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Posts posted by amtkrishna

  1. Is there any foreign chances for my higher studies, next year that is 2009


    Respected Sir,

    my name is A.M.Thulasi Krishna

    > TIME OF BIRTH : 03:25 AM

    > DATE OF BIRTH : 26-june-1988

    > PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. : Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

    > SEX : Male

    > Educational background : Computer Science Engineering(now final year)

    btech-52%(upto third year still with 4 backlogs not cleared)

    Inter-77%(finished in 2005)

    10th-84% (finished in 2003)


    > Family background

    > Father : expired

    > Mother :govt employee

    >brother:elder(searching for job(Btech))

    >sister: younger(studying degree 1st year)


    My question is i am trying for higher studies for united states for next year 2009 is their any foreign chance for my higher studies in US alternatively i am looking for United kingdom(uk) if visa is rejected for US.......plzzzzzz sujjest me i am financial little weak but i am applying for bank loan for higher studies.......sujjest me

    is their foriegn chance in my life?

    if my foriegn chances are weak sujjest me some remedies........plzzzz help me sir ur my only hope...




  2. Is there any foreign chances for my higher studies, next year that is 2009


    Respected Sir,


    > TIME OF BIRTH : 03:25 AM

    > DATE OF BIRTH : 26-june-1988

    > PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. : Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

    > SEX : Male

    > Educational background : Computer Science Engineering(now final year)

    btech-52%(upto third year still with 4 backlogs not cleared)




    > Family background

    > Father : expired

    > Mother :govt employee

    >brother:elder(searching for job(Btech))

    >sister: younger(studying degree 1st year)


    My question is i am trying for higher studies for united states for next year 2009 is their any foreign chance for my higher studies in US alternatively i am looking for United kingdom(uk) if visa is rejected for US.......plzzzzzz sujjest me i am financial little weak but i am applying for bank loan for higher studies.......sujjest me

    is their foriegn chance in my life?

    if my foriegn chances are weak sujjest me some remedies........plzzzz help me sir ur my only hope...




  3. Respected Sir,


    > TIME OF BIRTH : 03:25 AM

    > DATE OF BIRTH : 26-june-1988

    > PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY. : Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India

    > SEX : Male

    > Educational background : Computer Science Engineering(now final year)

    btech-52%(upto third year still with 4 backlogs not cleared)



    > Family background

    > Father : expired

    > Mother :govt employee

    >brother:elder(searching for job(Btech))

    >sister: younger(studying degree 1st year)


    My question is i am trying for higher studies for united states for next year 2009 is their any foreign chance for my higher studies in US alternatively i am looking for United kingdom(uk) if visa is rejected for US.......plzzzzzz sujjest me i am financial little weak but i am applying for bank loan for higher studies.......sujjest me

    is their foriegn chance in my life?

    if my foriegn chances are weak sujjest me some remedies........plzzzz help me sir ur my only hope...




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