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Posts posted by shutterf

  1. Respected Sir,

    I have a very seious problem and wish for a remedy from you.

    My problem is that i recently got married in Oct 2008 and my husband

    is hardly interested in love n things.I am good looking and my appearance is even not bad but he is not interested me.He is only involved with his family and gives me the feeling that I am not wanted in his life. His details are:-

    DOB 19 oct 1977

    TOB 7:45AM

    POB Simla

    My own details (Wife's) are:-

    DOB ffice:smarttags" /><st1:date month="11" day="28" year="1981">28 Nov 1981</st1:date>

    TOB <st1:time hour="21" minute="20">9:20PM</st1:time>

    POB Phillaur

  2. Respected Sir,

    I have a very seious problem and wish for a remedy from you.

    My problem is that i recently got married in Oct 2008 and my husband

    is hardly interested in love n things.I am good looking and my appearance is even not bad but he is always less interested in making love.He is only involved with his family and gives me the feeling that I am not wanted in his life. His details are:-

    DOB 19 oct 1977

    TOB 7:45AM

    POB Simla

    My own details (Wife's) are:-

    DOB ffice:smarttags" /><st1:date month="11" day="28" year="1981">28 Nov 1981</st1:date>

    TOB <st1:time hour="21" minute="20">9:20PM</st1:time>

    POB Phillaur

  3. Respected Sir,

    I have a very seious problem and wish for a remedy from you.

    My problem is that i recently got married in Oct 2008 and my husband

    is hardly interested in love n things.I am good looking and my appearance is even not bad but he is always less interested in making love.He is only involved with his family and gives me the feeling that I am not wanted in his life. He always feel that if he even talks to me his mother will get upset. I really don know how to continue such marriage...His details are:-

    DOB 19 oct 1977

    TOB 7:45AM

    POB Simla

    My own details (Wife's) are:-

    DOB ffice:smarttags" /><st1:date month="11" day="28" year="1981">28 Nov 1981</st1:date>

    TOB <st1:time hour="21" minute="20">9:20PM</st1:time>

    POB Phillaur

  4. Respected Sir,

    I have a very seious problem and wish for a remedy from you.

    My problem is that i recently got married in Oct 2008 and my husband

    is hardly interested in love n things.I am good looking and my appearance is even not bad but he is always less interested in making love.He is only involved with his family and gives me the feeling that I am not wanted in his life. His details are:-

    DOB 19 oct 1977

    TOB 7:45AM

    POB Simla

    My own details (Wife's) are:-

    DOB <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="11" Day="28" Year="1981">28 Nov 1981</st1:date>

    TOB <st1:time Hour="21" Minute="20">9:20PM</st1:time>

    POB Phillaur

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