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Posts posted by Soniar


    A warm Namaskar to all!


    An earnest request to all learned people in this forum - I am 30 years old and still single. Myself and parents have been thinking about my marriage for sometime now, but nothing substantial came out of it. Can anybody pls guide n' help me out?


    Birth Details:

    DOB: 19.10.1978

    TOB: 12:27 pm

    POB: Calcutta/Kolkata


    Specifically, would like to know about -


    • the time of marriage (if there is any possibility),
    • how would the spouse(he) be like and
    • the nature of marriage.

    Currently, this is the thing which is on the top of mind; but if you find anything significant, apart from marriage, then pls do share with me.


    Hope anybody would understand the bewilderment in my mind and guide me accordingly.


    Thanks & Best Regards.


    Can anybody pls help me out? Nobody goes empty handed here in this forum, thus hoped I shall get guidance, too......Pls help......


    A warm Namaskar to all!


    An earnest request to all learned people in this forum - I am 30 years old and still single. Myself and parents have been thinking about my marriage for sometime now, but nothing substantial came out of it. Can anybody pls guide n' help me out?


    Birth Details:

    DOB: 19.10.1978

    TOB: 12:27 pm

    POB: Calcutta/Kolkata


    Specifically, would like to know about -


    • the time of marriage (if there is any possibility),
    • how would the spouse(he) be like and
    • the nature of marriage.

    Currently, this is the thing which is on the top of mind; but if you find anything significant, apart from marriage, then pls do share with me.


    Hope anybody would understand the bewilderment in my mind and guide me accordingly.


    Thanks & Best Regards.


    Can anybody pls help me out? Everybody else is being answered......thus hope mine will be, too......Pls help......

  3. A warm Namaskar to all!


    An earnest request to all learned people in this forum - I am 30 years old and still single. Myself and parents have been thinking about my marriage for sometime now, but nothing substantial came out of it. Can anybody pls guide n' help me out?


    Birth Details:

    DOB: 19.10.1978

    TOB: 12:27 pm

    POB: Calcutta/Kolkata


    Specifically, would like to know about -


    • the time of marriage (if there is any possibility),
    • how would the spouse(he) be like and
    • the nature of marriage.

    Currently, this is the thing which is on the top of mind; but if you find anything significant, apart from marriage, then pls do share with me.


    Hope anybody would understand the bewilderment in my mind and guide me accordingly.


    Thanks & Best Regards.

  4. Dear Visti ji, accept my Namaskars!


    I am regular visitor of this forum. Have been reading thru' this particular thread, where you have discussed many imp facts abt marriage, be it "love" or "arranged".


    I give my birth details below:

    DOB: 19.10.1978

    Time: 12:27pm

    Place: Calcutta (now, Kolkata), India.


    Can you pls predict my marriage, and what kind will it be?


    I am an educated lady, presently working in a small company, but a part of a much reputed group. I am the only issue of my elderly parents, and thus they are much worried.


    Can you pls guide me?

    Thanks & Regards.


    i looked in detail for marriage-related thing coz that's what u had asked about.there is one good point in ur chart- that ur child will be good looking and smart. ofcourse, child related prediction has to be done with both husband and wife's charts so i cannot be 100 per cent sure abt it.


    Thanks a lot, Sir!

    I fully appreciate.


    Best Regards.


    This is a bad phase..another 1.5 yrs is bad..after that good planetary position for marriage n related developments. u will get a good husband. he would be loyal, sensitive and well educated. u are not manglik. mid-2011 onwards is good time for u.


    Thanks a lot, Sir!


    You have mentioned that this is a bad phase. Did you say this only with regard to marriage possibilities, or overall? Because, I'm also worried about certain other developments in life, like my parents' health and work-life.


    Can you, Sir, pls mention about any other good point in my chart?


    Best Regards.


    Shree Ganeshaay namah.


    I am learning astrology and I would like to give free astrology consultation. You can ask me specific questions. Please note that I am not yet an absolute expert and hence there is no guarantee as such abt my predictions. I would be honest about it. But I have been doing predictions which have been often close to accuracy under my guru's guidance.

    You can ask me by giving following details-


    1. Date, place, time of birth
    2. Your gender, current location
    3. profession (working/student/which field)
    4. family details (married/unmarried/divorced, kids details (if any), details of how many siblings, details of parents)
    5. Your specific question
    You can also send me your details thr' private message. Please note that it takes whole lot of time to analyse a kundali as many different factors have to be considered. Hence, it is much easier to answer a specific question. So if you can be as specific as possible, it will help.


    Hello, Accept my 'Namaskar'!


    My Details:

    1. DOB: 19.10.1978; Place: Kolkata (erswhile Calcutta), India; Time:12:27pm.

    2. Gender: Female; Current Location: Kolkata.

    3. Profession: Working (managerial)

    4. Family details: Unmarried, have parents, no siblings.

    5. Specific question: I am particularly worried abt the time & nature of my marriage possibilities.


    Pls guide me.


    Best Regards.


    post your



    date, time & place (city/state/country) of birth




    Hello, Accept my 'Namaskar'!


    Pls guide me.



    DOB: 19.10.1978

    Time: 12:27pm

    Place: Kolkata (erswhile Calcutta), India.


    I am particularly worried abt my marriage possibilities.

    Pls guide me.


    Best Regards.

  9. Thanks a lot for your reply, Rajshekhar ji.

    Don't have as many words to express my gratitude.

    Sorry for replying late.


    As regards your queries,

    My birth time details have been obtained from the hospital records (Kolkata).


    Since at this juncture of my life, my parents' health and my career - both depend very much on my marriage, I would be greatful to you if you advise me regarding the time & nature of my marriage possibility.


    Thanks & Best Regards.

  10. My humblest pranams to all elders and/or knowledgeable people.


    <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">I have been a regular visitor of this forum as a guest, and I have developed absolute belief on the astrological advisors here who really study charts seriously and renedr genuine suggestions. Today, I am writing to all revered and respected people here who, I believe, will be able to guide me through these times, when certain uncertainties are pegging me down.</st1:place></st1:country-region>


    My queries are regarding my parents, career and marriage.

    Specific areas would be:

    Parents' health, improvements in the present state of affairs regarding career & time and nature of marriage.


    I give my birthchart details below:


    1<SUP>st</SUP> House: Asc. (Makara Lagna)

    3<SUP>rd</SUP> House: Ket

    5<SUP>th</SUP> House: Mon (Exal)

    7<SUP>th</SUP> House: Jup (Exal)

    8<SUP>th</SUP> House: Sat

    9<SUP>th</SUP> House: Rah

    10<SUP>th</SUP> House: Ven ®, Mar, Mer, Sun (Deb)

    Other Houses are empty.

    For referring to other details like planetary positions (degrees), vimsottari dasas and/or other charts like Navamsha etc, I give my birth details below:

    Gender: Female


    Time: 12:27 pm

    Place: Kolkata/Calcutta

    <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">INDIA</st1:place></st1:country-region>

    <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on"></st1:place></st1:country-region>

    I would look forward to receiving you kindest replies, as early as possible.

    If you need to do any introspections, I request you to please feel free to revert back.


    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards.

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