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Posts posted by sunatya1412

  1. my husband has earned some money and we decided to buy one land. we gave money (6 lakhs) to land lord. but when we were on paper work we come to know that land is worth for 2 lakhs. now we r asking him to return our money but he is not. our paper work is also not finished.my husband is suffering too much becoz of this loss please suggest me some montra so that we can get the money.

  2. my name (anamika)

    date of birth 14-12-1985

    place of birth ;karnataka, shimoga

    time fo birth; 14.20pm

    i am a married. is there any chance of getting job. if yes when and which kind of job? or is there any chance of continueing the education whic was discontinued.please help me. i am in evry confusion state.!!!!:confused:

  3. I am a married lady. ors was love marriage. both of our parents accepted our marriage now. we r happy with that. But something is going wrong. my husband lost nearly 6 lacks because of his friends. i am trying to get job.but from many days i am not getting a job .

    date of birth: 14-12-1985

    time of birth: 14.20 pm

    place of birth :shimoga , karnataka, India

    some one told that my husband is going to die with in one month of my marriage.but we had nice 2 year of married life. is there any problem in future ? how is our future financial life? what about kids? is there any chance of getting job for me? i dont know my husbands horoscope. his mother says he was born on monday morning 5.00 to 6.00 am infront of one devi temple.please tell me about my horoscope. i dont know everything is going wrong with me. please tell me what i have to do?

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