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Posts posted by krishnan_n2001


    dear sriman narayana bhaktas..


    I am having a worst problem (which will result in my death) and this problem is sort of spiritual in nature.I am suffering from:mad2: a rare type of possession(a combination of possession by evil spirits and black magic) .This possession is called "Kshudhram" and this used to be a menace in Kerala many years ago. This whole black magic and possession is performed by an evil daemon called "Kshudra" . This started when I used to work in bangalore. I started hearing sounds of two people continuously (i.e the sounds are there day in and day out(24*7)). One of these two people is the daemon "kshudra" and has a companion named "Sasikala"(This resembles a small girl child voice). This daemon can undesratnd what we are thinking and will keep on insulting us,threatening us and cajoiling us day in and day out. The disturbance caused by these spirits is unbearable and they also perform black magic on me like produce itching on legs and hands, causing pain in different parts of the body ,preventing me from sleeping at night, preventing me from having sexual inter course, sort of stabbing with a knife etc. I initially thought that this is an instance of some mental disorder and met many doctors and tried different medicines (psychiatric) but none had any effect on the condition. These spirits always remind me that no matter what mantras I try there possession will not go and in the end I will have to commit suicide to get rid of this. But any how I am chanting Vishnu mantras every day which are giving me some relief. Please note that this is a worst form of balck magic which existed in ancient Kerala. Bacoz of this my earlier free life is totally lost and I am on the verge of committing suicide. Some body please provide me a remedy..Expecting your help :(




    Dear Friend,

    go to DEvipuram , which is near Vizag ( Visakapatnam ). Stay there for a week and chant 11 times lalitha sahasranamam . There is temple for Tripura sundari who is the trinity and the centre of srichakra. The temple itself is in the form of Mahameru. Go immediately and u will be cured !!!

  2. Dear Friend,

    It is very important to get the srichakra from the hands of the guru with the initiation. Go to Devipuram ( Near Vizag ) and meet Swami Amrithanandanatha and get his advise. He come in the avadutha lineage which originates from Lord Dattatraya.

    wish you best of luck.






    I'd like to know what's the best place/person to buy the most authentic Sri Chakra? Lot of websites offer it, but it's hard to say who's reliable and who isn't.


    Any pointers will be truly appreciated.


    Thank You.

  3. Dear Friends,

    Iam in Nigeria away from my family. Iam 43 years having high devotion from my early age of 7. I was given Ganapathi and Bala at the age of 10 by some srividya upasaka who is no more now. I discontinued the sadhana , not knowing the importance. Iam extremely dedicated to matha Bala Tripura sundari and recites Pancha Dasaksakshari, which was told to me by a person to whom I went to learn Jyothish. I now prounce the Panchadasakshari also. Lalitha sahasranama parayanam is regular.

    I print srichakra on a paper and do daily japam in Nigeria including pancha dasakshari and Khadgamala. Is it correct to worship the srichakra , printed on a paper ? KINDLY CLARIFY..




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