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Posts posted by LakhbirSingh




    Is anybody familiar with the Tershula Kriya? I need to do it, but don't have the detailed instructions. Help!


    You can find info about this Kriya in "The Mind - its projections and multiple facets" by Yogi Bhajan.


    Hope this helps



  2. Hey!


    If you´re not doing the adi shakti mantra (Ek Ong Kaar, Sat Nam Siri, Wahe Guru) I urge you to do it for at least 11 min (the longer the better ;) ) before you recite japji sahib, it gives an more intiutive approach to the Song of the Soul. I too am not to familar with the meaning of every aspect of Japji, but when I do a good Adi Shakti Mantra before, I get more into it! Give it a try! Hopefully you´ll love it!





    /ChrisC a.k.a Lakhbir Singh


    Ps. By the way, maybe you´ll enjoy the recitation more with music...try MrSikhnet.com and search for "Japji Sahib" and/or "Cherdikala Jatha".

  3. Sat Naam,


    I guess you have checked youtube.com and searched for Yogi Bhajan,


    You can see two videos on kriteachings.com/toolsforteachers.htm


    Mrsikhnet has alot of stuff...but they are up there on the youtube...


    Hope this helps :)


    Life to All, Peace to All, Love to All



    Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

  4. Hi,

    always ask for Your Highest Good, ask for protection and state that you only allow enteties of the vibration of Love and Light to approach you during your meditation session.


    When you start the Enlightenment path there is a risk that you will attract lower vibrational energies which also long for the Light that you are emitting, here is a good article about this subject:




    My advice is: go for it, you are here to experience God, but be smart about these things use your reason and ask for guidance from your Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides to assist you on your quest for Enlightenment.


    Peace, Love, Light

  5. Sat Naam,


    I have question regarding the purpose of raising kundalini.


    From what I have heard Kundalini Shakti(Divine Mother) wants to reunite with Lord Shiva(Divine Father). Is this like aiding (uniting Shakti+Shiva) Mother Earth in her Ascension Process, like letting out some steam so to speak?


    How does this aid Mother Earth in her ascension?


    I do Sat Kriya almost everyday and I love it, but my doubt is that shouldn´t we be giving Mother Earth energy and not "taking" it....this is confusing for me, my intuition tells me that that raising kundalini is what Adi Shakti wants but my intellect is doubting this, e.g. "Mother Earth needs to be given energy", i.e. Energy from Shiva to Shakti...can someone please clarify this, or give me a another "view point" of this matter...


    If we successfully raise kundalini, can we give Mother Earth more Love and Light?


    Thank You


    Love to All, Life to All, Peace to All


    Chanting is not meditating. Trying to meditate is as good as not meditating at all. Meditation happens and not done. It is devoid of thoughts.




    Well, Jin Khoja, Tin Paayiyaan, Gehri paani pet... This is meditation. Guru Nanakji is the best to reveal meditational values.



    Mediation as you say is a thoughtless state of being, when you enter the rhythm of a certain Shabd, your Central Nervous System will Chant for You, and you can efficiently enter a "thoughtless state".


    So, chanting (Shabd Guru) is really meditating, using a sacred sound current that allows your subconscious mind to release all the dirt rendering you an eventual thoughtless state.


    There are different techniques that can be used to enter the "thoughtless state", e.g Silent Mind Meditation (Za Zen), Chanting (Shabd Guru)...listening to your favorite music...


    All ways that leads you to the "thoughtless state" is a meditation session.


    Peace and Love to All,

    We are All One,

    Sat Naam


    How often should one meditate??? and for how long?




    I personally try to meditate for 30-60 min every morning doing various chants (Shabd Guru) e.g. The Aquarian Sadhana.


    And at late evening I adjust myself for how much I feel I need...


    You have to find it out for yourself, what´s your aim with meditation, how much time can you put aside, etc...


    Be Your Own Guru



    Peace and Love to You


    Sat Naam

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