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Posts posted by reya

  1. Thanks Rajshekhar g,


    Thanks for ur quick reply. Can u please guide me which day is good for wearing Ruby and which metal I should wear in (gold, silver or any other).

    you also suggested me to "Light Mustard Oil lamp (Sarso Tel ka Diya) at Peepal Tree on every Saturday." but the place where I am living doesn have any near by Peepal tree not even in the temple. Is there any alternate to this remedy?

    Also, can u suggest me some remedies for my bad health. I am really grateful to ur help. Thanks very much.

  2. I am going thru very difficult phase of my life. My DOB is 23 May 1978 born in Jalandhar at 7:55 pm. I have been for job for last 4-5 years after doing my masters in engg but no luck. I am very demotivated and depressed coz of this. Also, I have started staying sick for last 2-3 years. Due to some health problem I gained so much weight and now my situation even got worse when I got added problems with my weight. Can someone please help me by looking at my kundli if something I can do to get my life little better.

  3. I am going thru very difficult phase of my life. My DOB is 23 May 1978 born in Jalandhar at 7:55 pm. I have been for job for last 4-5 years after doing my masters in engg but no luck. I am very demotivated and depressed coz of this. Also, I have started getting very sick for last 2-3 years. Due to some health problem I gained so much weight and now my situation even got worse when I got added problems with my weight. Can someone please help me by looking at my kundli if something I can do to get my life little better.


    Thanks much.

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