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Posts posted by driftingbody

  1. the only people not safe in high school are the outcasts.

    i'm am one of those "quiet/weird" kids. i'm not going to go on some shooting rampage. i don't take insults personally.


    it depends on a person's mind and mental stability as to how they react to things. matthew lovett was made fun of his whole life and could not bear that his brother was made fun of for something he had no control over. matthew most-likely has some sort of mental disorder, which could have been originally caused by his mother's and step-sister's death. but i know that being insulted and shunned is not going to help. matthew admitted that what he did was a cry for help, and that he didn't mean to cause his family pain or put oaklyn, nj on the map for such a thing.


    many schools have "zero tolerance" policies because of columbine. but they are targeting the wrong thing. they should be targeting the bullies, not the victims. any kind of bullying should not be tolerated, even if you think it's just "good, clean, fun."


    and i disagree that there should be religion in school, at least in public schools. sure nothing's going to stop someone from praying or studying their religion on their own time, but there shouldn't be a designated time or forced religion in school. when most people think of religion in school, they think of christianity. what about all the non-christians? that would not be a safe way to go. religion would do nothing to solve anything. it would just create more animosity.


    most kids who go on killing sprees are made fun of and neglected. even "normal" kids can snap. all of us will be safe in school once the bullies are stopped, and the careless teachers dealt with.

  2. wicca is not made up. it's part of the pagan religion and has been around for over 50 years. yes, it is newer, and yes, many people do not understand it. i'll admit that many books about wicca and witchcraft are inaccurate and were just made to make money. if you sift through all the ., you can find accurate and helpful books about it.


    many people think that wicca IS witchraft. not true. witchcraft can be a big part of wicca, just like any other religion. many misguided teens go into wicca or 'practice' witchcraft thinking that they can go cast spells on everyone and be seen as cool or intimidating. that is NOT what wicca/witchcraft is about at all. it is NOT evil, it is NOT fake, it is NOT black and white.


    it consists of a balance in nature, a balance between the goddess and god (if you choose that path), and balance between light and dark. it is about open-mindedness and tolerance.


    i have not given the best definition or description of wicca and witchcraft, and it is a very generalized definition, but hopefully you will see some of my point.

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