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Posts posted by nb011982

  1. <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->hello webyogi ji


    I know that my ketu mahadasha will start soon what all upays can i do for it. will it be benefic one for me or malefic one. there are couple of problems crowded in my life i would like to know how will it affect my career and married life. I am really concerned that its going to be there for 7 years.

    I have been told that it brings sickness and other form of troubles with it. Moreover its gud for my souse too as I can already see its reflection on my husbands job.please recommend some upays.




    my dob:-29/1/1982

    time:- 23:22 hrs






    namaskar guru ji,



    I know that my ketu mahadasha will start soon what all upays can i do for it. will it be benefic one for me or malefic one. there are couple of problems crowded in my life i would like to know how will it affect my career and married life.


    please recommend some upays.

    my dob:-29/1/1982

    time:- 23:22 hrs


    currently in US



  3. namaskar guru ji,



    I know that my ketu mahadasha will start soon what all upays can i do for it. will it be benefic one for me or malefic one. there are couple of problems crowded in my life i would like to know how will it affect my career and married life.


    please recommend some upays.

    my dob:-29/1/1982

    time:- 23:22 hrs


    currently in US



  4. jai shri ganesh,


    i would like to know how will be 2009 for me from as aspect of career and married life. currently i am working but the job is not going smooth. there is always as exchange of arguement with my spouse. its been almost 4 years since we got married but the life is not as smooth it should have been.


    please recommend some upays.

    my dob:-29/1/1982

    time:- 23:22 hrs




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