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Posts posted by raghavendra83

  1. Hi,

    Thanks a lot for your reply :)

    If possible can you comment on my marriage prospects and life in general.

    As I have read, Sani in 9th house (Exalted) and Guru in 10th house (both retrograde) should give very good results, but till now I haven't experienced anything of that sort.

    Thanks once again.



    I think you should be able to get into research in the long run, but in the short run I don't find any positive gochar or dasha that will get you your coveted job. The association of 5th lord with 10th (Mercury and Mars), along with Mars 7th from its own house, and the position of Rahu in 5th indicate a career in research.


    If you are hurting financially, you could take up a job, and then try for research later on.

  2. I finished my master's in 2007, and from then I have been trying for a seat in a research institute and am not successful in that. Left many job offers in the process. Now working as an assistant and still trying for the seat.

    Does my horoscope reflect making it big in research or should I leave the struggle and join a job? :confused:

    My parents are also worried about my marriage....


    One more doubt is

    Some people see the horoscope with Lagna as House 1 & some with Chandra as House 1.

    Which is more accurate or can anyone explain me the difference?


    DOB : 8th June 1983 Time: 23:22

    Place: Bangalore


    Thanks a lot for the time.

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