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Posts posted by avinashj

  1. To answer to your question I would say- "No, Kundali matching is not at all necessary". Don't be fooled by superstitions ; rather be Religious and Spiritual. There are so many Hindu communities (I belong one of them) where people even don't bother about Kudalies while considering a marriage. I wish you all happiness in life.

  2. Hi,


    I have been chanting vedic mantras (like- Gayatri, Maha-Mritunjaya etc.) daily for the last few years and I feel a positive effect on me. Recently, I learned how to do Ghanapatha (1-2-2-1, 1-2-3-3-2-1, 1-2-3 and so on...). Now I feel confused-

    (1.) if I should continue my simple chanting style

    OR (2.) I should chant those vedic matras in GHANPATHA style

    OR (3.) I should do both a little.


    Please suggest me what will be most benefiacial for my sprititual growth. Tell me more about GHANPATHA and its effect if you please.

  3. Hi,


    I have been chanting vedic mantras (like- Gayatri, Maha-Mritunjaya etc.) daily for the last few years and I feel a positive effect on me. Recently, I learned how to do Ghanapatha (1-2-2-1, 1-2-3-3-2-1, 1-2-3 and so on...). Now I feel confused-

    (1.) if I should continue my simple chanting style

    OR (2.) I should chant those vedic matras in GHANPATHA style

    OR (3.) I should do both a little.


    Please suggest me what will be most benefiacial for my sprititual growth. Tell me more about GHANPATHA and its effect if you please.

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