refers to a person who, completely undeterred by the fact that encounters resistance, obstacles and difficulties through their own efforts gain influence and take an important and responsible position in his chosen field. His iron will is oriented toward the elusive goal and a man realizes his dignity and wins. This symbol Invincibility. Happy youth, fast career. (Saturn). Degree of nobility, intelligence, good breeding. Degree of fertility. Some weakness. Avoiding acute situations. Soft nature, but with a vicious way of life. With active horoscope gives violent youth with subsequent fall. When the severity of the air disaster and signs of the cross can give mobile propensity to theft scam. In the best case - jewelers. When expressed signs Leo, Taurus and Sagittarius - wealth. "Mobility". Emotional, restless people, usually with great ability, but there are misunderstandings in the family. Calling in the field of religion, insurance or work with liquid substances. Anatomical correspondence - the abdominal wall. * Connection: Canopus (alpha Carinae m -0.72) - Rahu (orb 0 ° 15'49 "), Reference: White Star, located on one of the oars of the ship Argo. Named in honor of Canopus, who commanded the army of Menelaus and died from a snake bite in Egypt, where he went after the fall of Troy. Impact: According to Ptolemy, is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter, the Al-Vidas - Moon and Mars. Piety, conservatism, along with a broad outlook, travel, work in the field of education, frequent changes - then the better it is for the worse. Gives trouble spirit craving for displacement, longing, nostalgia, often at home. The complex of the prodigal son, seduction, churning way. Born under the influence of this star may hold its energy constructively if it is serious and insightful. If Saturn and Jupiter have a good position in the map, then this star evokes harmony and strength of spirit. At the climax: brings fame, popularity and wealth, high social status and prestige, acquired with the help of an elderly priest or another influential person. In combination: With Venus: Promotes sensibility and emotion, you are capable of strong feelings, but know how to hide it. If common sense does not prevail over emotions, you can be drawn into the intrigue or confusing situations that are difficult to resolve. Possible problems in the home. Sensitivity, sensuality, stubbornness, violent passions; scandal because of intrigue, in which reputation suffers; public shame, lack of profit. With Mars: generates the desire for hard work, achievement of goals. But may be a tendency to irritability, which badly affects the ability to sound judgment. You may suffer from your imaginary grievances. Perhaps the development of latent disease. Steep, peevish temper, envy, jealousy. * Connection: Sirius (alpha Canis 9 m -1.46) - Rahu (orb -0 ° 36'20 "), Reference: Double, bright white and yellow star, located in the area to graze Canis Major. From the word "Seirious", which means "glittering" and "hot", some authors believe that "Sirius" - derived from the name of the Egyptian god Osiris. Egyptians themselves called this one and the star Sothis, based on observations it was a unique calendar. Chinese it was known as Qin Lan - "Heavenly Wolf", they thought that it was too bright glow heralds thieving raids. Impact: According to Ptolemy, is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars, Al Vidas says the Moon, Jupiter and Mars. A symbol of spirituality and mystical assistance. Under favorable compounds promises fame, honors, riches. Brings honor, glory, prosperity, passion, dedication, devotion, anger, under its influence are born curator, supervisors and caretaker. People at risk to die from dog bites. For other relevant indicators horoscope is deadly poisoning. At the climax: a high rank in the service of the government, significant earnings and good reputation. Connect: With Venus: the charm of manners and forms of appearance, you often prefer tranquility, comfort, convenience and coziness, not career advancement, spoiled, extravagance inheritance. With Mars: forms hard work and the love of power, ambition can lead to unpleasant consequences, including assassinations. Chance of family problems. Courage, generosity, success on the battlefield, the work may be associated with metals. * Connection: Canopus (alpha Carinae m -0.72) - Rahu (orb 0 ° 15'49 "), Alpha Carinae (Ship Argo). Gives trouble spirit craving for displacement, longing, nostalgia, often at home. The complex of the prodigal son, seduction, churning way. Impact: Jupiter, Moon, Neptune. * Connection: Sirius (alpha Canis 9 m -1.46) - Rahu (orb -0 ° 36'20 "), As a symbol of the spiritual and mystical assistance gives supreme authority and spiritual support. Combines the qualities of Mars and Jupiter. Since time immemorial, it was considered the "king", but also aggressive. Under favorable compounds promises fame, honors, riches. On the Ascendant and in conjunction with Mars, Sirius can be quite dangerous. Too ambitious aspirations often lead to dangerous obstacles and even attempts at life. In keeping with tradition, Sirius, if he is in the 8th house, can give a "glorious" death with honor and respect for the deceased. In good aspect to Mars and Jupiter and near Meridian, promises great wealth luck in business or in the affairs of government. In such a situation the star most good for the military, lawyers, civil servants. Sirius in conjunction with the sun and having a favorable position in the horoscope, we often find in the horoscopes of the most famous and became famous people. Perhaps the growth of social position was possible thanks to the patronage of influential people. * Connection: Canopus (alpha Carinae m -0.72) - Rahu (orb 0 ° 15'49 "), This star has received this name since ancient thought that they see the sky ship and believed that it would be prudent to carry it to Canopus, the ancient Egyptian God, patron of sailors and travelers. This star combines energy attributed to Jupiter and Saturn. Elzbet Ebertin recorded several cases of people who were born in early July between 5.00 and 6.00 am, a lot of traveling by sea. When connecting to a bad standing Saturn shows a tendency to depression and suicide. However, if Saturn and Jupiter have a good position in the map, the star power of harmony and awakens the spirit. According to tradition, on the Ascendant Canopus gives love to travel, but also provokes controversy and scandals, often ending litigation. However, born under the influence of this star may spend her energy constructively if it is serious and insightful. Connection with Canopus several times observed in the horoscopes of writers and film actors, especially those in connection with their public position repeatedly undertook the journey. Emil Jannings actor have Canopus was in conjunction with Venus, the same configuration was Leo Slezak. At Maria Schell Canopus was in conjunction with Pluto and in opposition to the Sun, the writer H.Ponteka Canopus was connected with Pluto to midpoint Venus / Jupiter. I spy Mata Hari in the horoscope of the star is connected with Venus - Jupiter / Saturn - Saturn / MS. In the natal map Ingrid Bergman unpleasant cases related to marriage, most likely reflected in conjunction Saturn - Moon / Mars. On the other hand, the connection with the Sun Canopus had Communist Clara Zetkin, a conjunction of the Moon - the writer Hermann Hesse, in conjunction with Mercury, the psychologist, Professor. G.K.Yunga. Ketu * 14 th degree Capricorn. Venus "Woman in a fabric store, on the table - many dresses, none of which does not please her." - Refers to a person, which is not easy to please and often do not consider the feelings of others. Not to say that such a person lacks taste, but he allows himself to be led by different impulses and desires, and that's why it's so hard to stand firm. He must constantly try to keep everything good and develop their best qualities. It is a symbol of dissatisfaction. Irritability and quarrelsome disposition. (Mercury). Degree of infertility. Strife, intolerance, the irritability. Scandals, fights, injuries. Danger prison. In the best case gives elevation, organizational skills, ability to concentrate. "Concerned." Indicates a person anxious welfare of others. Usually tries to contribute to any improvement. Good degree to work with children who have one problem or another. Anatomical line - right knee cartilage. * Connection: Vega (Alpha Lyrae 3 m 0.03) - Ketu (orb 0 ° 38'15 "), Help: pale sapphire star, located in the lower part of Lyra. The name comes from the Al Waki - "Falling", in the Middle Ages was known as Vultur Cadens - "Falling Gryphon", ie vulture. Often incorrectly spelled Vega. Impact: According to Ptolemy, the nature of Venus and Mercury; Vidas Al says about Saturn in trine with Jupiter in earth signs - especially, Capricorn and Taurus. The Babylonians called Vega "star Queen of life." In a good space configuration Vega gives artistic talent, especially musical and acting skills, but also a craving for pleasure. Such eccentric bohemian nature can lead a dissolute and promiscuous life, if there is other evidence in the map. Vega with appropriate aspectation can be found in Nativities statesmen and politicians, personalities, who played a great role in history. Virtue, a craving for the ideal; optimism, sophistication, impermanence, a man serious, sober, even though it looks and sometimes zaznaykoy Gulen. Connect: With Venus: These people may be too harsh, even callous or indifferent towards friends and colleagues. Sometimes they experience excitement, sometimes seem dishonest towards others. They do not like to expose his feelings show. Negative card holder can be argumentative, be in poor health, ugliness. With Mars: It is human nature inner courage - he is ready to either get their way or die. It can hold unpopular ideas, political, religious. Some of these people can be cruel in their comments or conversations, they are characterized by perfect insensibility. If not careful, possible dangerous situations. Things science unpopular views, moral courage, profit. * Connection: Vega (Alpha Lyrae 3 m 0.03) - Ketu (orb 0 ° 38'15 "), Vega promises a lot of luck, but luck far, gives the pursuit of happiness. Star surprises, random luck, adventurous, unplanned elevations shine. People with Vega can not be attached to the fruits of action, otherwise leave them luck. Rising on Asc Vega gives loneliness, rejection, with the moon - demonic. Fortune is sure to be, but it is elusive. Once a person feels calm, leaving him luck. Once everything is bad, wake up the spirit or anxiety will come suffering, come again luck will drive. On another, higher level Vega - is the star of magic, mystical purposes, idealism and this gives full support and patronage. Through it, people prophesy, it carries an excellent information. The Chinese and the Arabs called it Turtle. In a healing astro star in the horoscopes of healers. People who have it in their horoscopes in a weaker form, brings healing from severe illnesses. LILITH * 26 th degree of Sagittarius. Venus "Two brightly dressed girls ride on a swing, in the center - a man in clown suit holding a glass of wine." - Refers to a person that attracts sports and entertainment, for whom bodily pleasures are the very essence of existence. It can self-indulgent, rushing into extremes, and, most likely, not just survive the ups and downs of life. The philosophy of this man is focused on the pursuit of happiness, and his mental talents will be directed to develop their own ideas. It is a symbol of pleasure. Passion for theater. (Chiron, Jupiter). Ease, eloquence, authority, many contacts and friends. Favors acquisitions. Luxury. "Harbinger". Indicates man ahead of his time, or walking ahead of others. Usually universal abilities. Anatomical correspondence - Bulge right thigh. ------------------------------------ If the blood of the third group, while changing the time and degree of the Moon. Astrological personality description Kiran May 19, 1982 3:06:45 (GMT +05:34:42) Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, India (18N12 83 ° 40'30 "E) MOON * 30 th degree of Pisces. Uranus "A man with difficulty walking on rough road, dragging a pile of heavy chains. Surrounding aimlessly idle harnessed to a cart horse." - Refers to a person who is engaged in meaningless work, entangling themselves with chains as their own initiatives. This person has a lot of unique ideas, thoughts, fantasies and quirks - harmonizing and controlling them, while developing observation, he can come to understand the most important laws and discover the gates located at the beginning of the path of perfection - the way is the opposite of selfishness rough road and materialism, along which the majority of people in this world, all the time, competing with each other as long as the end of their earthly time. It is a symbol of ignorance. Vanity, selfishness, sensuality. (Neptune). Degree astrologers. Self-centeredness, vanity, pride, self-confidence. Living in comfort, a sense of mind wins, self-aggrandizement. Spontaneously arising popularity. "Victorious". Indicates a person whose work and ideas lead to triumph, they are true or not. Their main property - boggle the imagination of others, so that they are developed. Science fiction writers and journalists. Anatomical correspondence - Nails left foot.

  13. Kieran. Your code fate at birth indicates the danger of premature death, the journey to a foreign country and an increase in income. Thanks to this trip. But then you have a confrontation with the enemy, the acquisition of property, then the loss of animals and crops. After that, you increase happiness, the increase of wealth and purchasing vehicles. You will have children. But apparently, daughter and son. Then the next stage of life takes you all that you have acquired in a foreign country and you have conflicts with siblings. Apparently divorce and you marry again, and you will have over your wife again and she will give birth to a child you. Just you have to have two children, although horoscope predicts more. The house where your mom was giving birth to during the month, should be in the western part of the city. But the hospital in the East regarding this home. You have a family 4 brothers and sisters. The difference in years with a senior or younger brother or sister is 4 years or so. Apparently you in my life worked in a real estate or trade of dairy products, with their relatives? You changed a lot of property and constantly moving from one place to another. You left the place of his birth before 14 years of performance you. Probably was the emigration abroad. In London, you live with the first decade of February, May, or month. In your life you have to make a pilgrimage. Do you, or have one of your wives, the father of a child left his family and stripped the family's livelihood. You have a third negative blood group. But if I'm wrong in the planet representing your destination, then you can have one and group levels. You have stomach problems and poor eyesight. From 17.12.2013 - 11.11.2014 you move to another country, or another UK city in search of work, and maybe leave with a very British. If I made a rectification of your chart, then so be it, says your horoscope.

  14. Hi.

    Why do it at all purchase if you do not go during Ketu?



    If you have a father did not die during the Jupiter, then your horoscope is a fraud. After all, 10 House says his father's death it was during his steward. I already know that you are looking at reality. And the reality, matter, illusion and deception are synonymous. So, do not waste your money and do not worship false gods.

  15. Kiran. At this time and day , your first home is empty. And it should always be in your destination planet . After all, out of nowhere , even the weeds are not growing. In the first house God always throws the seed of your Soul .We say, " Listen woman and do the opposite." This is an allegory of what the woman God always gives the illusion . So , the fact that it takes for your birth is nonsense astral demons in the fate of your mother . It's time to accept the truth , and not the actual time of the birth of Truth.At this time you do not have the birth of a boy to coordinate your city.

  16. Population levels of development (median sevenfold world) that you call Earth?



    In the Vedas, the man who gave the Indians as knowledge, it is written that the land there is 4 320 000 years. It is an allegory of the cycle of rebirth in the soul of matter in terms of years, in our perception of time, which laid down that level of development. No land. Like the planets, it's just bundles of energy that make up the individual soul. Take the two hemispheres of the earth map and break them down into 360 squares. Drop ¾ of the total number of squares attributable to the seas and oceans, where consciousness is born, only on ships and on the islands. Remain approximately 144 blocks are unchanged horoscope birth. Beyond the limit of each square (by Dante Inferno is the individual soul of each of the dual mind - destiny's Why the pyramid has a base of Hell - home of the quadrant and spiritual growth - home of the triad) already has other codes fate. According to the number of squares on society (country, determine the number of shower with belonging to a particular society. India less than China, Russia and China is less, then the truth of a Russian born more of these individuals than in China together with India. But the material (real statistics which is lying all the time, as the world perceives a false image, and does not know that the number of these that have soul come into this world for a day, only 72 souls, one from each demigod, which are placed in ascending order, by Jacob's ladder (the spiritual ladder development - regeneration of the soul .) All that goes beyond the limits of the truth is not present. This is just a dummy. Images without souls who are extras in the film God to fill the emptiness of your narrow mind that ye may learn to expand it. (Carlos Castaneda, the third volume - "Journey to Ixtlan: " Most everyone in the world is born of the Jews, whom God has not given even their land and which cuts the foreskin to this lowest form of slaves could reproduce , because they do not potsik zaluplyaetsya . a Gypsy released from the cemeteries that have been won their ghetto India Arabs - Semites , where those from the birth of the world were eating the corpses of the righteous Hindus. They were sort sweepers society. yet many expats around the world , the fate of which is also given lower nekastovym species, having a restless mind , and for this reason, their mind wanders all over the world as that of the Jews and the Gypsies - cannibals. 's all spelled out in the code of their destiny and code Jew always points to the matriarch. When God gives you knowledge of this Ayanamsa , you 'll be able to see it in the exact birth horoscope of every one who was born of a father or from the mother, or fraternal community, and who from the worlds of free people. After all, God does not give you the gift of the knowledge of the books through people's understanding of the constellations - Nakshatra. Where there is some demonic, the other of the earth, and still others Deva. But if Rh negative blood factor in Deva was born in Nakshatra, it is said that this individual came into the world on one incarnation of heaven, hell. All of them can be found on the forums of astrology. As the interest in the esoteric to the nature of fate and ownership of other people's consciousness and energy of these vampires are very strong. I checked on my own experience, having built many of the True horoscopes for those astrologers of obscurantism, which is not knowledge, and simple stupidity of their minds in the Internet gave their real date of birth, and the names of cities and small towns in which they were born. A bit of societies. Cook cannibals ate the Hawaiian Islands, because the islands are born cannibals. After all, their God has limited space, so they are not eaten by Asura on the continents. Japanese samurai have the motto: "Kill the enemy, carve his liver, cook sushi and eat it." Continental cannibals in Africa have a different motto: "The best hunting is hunting for a man.  " Chinese cannibals I do not know the motto. But I know that Mughal (the Great) , the Slavs they built the Great Wall of China . But history, science fraud custom has always been. She called the Chinese wall and attributed all the laurels of its great building, to those from whom it was built as a defensive structure. Take, upload photos of the wall and the direction of light and shadow define the South, and then note that the defensive system of the wall in places where it runs parallel to China has a one-sided defense system, facing the South. Why Chinese cannibals to build such a structure against themselves??? Absurd. And all because the mind does not know how to think and miss such simple stuff. If you imagine that on the day the law of truth comes into these world only 72 showers a day, and this number is only triggered Code of birth, then multiplying by 365 days, you will get 256280 Shower. And then multiply by the average life expectancy - 50 years. For the world collapses and life is shortened. Generation 80 laid just over 30-40 years of longevity. You get a number = 1 314 000 Shower. Here's to you and all your people are shaped planet Earth. All who just can gather together?  And your billions, it started up dust in your eyes Maya through your body is not perfect false perception of the world (the mind and women do not even mind having, through the woman's emotion). 

    I wish all future astrologers. Who call themselves professionals quickly learn to think and not be tied to material gain which gives only the matter. But God does not give the material to the demon of the mind knowledge of the Truth. And astrology to such knowledge and concerns .

  17. Moon in the horoscope at the time of the true birth.

    In true natal Moon always points to the coordinate of the hospital and the city, relative to the entire chart, where there is a real birth relative to the house where his mother was the last lunar month before the actual birth. Moon eats attribute of the mind, illusions and mother. If all were born on the real -time in hospitals, then we would all be sick , and since this does not happen, then the actual time of birth nonsense implying mind, which is the farthest from the subtle energy of the Soul. Man is born of the Spirit. Because the Spirit is alive. A demon of the material mind is born from the mind. Do not confuse the man and his rebirth with a state of mind. The soul, the mind and the actual birth, it is an intermediate stage of development of the species in the cycle of regeneration energy of God , which is in the matter of rebuilding its eternity. This is the principle of being of this world. Moon in the true nativity should always be connected with the planet, which complements the state of the soul and reveals our thoughts. So the fate of the city of birth chosen for a reason. it binds to and complements the karma. Oh man, how about the Spirit of the Living well described in the Gospel of Thomas in the slayings of number 118. There also an allegory, a woman cannot be a man and therefore it is not born of no one in this world. Birth is fast, the speed of light. All the worlds of your image is also happening at a speed of light, faster than your mind. Because the real conception of how you incorporated the concept of a 9 months earlier. Everything is relative to the material worlds. Just as you materialize in the image and materialize the world, every day when you get out of the deep unconscious sleep. After all, the mind is overheated in the matter and do not let it cool down, you 6 days later , the image of your body dies, or " go crazy ". Usually, there comes a physical death. Only one does not think living longer, and he does not think his mind is not overheating. So, what's a woman, it's just a shape attribute of matter. From it are born only images of her personal life, like you’re on your mind. The woman is not always a man. It cannot become one. It is not a man reborn. In the Gospel of Thomas, this time specified in the utterance number 118. For this simple reason, women are not allowed to teach, as well as Jew and forbidden to engage in the more esoteric sciences. Woman emotional level of the mind and it is not even present mind. Her case is to serve man, to be reborn into a man.


    The Gospel of Thomas: 


    The adage number 118.


    Simon Peter said to them: Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.


    Jesus said,:  Behold, I will send it in order to make her male, so that she also became a living spirit, like you men. For every woman who will be the male will enter the kingdom of heaven (or woman, or even a demon crazy man cannot get enlightenment until you work out the cycle of rebirth of this world). 


    Born in the hospital, and this figure is in the horoscope of birth, only those who have a mother was on keeping before birth and held in Gynecology last month before delivery to save the fetus. Only in these cards are expressed problems with the health of the child and the fate of the code always points to the expressed childhood diseases. 

    The soul is divine and fixed, it is always at his true birth, in the plane of the world will mix only your consciousness, which is also born at the point of arrival of the Soul , at a time when it is in the matter ( in seven shells in building awareness in all the harmonics of your planet destination in the first house ) . To build the correct horoscope and were invented by God harmonics. They complement your horoscope and give a chance to read it for different events that are ahead, even if the creation of the worlds, God painted as your fate. We are working on the next one and give it to the fate of going back, but instead we get the fate of going ahead. It's running with a relay race in track and field.

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