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Posts posted by qawsed

  1. I found this Article while doing extensive research. It will be helpful.


    Astrological Combinations for Medical Profession

    (Excerpt from the Article published in Vedic Astrology Magazine Mar-Apr 1997)

    - Dr. K.S.Charak MS(Surgery), FRCS (UK)

    “From inability to leave well alone;

    From too much zeal for what is new and

    contempt for what is old;

    From putting knowledge before wisdom,

    Science before art, cleverness before

    Common sense;

    From treating patients as cases; and

    From making the cure of a disease more

    Grievous than its endurance;

    Good Lord, deliver us”.

    The above Medical Litany holds true alike for the practitioners of medicine and astrology. What is more, it assumes certain aspects or features that are inherent to the process concerned with the making of a medical man of today. The same features can be appropriately elaborated for application of astrological principles to horoscopes in order to justify a medical career or forecast it in the chart of a medical aspirant.

    The prayer incorporates a deep sentiment of humanism and virtue, stressing at the same time wisdom no less than knowledge, art no less the science, common sense no less than cleverness. It lays a deep faith in a benevolent Lord who is besought to ‘deliver’ the implorer from numerous pitfalls mentioned herein. Considering this, the astrologically inclined would immediately look for a dominant role for the benign Jupier in the charts of Medical men.

    While there is a desire to do good, there is also a hint that one could possess a “inability to leave well alone” or be capable of “making the cure of a disease more grievous than its endurance”. These apparently negative abilities are essential to anyone who undertakes to understand and treat ailments. It is by mastering this knowledge of what hurts, and what does not, does the medical practitioner acquire the skill of relieving pain and disease. It is here that the role of an afflicted Moon, or an afflicted Fifth House or Fifth Lord assumes significance by providing the skill to “poison” even if with the aim to save.

    As in medicine, so in astrology one has to proceed from classical principles, without ‘contempt for what is old” and apply these in the modern context, in a balanced manner, after testing them in several charts, without “too much zeal for what is new”. This process involves the acquisition of modern, scientific/technical knowledge under the influence of the technical planets, Mars, Saturn and Rahu. And this knowledge attained through the Fifth House of learning, has to be put to use through the Tenth House of Karma. The application and utility of this knowledge is for the patient. It is here that the Twelfth house concerned with hospitals and beds assume significance.

    In a nutshell, the general astrological principles involved in the making of a doctor should consider the following:


    1. The Fifth house - depicting education
    2. The Tenth house - depicting Karma or profession
    3. The Twelfth house - depicting hospitals and beds
    4. The technical Planets - Mars, Saturn and Rahu
    5. An afflicted Moon, Fifth House, Fifth Lord - giving an ability to poison, in the modern context, the use of drugs/medicines.
    6. A dominant role of Jupiter on the Lagna (Ascendant), the Fifth, Tenth, the Moon, the Tenth House from the Moon, to make the whole affair humane, mature and benevolent.
    Comments by Raj Rao

    The author a unique combination of a great Surgeon and a renowned Astrologer, offers us deep astrological insight into professions in general and Medical Profession in particular. He provides detailed examples of twenty cases of Medical Professionals.

    For the lay reader, lets simplify the article and provide you with an instant tool to see if you (or somebody you know) has an inclination towards the Medical Profession.

    The foremost requirement is a humane approach to life and people. This is only possible if the Lagna (Ascendant or First House) that represents the self, body and persona is influenced by the most benevolent planet Jupiter. This planet is also represents the healing energy or Ayur Vidya.

    It is necessary for the interests of Fifth House, Tenth House and Twelfth House (education, profession and hospitals) to converge to create a medical profession.

    In addition to the above, the timing of entering the profession, significant changes to the profession are indicated through the study of astrological epochs called Dashas.


    Do you think i fit the criteria ?. My details:

    April 2 1987


    Time zone: 5:30 ( East of GMT)

    Shirpur, India ( 74 E 53 00, 21 N 21 00 )

  2. Dear gurujis,

    i am currently running through a very rough period of my life...mainly education wise..im trying to get into medical school but seems unlucky so far..i think i am running rahu dasa..could you please provide some remedies and provide information on my future education

    i want to become a doctor..will i be successful in it, is it the right line ?

    thank you

    My details are..

    April 2, 1987

    Time: 11:08:00 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 74 E 53' 00", 21 N 21' 00"

    Shirpur, India

  3. I did not know about sade sati and its affect, because now i have come to learn about it and i am running 1st phase sade sati ( currently in fourth place dhaiya) which ends in oct/9/2009...can anyone please suggest remedies..only few more months until 1st phase is over but 2nd cycle will come in 2027..can anyone please suggest remedies to reduce its affect


    these are my details:


    April 2, 1987

    Time: 11:08:00 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 74 E 53' 00", 21 N 21' 00"

    Shirpur, India

    Mahakala Hora: Sun

    Kaala Lord: Mars


    Lagna: Scorpio in jyestha nakshatra

    Sun: PI Revati nak

    Moon: TA Krit Nak

    Mars: TA Krit Nak

    Mercury (AMK): AQ PBha nak

    Jupiter(MK): PI UBha nak

    Venus: AQ Sata nak

    Saturn®(AK) Sc Jyes nak

    Rahu PI Reva nak

    Ketu: Vi Hast nak

    I hope this is enough, let me know if anyone needs more.

    thank you very much, i am waiting for your reply.

  4. I agree there were rough times during college education.

    Scorpio lagna, and Sun, Jupiter and Rahu in 5H is correct.

    Does the Debility of Sun and Saturn in D-24 having any affect on my education or is that a good thing ?. i was thinking it was due to the sun debility in 2nd house in siddhamsa.

    And this is something i am very sure, i have read it in many books and astrologers site that 4H ( primary education), 2H ( Masters), 9H( Bachelors/college) and 7H( Phd/doctorate)...

    So now looking at the chart with this information, do i have Masters or Doctorate education ?

  5. Thanks amteur for your time and reply. I do want to correct few things and I hope someone learned and expert in astrology here will help me out.


    Year 2004-2006 was no problem, infact, they were great years in terms of educational achievements.


    If jupiter is combusted, that's a good thing right ?. It is also the lord of 4th house( formal education) and 7th house( doctorate degree) situated in the 10th house....I am not an expert either, just beginner and learning it as a hobby.

  6. i want to get into medical education..but don't know why it seems unlucky so far..can someone analysis my chart and tell me some remedies and throw light on higher education..


    My birth Details:

    April 2, 1987

    Time: 11:08:00 pm

    Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

    Place: 74 E 53' 00", 21 N 21' 00"

    Shirpur, India


    This is my D-24(siddhamsa)

    Lagna Vi Chit nakshatra

    Sun Li chit nak

    Moon AQ Sata nak

    Mars Li Swat nak

    Mercury Cp Srav nak

    jupiter Ge Mrig nak

    venus Ta mrig nak

    Saturn Ar krit nak

    Rahu Vi Hasta nak

    ketu Vi hasta nak


    if need more info, let me know. please help, thank you.

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