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Posts posted by puru

  1. Dear All,


    Things have become so very volatile with Jobs that is even in India the job situation is getting bad. I was scheduled for a couple of interviews in India over the phone but those are not materializing. This is becoming very confusing.


    Kindly let me know if my family and me will be financially and physically fit to overcome this challenges especially in these couple of months. Things either so not seem to move or they seem to slip away.


    Thanks and regards

    Purushottam :pray:

  2. Dear Astroseeker ji, Rajshekhar ji


    Thanks for your reply. I have been thinking over my situation and this is what I am planning to do.


    1) I plan to go back to India and search for a job there. This might seem to be safe bet considering I have friends there and I will be able to get a job as referral.

    2) I will be able to go to India roughly around 4 weeks from now (i.e. around Nov 15th), since I am awaiting travel documents of my son.

    3) I have interviews planned in US from Monday i.e today onwards, but they are located in different places and so even if I make them thru I may not join the job, but go back to India.

    4) I will stay in US only if I get a job locally.


    I am only concerned that I may run out of money till then.


    Pray suggest if this sound correct as per my stars and they indicate a long travel around Nov 15th,

    Kindly also let me know if my family and me will be financially and physically fit to overcome this challenges especially in these couple of months.


    Thanks and regards

    Purushottam :pray:

  3. Dear Rajshekhar ji,


    Thank you for your the replying me. I am extremely happy to hear that things will turn positively not so long from today. I will direct all my to ensure that I am ready for the same. Also I will remember and follow your advice on astrology.


    Kindly also let me know if my stars indicate travel away for job from my current location, especially to India. I had to travel 3 places in US for job in the past 8 months and had to move my family.


    Thanks again.


  4. Dear Rajshekhar ji,


    I had absolutely no intentions of challenging anyones knowledge, or seeking astrological justifications, excuse me if the words seemed like that. I just need some answers to specific questions like other members in the forum.

    - If there is any more travel in the next couple of months especially to India or thereafter? When will we get settle and get peace of mind? and what should we do to get settle and get peace of mind?

    - Is our travel going to have a bad impact on our kids education in future?


    I pray please do not construe my words as arrogance.




  5. Dear Members,


    Can some one please guide me as to why I am facing issues in my career and finance since Jan 2008. I have to repeatedly change locations due to job. I am currently in US and moving with my family is also causing us physchological and financial trauma, and is also affecting my sons education. Please let me know if there is any more travel in the next couple of months especially to India or thereafter? When will we get settle and get peace of mind? and what should we do to get settle and get peace of mind? Is our travel going to have a bad impact on our kids education in future?


    My birth details are as follows

    DOB: 24/July/74

    Time: 7.10 am

    Place: Mumbai


    Please help me to understand my situation and if possible give me a solution. I feel that understanding the reason of my problem will help me to reduce the intensity of the effect it is having on us and will help us to be better prepared.



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