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Kavine das

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Posts posted by Kavine das

  1. The Lord's blessings to you all:

    I am looking for the correct sanskrit wording for the chant:

    om ahamaja


    aham prajnata

    aham aprajnata

    aham om


    I have been told about this mantra before, and so I hope my memory doesn't fail in its correct wording. If correction in wording need be made, fine -- if not, that too is fine; but I am curious for the meaning. If there is scriptural citation that would be even better.


    Thank you and God bless,


    Kavine das

  2. The Lord's blessings to you all:


    I am looking for the correct sanskrit wording for the chant:


    om ahamaja


    aham prajnata

    aham aprajnata

    aham om


    Any and all suggestions and/or directions will be gladly receeived.


    God bless,


    Kavine das

  3. The Lord's blessings to you all:


    How do I go about looking for a guru? I live in Southern California (don't desire to give out specific address), so where might I find a guru? Also, I was told that one (such as an aspirant) can have a guru without completely giving up a 'householder's' life: Is this true?


    Peace to you all,


    Kavine das

  4. The Lord bless you all,


    I am just curious here, but why are people who follow Advaita Vedanta asuras [demons/filled with illusion/maya drunk]? Also, if one, say, follows Christianity, and another follows, say, Judaism, and yet, another follows Vishnu, and another Siva, how can anyone (and all of us short of the All-knowing Lord) say that his or her (as followers) religion/faith is the correct one? I am asking sincerely -- I am not trying to say one belief is higher or lower than another. Besides, I have found much help in my own life with much of what people have said in this forum. Nonetheless, if I follow Vishnu I will probably back my belief up with Vishnu scriptures, a Siavite Siva scriptures, a Christian Christian scriptures; so I guess my question is how can anyone determine through written word (scripture) what belief is the higher. I personally do not beleive that any one faith is higher or lower, or that any one faith can assimulate or absorb another faith simply to quell the argument with "they [meaning all faiths] simply flow back to 'my right' faith"? How are we to determine what written word is higher than another's? After all, with such arguments it just seems to go on, and on, and on off of who wrote what and how that dominates another's who-wrote-what.


    With the Lord's blessings to you all,

    Kavine das

  5. Blessings to all:


    I have another question: I chant at my temple, and at home, but every time my legs fall asleep. To me it is a distraction. I try to ignore it, but it ends up killing my legs. I do have poor circulation (it runs in my family). I am curious as to what I might do in order to prevent or stave off such occurances -- what should I do?. I've tried all the pillows, standing, stretching, etc. before chanting.


    Kavine das

  6. Dear gokulkr:


    I have been looking on this site for some help, and although I'm sure those who tried to help did their best as such. Hopefully you can help me:


    I am looking for the line (in Scriptures):


    "Narasimha is the One who is before all others"


    I am not sure if it is in the Bhagavatam Puranas, the Narasimha Upanishads, etc., but you seem to know about this stuff (judging from what I have read). I would like to know the passage, and the Sanskrit wording, please.


    God bless,


    Kavine das

  7. Dear saranya.27:


    I am new here to this site. However, I find that what you speak of is very striking. That is, such questions -- especially in this day in age -- are hardly ever addressed. Thank you for sharing.


    I myself suffered physical, mental, and emotional abuse (as well as my other five siblings) from the hands of my own mother. This is not the sole thing that happened to where things, to a drastic level, dropped my heart into utter tears and pain and anguish. When I was ten my parents divorced with even more abuse occuring after the fact. By the time I turned forteen I ran away. From this point in my life I was snatched up by the System and thrown over to the State because my father simply found the right time and place to discard me. As I said earlier, this was the sole thing that dropped my heart.


    I was raised a Lutheren (though I would not identify myself as such today; although this is not for anything the Lutherens have done -- or any religious person for that matter), and I was very fervant in my religious beliefs. This soon fell apart because of the simple problem of 'If God is all-powerful, -knowing, and -loving why did I suffer what I did in the past and continue to suffer now?' issue.


    Now, I will be forth coming: Although I am new on this site I have read throughout a lot (not all) "threads" on discussions of God. Some people have their way, others their own. Some seem very bent on making sure that their God is better, greater, etc. Obviously I must stress that not everyone here is like that nor in the walking real world. I say all this because what I would like to say to you (as I hope that it is only comforting to you) might be ripped to shreds by this or that person on here because it either conflicts with their view or whatever. Either way, here is what I hope gives you some consolation:


    God not only gave us the world around us, a heart in which to have faith, and a path in which pertains to the particular devotee's neccessity, the Lord gave us Reason. Although even through reasoning we still cannot utterly define and say what God is (as this would be a contradiction in terms), the Lord gave us this function, or faculty shall I say. If we come to the conclusion that God is all three of the attributes mentioned above, we then have to ask ourselves what we mean by All-knowing, -powerful, and -loving. Pick away at these definitions in which a definition surfaces. They simply cannot be found at its root progeny, and so the fight within ourselves to reconcile all three in God collapses. From here what should we do? What can we do? Full surrender to the Lord gives us the faith in which we can pass through the obstacles of what we know and what we cannot know. In a fit of anger the eyes can only see through the lens of anger. When after we are calm we see that what made us angry, etc. perhaps wasn't that great of a deal to give birth to such dominating anger. What then occured? This we see, hopefully, is merely the Lord's lila. For if the Lord has made all, and all cannot be without the Lord, we see that our previous definitions are relative to the experiances in which we have experianced them. That is, what we deem "good" is relative, what we deem "bad" is also relative. How then can we grab the Lord by the collar and drag Him down to our relative definitions: The Lord is Absolute. This at most (at least in the beginning) is intellectually consoling; however, the pain persists in our hearts and mind (memory). This is where the work of faith comes into play. How many of us have, and how many of us desire that work be minimal? Pretty much all of us. Swami Vivekananda says, "The fire that can burn a baby to death is the same fire that can cook a meal for a hungry man on the street". He also says that all the things we see before us are "a difference in degree, not kind". Therefore, throw all your questions, fears, pangs, and tears to the Lord. The Lord will answer us. He will give us the eyes in which to see the pain and suffering, and the joy and happiness, and that they are merely illusion. All religious texts are riddled with stories of faithful devotees crying out unto the Lord for relief and understanding. Psalm 22 is a good example. I follow Sri Narasimha: Prahladha suffered from the hands of his very father. The Lord protected Prahladha -- in the Lord's due time.


    If I was unclear about the above or if what I wrote was to no help at all I apologize. Hopefully the Lord will answer your prayers soon, and bring you the relief you so deservingly desire.


    If you like or love poetry, I suggest you read "The Hound of Heaven" by Francis Thompson.


    God bless you and keep you,


    Kavine das

  8. Dear webyogi:


    I am new here. I tried getting an answer to a question in another "thread" (I guess that's what it's called here). The question is this:


    I am looking for Sanskrit scriptural text on Sri Narasimha (be it Srimad Bhagavatum Purana, Narasimha Upanishad, etc.) for the following line:


    "Narasimha is the One who is before all others".


    I hope you can help me as I was unable to find anything on the internet (in general) that could help.


    God bless...

  9. The Lord's blessings to you all.


    Thank you for the response. However, I was looking for the particular passage(s) (be it Bhagavatam Purana, Narasimha Upanishad, etc.).


    I'm not sure if I am posting this question as an actual "post" rather than a "response". I just joined today so please forgive me if I seem a pestering-like person.


    God bless

  10. The Lord's blessings to you all.


    I have a question regarding those who follow Sri Narasimha or at least know of the scriptures regarding him:


    I am looking for the particular passage and Sanskrit wording for, "Narasimha is the One who is before all others".


    If no one knows that's fine. Any help is appreciated.


    God bless

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