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Posts posted by pramopu

  1. Dear Sandhu Ji,


    Inauspicious, is the perfect word to match with my chart.


    It's true as I've always been in troubles, but well educated. I am single now but seems that my personal life may not be so easy with health, career and married life seems to be a few and life long issues.


    I have jupiter dasha running now and is ver painful and my next dasaha is saturn, I would like to know if my saturn dasha would favour me or would it be even painful.


    Is there a dasha or a planet which is very strong in my chart??? I am exhausted........!!!


    Thanks & Regards.

  2. Dear Sir,


    Sorry for the late response.


    a few of those,


    Losses in business to my father and totally went bankrupt after my birth.


    Sudden health problem. I guess on feb. 11th or 12th 2007 I had a health problem which was something like you ask and you get it. It was all of a sudden and seems chronic.


    Lost my job twice, on feb. 19th 2008 and june 11th/ 12th 2008.


    I request you for your valuable advice on whether if there is a cure from the disease and my overall well being.


    Thanks & regards.

  3. Sir,


    First thank you for the response.


    the date and time I have are I believe its proper and as per the hospital records and also jotted down at the time of birth.


    I have a complex combination of planets in the house of losses and also weak lagna lord and other important planets as said to me, and speaking strength to this is that my struggle has been since my childhood in all respects.


    Some say that though the rasi chart is weak the navamsa is looking better.


    Sir, frankly speaking I am confused and troubled. I very much request your help!!!!!


    Thanks & Regards.


    Dear Pramod,


    I can see Virgo Asc with four planets (Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and Rahu) in 12th house Leo. I also see Ketu in 6th house, Moon and Mercury in 7th house, Sun in 8th and Venus in 9th house.


    As you know 12th house is the house of loss and having four planets in them sometimes means hardship of all kind. I feel you are more of a fickle minded person who finds it difficult to take a decision and when takes any keeps on criticizing the same. You may also have ego problems.


    Financially, you will have to work hard. If x can get rs 100, then in same situation you will get rs 50. You should never think of getting a quick shot on money, it will come to you slowly and with effort.


    You are under Venus MD and Venus is in its own sign. Either you get into love affairs very easily or you are luck on that ground. Overall this period is good and lucky/religious for you. Just do your work right, and you will get the results.


    Everyone has a life to live, it depends on us how we live, astrology can only help us make it better.


    Hope it helped.





    Hello Astro Gurus!!




    I direly need your help in reading my lagna chart and its indications as I am on the peak of disasters and failures.


    I have been suffering from chronic health problems since feb. 2007 which was totally unexpected and downtrend in my career as well since then. Is this affliction due to the placement of 4 planets in the 12 house in my lagna chart including Shani and the my weak lagna god.


    I am well educated, bold and quick witted by nature but the harder I try the closer I get to failures. All my attempts are wasted and I feel I can never get it or succeed.


    I sicerely request you to suggest me with any parihaaras for this and also please let me know if can lead a good personal life and carrer prospects. Is there a recovery from my illness.


    DOB: 10-04-80

    TOB: 17:25

    POB: nellore, Andhra Pradesh


    Thank you all in Advance.

    Pramod Kumar

  6. Hello Astro Gurus!!




    I direly need your help in reading my lagna chart and its indications as I am on the peak of disasters and failures.


    I have been suffering from chronic health problems since feb. 2007 which was totally unexpected and downtrend in my career as well since then. Is this affliction due to the placement of 4 planets in the 12 house in my lagna chart including Shani and the my weak lagna god.


    I am well educated, bold and quick witted by nature but the harder I try the closer I get to failures. All my attempts are wasted and I feel I can never get it or succeed.


    I sicerely request you to suggest me with any parihaaras for this and also please let me know if can lead a good personal life and carrer prospects. Is there a recovery from my illness.


    DOB: 10-04-80

    TOB: 17:25

    POB: nellore, Andhra Pradesh


    Thank you all in Advance.

    Pramod Kumar

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