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Posts posted by vinc




    the truth hurts you, does it ?


    but getting angry, rebuking, and all such reactions cannot and will not change facts. They remain the same, irrespective of whether you choose to accept them or not.




    you were right. no one answered my questions.





    I believe that Krishna lived as a real person. I don't know about Radha.




    such anger......are you from iskcon ? that would explain it.


    -This DELUDED WORLD ( like those on this forum) KNOWS ME NOT,

    -the Unborn,the Imperishable!!'


    To my knowledge majority of the people here are devotees of krishna like you. Why are you calling all of them as deluded out of anger at me ?


    Krishna when he said "delude world" did not mean this form. He meant the whole world of which you are a part too.


    Krishna would have turned again in his grave at his devotee's anger. you remind me of vishwamitra who burnt all his tapas away because of his anger.


    -'"FOOLS" DISREGARD ME as One clad in Human Form,


    if you are from iskcon then I think you worship the picture of krishna and all his romantic activities. Are you willing to call yourself a fool like the Gita says ?


    -If it is SO IMPOSSIBLE to KNOW Lord Krishna,



    krishna's soul is radha ? then who is radha's soul ? what nonsense....this is what is furstrating.



    The Mahabharata is the original or the earliest source of Krishna. All the later works refer to the Mahabharata.


    The Bhagavad Gita says,


    I have no actions to perform, yet I perform all my duties.

    For whatever a great man does, others also follow.


    These are the words of a responsible and thoughtful person who had immense foresight. Such a person would not go romancing with girls and marry thousands of girls as exagerrated. It is doubtful if he had more than one wife (Rukmini). He was a very serious person who saw war as a last resort. He was always for peace.


    The Mahabharata does not contain anything on Krishna's romance. Neither does Vishnu Purana which is perhaps the oldest and Purana. They both show Krishna as a very dignified and serious person.


    All the other Puranas which came later introduced the romantic angle to Krishna as that was the one thing missing. Romantic movies carry a special charm. Knowing this the authors really went to work and came up with pages and pages of Krishna's exploits with the Gopikas. Gross exaggeration is what it is.


    In those days children at the age of 7 were sent to Gurukuls for education. That would mean that Krishna romanced with the Gopikas when he was seven years old or younger !


    Poor Krishna would be turning in his grave to read all this nonsense attributed to him.


    Now we have several Krishna cults which focus entirely on Krishna's romantic aspects. Take away all this nonsense and their cults would go tumbling down. But who wants that ?


    Who cares if it is true or fiction ?


    It is frutrating to see how people stick on to these ideas knowing that it is all nonsense.



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