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Everything posted by Ganesh234

  1. Dear Webyogi, Thank you......one more question, I was wondering if there is a time frame as to when she will meet a boy and get married. Meaning is there a time period when it could happen.
  2. Hi Webyogi, I had asked you about my daughter earlier. I have some specific questions and was hoping that you could help me out with that. Is my daughter going to have love or arranged marraige? Is my daughter going to marry in our caste or outside our caste? Thank you
  3. Dear Webyogi, Thank you for your input. I understand that astrology is not definitive, but I truly appreciate your input and advice. Thank you again
  4. Dear Webyogi, Thank you for your help.
  5. Dear Webyogi, I am not sure of the boys details except his birthdate which is jan. 22, 1977. The time when I first had this question in mind was on November 21 friday at around 10am. My basic question to you is that will my daughter get married. I know this is a good period for one year. But is marriage in her future?? Thanks again for your help
  6. Dear Webyogi, thank you for your input and help. I am under so much tension but your input has helped.
  7. Dear Webyogi, I only know the boys birthdate Jan 22, 1977. He was born in India Ahmedabad. I don't know the time of his birth.................The first time this question came into my mind was when my daughter was asking me why mummy something or another of this boy keeps coming up. Even though my daughter was moving forward with her life something or another about this boy would come into her life indirectly. .... think this question came into my mind a week ago in the morning one day. I don't know exactly what time but approximately around 10 am in the morning.
  8. Dear Webyogi, The reason for my asking about that one boy situation is that I was wondering if there is a possible chance that she will end up marrying that boy.......He is not very uccha boy and so I was worry...
  9. Dear Webyogi, I wanted to ask you one thing......You had mentioned that my daughter is manglik........well last december 15 2007 the family had introduced her to one boy. We had visited the boy at his home. They communicated for a very short time and then my daughter said no to him.....He had contacted my daughter once or twice after she had said no to him. For some reason my daughter was telling me that this boy keeps coming into her life in one way or another indirectly. My question to you is that does that mean something?? Is there any significance to that?? I only know that boys date of birth not the time or location. He was born January 22 1977.
  10. When someone is currently going through troubled sub-periods of Ketu, then Venus and then Sun what does that mean?? What impact does that have on the individuals life?? and what sort of trouble should one expect and which areas of ones life is there trouble. Can you explain that. Thank you
  11. Hello, Thank you webyogi for your advice. I don't know whether the ring is topaz or not. I am having someone I know check that for me. I will let know you know as soon as I find out. Webyogi, one more question I am having. 1. - are there any obstacles or anything my daughter must be worried about about in the next year or so?
  12. Hello Webyogi, She is wearing guru ring (yellow stone ring) I don't know if that is yellow topaz or not. She is wearing this ring for past 4 years. I am not seeing any improvement. I am not knowing she is mangalik. No one has every mention that before. What that means. Is that bad or any significance. Also you mention she going through troubled sub-periods of Ketu, then Venus, then Sun. What does that mean, I am not understanding that, if you can explain that would be nice and helpful. Also if there is anything i can do can you mention. Thank you once again webyogi
  13. Hello WebYogi, I am so worry about my daughter situation, please give me some guidance. Are there any obstacles in her life and thats why she not able to have success. Past Few years have been difficult for her and my family. Your advice is needed Thank you
  14. We wanted to know about her marriage 1. when she will get married 2. how will be the boy 3. will he be from our community 4. will she finish her studies and get her job We are very worried about her........she is very nice person and good hearted but not married. Thank you for your help
  15. Hello, I want to know when my daughter will get married and about her career. Her information is as follows: DOB- June 14, 1979 Time of Birth - 1:18pm (USA time) Place of Birth - California I am very concerned about her marriage and career. Your insight will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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