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Posts posted by Her1987

  1. I want to clarify one point over here. Is Saturn malefic or is it Mars in my kundali? Among these 2 planets which one is creating problems for me in life? What does Saturn being retrogade means? Is it that Mars with Saturn along with it cancels my mangal dosha? Please throw some light on this point.

  2. You're right. I loose my temper very easily and get into fights for unrequired reasons. Is it going to be an arranged marriage for me or a love one? Are you sure that there is a chance of seperation or divorce written? Even if it is written, please be frank and tell me. In which year am i going to get married? And please tell me if its going to be a good one or not?

  3. How will be my married life? Will it be a good one? How will be my husband interms of looks and nature? Will he be fair or dark? After my marriage am I going to live in India or in abroad? Do I already know him? Please... Please... Please... can you answer my queries. Please be frank in your answers. I will be very thankful to you.


    Here are my birth details:


    DOB: 9th Sep 1987

    TOB: 05:05 AM (IST)

    POB: Hyderabad, India

    Gender: Female

  4. How will be my married life? Will it be a good one? How will be my husband interms of looks and nature? Will he be fair or dark? After my marriage am I going to live in India or in abroad? Do I already know him? Please... Please... Please... can you answer my queries. Please be frank in your answers. I will be very thankful to you.


    Here are my birth details:


    DOB: 9th Sep 1987

    TOB: 05:05 AM (IST)

    POB: Hyderabad, India

    Gender: Female.

  5. I'm gemini ascendant and my 7th house is the sign of Dhanus. Moon is the lord of 2nd house but it is placed with Ketu in the 7th house of Marriage and Partnership. I've seen in my personal life that my relationships break without any reason. Moreover, I'm a mangleek (Mars in the 4th house) in my Lagna chart.


    Is the break in relationships because of Moon and Ketu's conjunction in the 7th house or is it because of me being a mangleek? Please suggest me some remedies for Ketu in the 7th house.

  6. Is it because of too many doshas present in my horoscope due to the placement of Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu and Ketu? At times I easily get to anger and loose my temper. Is there any chance of divorce or anything like that in my life? Will my husband take good care of me? Will i live long? I'm brave enough to listen to bad things in my horoscope. So please be open and tell me.

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