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Posts posted by starrdarcy

  1. That sounds like a good idea. It would an alternative to the Ramayana series i'm thinking of doing (which will not be started for quite some time). In the original Ramayana, not all of the demons that were asociated with Ravana were killed, and there are some time lines situations in the original version. Like for instance we get allot of detail about the years were Rama is doing his work, but as for the rest of most of his life we dont get allot of detail. Thats were the #2 comes in. Ofcourse, this would mean a certain amount of story making, but we do get a short description of what Rama did later on in his life.


    chapter 7 will come soon, by the way...

  2. A few cooments on CH6...

    Hello everyone, sorry for the delay of CH6 but i'm in the midst of planning a map project with something else, and i'm doing Computer Graphics for SC2. Anyways, before you read CH6, you should read my comments on this chapter first.


    Chapter 6 was much more easier than 5, why? Because, i only had to bring Rama into the story line. I even added a new Character for later use. This chapter is a turning point in the new Ramayana because the chapters after 6 begin to deal with Rama's quest to find evil and destroy it. The first 6 chapters are used to introduce the main characters in the story. Of course there are more character, but they will slowly be added in. I hope you enjoy Chapter 6 - Rama!!!


    Chapter Six



    Rama the name brings images of a heroic man who took on evil and prevailed. In the new Ramayana the idea is the same, but the differences range from different time setting, to an altered plot. Whatever the time, setting, plot, the Rama will continue to be one of the best heroes and roll-models in world history and for the future.




    After lunch break was done at Kosala Inc., people headed back to work. The main plaza that was at the bottom of the Kosala Centers was full of people rushing to go to there offices, meetings, and other destinations. Today was a special day, a special day for the Dasaratha Family. A very special person was coming to work at Kosala Inc., Rama. Now there was a small reception to welcome Rama, if was not a public event, only Dasaratha’s Family, and few other High Kosala officials were aloud to attend. The reception was located on the 240 floor, also known as the “sky floor.” About 49 people attended, there was a large banner saying “Welcome to Kosala Inc.!

    ”Everyone was anxiously waiting for Rama.

    It was three PM when there was a knock at the main entrance to the sky floor, Dasaratha opened the door, and Rama was here. Dasaratha welcomed him in and everyone in the room shouted,

    “Welcome to Kosala Inc. Rama!!” People cheered and clapped as Rama walked into the small sky room, he started to talk to people. Lakshmana was the first to talk to Rama, several other people came close to hear him talk,

    “So Rama, were do you come from?” Laksmana asked.

    Rama, gathered his breath and said in one big long sentence,

    “Well I came from Starr Darcy Inc. Headquarters in the city of El Dorado, I live 140 miles from my place of work in a neighborhood called East Meadows east of El Dorado.” Rama relaxed and took a breath.

    “Wow, uhh…so why did you come here to Kosala Inc.?”

    “Well, realizing how stress-full my job was in El Dorado I decided that getting a less fast-paced job and lifestyle was the best choice. And also I wanted to live in India, people told me a lot of good things about the GCI country, so I came over here to try out the Indian dream as well.”

    “And how are you liking it so far Rama?”

    “I just got here today, this is my first day in India, I haven’t even purchased a place to live in yet, so I don’t cant really tell.”

    “You’ll enjoy your stay in India, if you need anything just ask us, me, Dasaratha, or anyone at Kosala Inc.”

    “Thanks” Rama replied.

    Rama, Dasaratha’s family, and the other Kosala officials talked to each other for a little while, at six PM, Dasaratha got every ones attention and said,

    “Everyone, your invited to head over to one of the tables to have something to eat, the chefs from the Ayodhya Parrot are here, and cooked up some amazing food for us.”

    As soon as Dasaratha was finished talking, waiters started coming out of the kitchen door, with trays of food in there hands. The food was set on several long serving tables in the middle of the room, people in the room flocked over to the tables and lined up for something to eat. Rama, on seeing this approached Dasaratha and said,

    “I’m going to head to a washroom for a moment.”

    “Go right a head, I’ll save you a spot beside my wife and I.”

    Rama smiled and headed towards the washrooms. The washrooms were just located beside the kitchen, to a door left of the kitchen doors. Rama stopped and looked behind himself to see if anyone was behind him or could see him. Seeing that no one was around or looking in his direction, he quickly side stepped and went through the kitchen doors. There was nobody in the kitchen, Rama went through the kitchen and searched for the drinks, he worked quickly knowing the waiters and chefs would come through the door any second to get the drinks. He found them, he looked around himself again, and then reached inside his left pocket and took out a small bottle of unknown liquid. Rama opened it up and put some of the liquid in each cup of drink, and in the punch bowl as well. He then heard voices outside the kitchen door, he quickly ran to the washroom entrance in the kitchen and went through, just then a few waiters and chefs walked through the kitchen doors, one of the waiters caught a glimpse of the closing washroom door, he walked over to the door and opened it, and looked, there was no one there, the waiter closed the door.

    Rama came walking out of the washroom door cautiously, and headed toward the food tables, Bharata was there,

    “So much good food Rama, have some.”

    “Right, hmm, were to start!”

    “Try some of this, its called chefs surprise, I don’t know what’s in it, but its good.”

    Bharata left the food serving tables with three plates of food for himself, he was a big eater. Rama started to serve himself, but he got distracted by a table ornament. The ornament was made out of fake parrots standing on poles, Rama talked to himself for a moment

    “Hmm, these are nice, I wonder what there made out of?” Rama touched one, but the parrot he touched broke off the its pole,

    “Uhh oh, better put it back.” Rama attempted to put the fake parrot back on its pole, but the table ornament of parrots started to fall over. Rama tried to fix it again, bat he made it worse. Rama looked up and saw Dasaratha walking toward the food serving table, Rama was holding the wrecked table ornament, Dasaratha came closer,

    “Hello Rama.”

    Rama hid the ornament behind his back from Dasaratha’s view,

    “Oh, hi Dasaratha, what are you doing here??”

    “I’m here to try out some of this great food, and you?”

    “I, I was looking to see what was being served.” Rama said nervously.

    Dasaratha smiled, and looked away from Rama and started serving himself to some of the food. Rama thought quickly on were to put the broken table ornament, he lifted up one of the serving table’s cloth and threw it under, Rama walked away from the serving tables with his hands behind his back acting like nothing happened.

    Rama didn’t know any one at the gathering, so he chose a table from the room and sat down. There was another person at the table, Rama didn't notice.

    “Hello Rama.” A girl in her early 20’s called Raji was at the table, she was Rama’s age, and was very beautiful.

    “Hi, what’s your name?”

    “Raji, Raji Purminder.”

    “Interesting name, so do you work here? I didn't see you in the room earlier.”

    “No I don't work here, I was just invited to your welcome reception. I was late arriving here.”

    “Oh, well my name is Rama, I’m from the SDI headquarters in El Dorado city, I came here to work for a little while, nice to meet you.”

    A waiter came to Raji’s and Rama’s table, he was serving drinks.

    “Drinks anyone?”

    “Sure, Rama and me will have a drink.” Raji requested.

    “Actually I’ll pass on the drink, I already had one earlier waiter.” Said Rama.

    The waiter served a drink to Raji, it was purplish in color. Raji, sipped it slowly and said to Rama.

    Raji started talking to Rama, but he was looking at Raji’s body and not paying attention to her while she was talking. Raji was wearing a bright color sari-like piece of cloth on her body, and had gold and silver jewelry on her head and hands. Her hair was knotted into one enormous braid, which hanged down to her rear.

    “So what do you think Rama?"

    “Oh, yes.” Rama said.

    Rama looked away from Raji for a few moments in embarrassment. Raji knew what Rama was looking at, but she didn't mind. Raji then said,

    “Were are you staying at tonight Rama?”

    Rama looked back at Raji,

    “I don't really know, I was thinking of asking Dasaratha whether I could stay with his family tonight.”

    “Oh, I hope you enjoy your stay with the Dasaratha family, there really nice.”

    Rama just smiled and then said,

    “I’m heading back to the food tables to get something to eat, want to join me?”

    “No, I’m not hungry.”

    Rama left the table and went over to food serving tables. He started to serve himself. Lakshmana was also at the table, he to was a big eater like Bharata.

    “So Rama, know anyone here?”

    “Not really, I met this women named Raji.”

    Laksmana looked puzzled,

    “Raji? I don't recall inviting that person to your welcome reception.”

    “She said that she was late arriving here.”

    “Are you sure you have the right name?”

    “I’m sure, she even said it herself.”

    “hmm, I don't know who you are talking about, I’ll have to meet this Raji later tonight.”

    Rama served himself some food, then headed back to the table he was sitting at,

    “So Raji, I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to come with me when I go to the Dasaratha's house tonight to stay over.”

    There was no answer,

    “Raji?” Rama looked to were Raji was sitting before, she wasn’t there anymore. Rama looked around the room from were he was sitting, but he couldn't find Raji in sight. He sat back down and wondered what just happened.

    Later on in the night Rama walked around in the room talking to other people. It was about eleven PM when the people started to leave, Rama was very tired, he decided to ask Dasaratha whether he could stay with them tonight. Rama walked over to were Dasaratha was sitting, but before Rama could ask, Dasaratha started to talk,

    “Rama, do you want to stay with us tonight? I have a couple of extra bedroom, and no one to fill them, how about it?”

    “Oh, sure, I was just about to ask.”

    As soon as everyone was gone, Rama, Dasaratha and several others of his family members left the Sky-room and the Kosala Centers. They headed over to Dasaratha mansion. Rama was very tired from the long day. But he knew that the days would be longer starting tomorrow, and allot of work was set before him in the days and months in the future…


    Chapter 7 comming soon!

  3. I'm reading these posts and reply, what are you guy talking about?, all i see is a bunch of words and letters that dont make sense (i'm nit making fun of you guy!) Is there a typo, or a mismatch? Or is it some different kind of language, because what i'm getting is allot of mismatch...

  4. There will be no real major, unrealistic changes to the first R1 assuming that you have read the first chapters that i wrote. what i am doing with R2 will be telling of what could have happend after R1, (the new Ramayana not the original). If i dont make a sequel, there will be a big cliff hanger, and the new Ramayana will end up with many untold answers.


    Reader dont like that, they like sequels, or add-ons.

  5. The Ramayana 2 will happen with or without your support, yeah i know, there was no R2. But hey i'll make some history by writing it, as for an people who are willing to see the new Ramayana and its sequels, there are over 7 billion people in the world, and by the time my books come out (some time near 2015-20), there will be new people and new ways to show my story's. There will always be people willing to read anything, incuding the new ramayana.


    By the way Chapter six is almost complete.

  6. As a writer and designer of the Ramayana series (formaly known as Legends Re-told) i must say that the Ramayana is the best book i have ever attempted to convert to modern day or future. But an idea has come to mind that might be possible. A second Ramayana, but there is a problem, there was no Ramayana 2, and second, what would be the reason for a sequel. Well, in order to have sequel, a few things have to changed in the first Ramayana, but another problem comes up when doing this. Isnt the new Ramayana supposed to be from the original? and if there was a plot change at the end would the story be still as good? These questions are big, and have complex anwers - which unfortunetly i dont have an answer too.


    On the other question - whats the reason for a second Ramayana? There are several but the most important is - what happens to Rama, lakshmana, and all the other characters after the story ends? In a sequel this question would be solved, but again some changes would have to occur in first Ramayana in order to make a sequel. Changes that i'm not willing to make - yet.


    As starrdarcy, i have yet to decide whether to make a sequel, of course your input is welcome. I have a few ideas, but as for now, i still have to right the first one.



  7. As a writer and designer of the Ramayana series (formaly known as Legends Re-told) i must say that the Ramayana is the best book i have ever attempted to convert to modern day or future. But an idea has come to mind that might be possible. A second Ramayana, but there is a problem, there was no Ramayana 2, and second, what would be the reason for a sequel. Well, in order to have sequel, a few things have to changed in the first Ramayana, but another problem comes up when doing this. Isnt the new Ramayana supposed to be from the original? and if there was a plot change at the end would the story be still as good? These questions are big, and have complex anwers - which unfortunetly i dont have an answer too.


    On the other question - whats the reason for a second Ramayana? There are several but the most important is - what happens to Rama, lakshmana, and all the other characters after the story ends? In a sequel this question would be solved, but again some changes would have to occur in first Ramayana in order to make a sequel. Changes that i'm not willing to make - yet.


    As starrdarcy, i have yet to decide whether to make a sequel, of course your input is welcome. I have a few ideas, but as for now, i still have to right the first one.



  8. Chapter 5 - SD's comments

    I know, i know, the chapters havent exactly been rolling in very fast lately. But after my accident i couldnt write very well for a little while. Well, now that i'm over the accident (to the best of my knowledge ) and i'm back to writing the Ramayana again. Anyway's, before you read chapter five i have a few comments about this chapter. Chapter five was a tough one, very tough. Why so?, because the chapter 5 was supposed to introduce three key characters - Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna, but there was a problem, the previous chapter made introduction of new characters hard. So any new intro's had to be short and straight foward. Unfortunetly the characters still didnt get a good intro, that's one of the reasons why this chapter was so short. Chapter 5 was also hard because i had to make sure that the book didnt turn into a bussiness report (I didnt want this book to turn into a bussiness like story).A problem that will be fixed in a revised edition after the first version. Anyways enough with my blabbing, on with the story!



    Chapter Five

    Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna


    Dasaratha was happy now that he decided to pick his son or the other two close relatives to take over the family business. And he was more even more excited after learning that a SDI leader was coming to work at his company. On the 25th of January, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna were brought together. Dasaratha and his advisor, Vasistha asked the three to come over for a meeting in Dasaratha’s office. The three knew each other very well, after all they worked for the same company and were from the same family. Today was a special day for them, they never knew it but they could sense this meeting was very important. In Dasaratha’s office, Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna. Dasaratha, and Vasistha sat down at a table in the middle of the room, the meeting started. Dasaratha opened the meeting,

    “Hello everyone. Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna thank you for coming to this meeting on such a short notice. This meeting indeed is very important for me and my company, and of course for you three.”

    Dasaratha paused for a moment, and then said,

    “All three of you have been asked to come here for a very special reason. Over the last couple of years I have watched all three of you, and noticed that you were special. Why? you stand out from the rest of the workers, and the other family workers. That’s why I am going to promote all three of you to Chief Financial Officer’s.”

    The three looked at each other in shock and surprise,

    “Why did I do this? Because you have all worked very well. And the fact that you are very special to the family.”

    Laksmana was still shocked, and didn’t really believe it, he said,

    “You mean that where’re CFO’s, the three of us?”

    “Yes, all three of you will jointly work together.”

    Lakshmana chuckled in disbelief, then all three of them laughed and said,

    “Good joke Dasaratha, you really had us there.”

    “I’m serious about this Lakshmana, Bharata, Shatrughna, you’re CFO’s as of five seconds ago, now its six, seven…”

    “You’re serious, were actually CFO’s”


    It took a couple of minutes for the three to comprehend what just happened. Lakshmana then said,

    “You mean that we…”


    Upon realizing what they just become, the three started to hug each other and laugh in surprise, and shock,

    Later that Monday, around lunch time, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Shatrughna sat together in the main plaza that was at the bottom of the Kosala Centers. It was time for lunch, and some talk. Lakshmana started to talk,

    “What a day!”

    “Tell me about it” Shatrughna said sarcastically,

    Bharata talked,

    “I have worked for Dasaratha for a number of years, he is usually a predictable man, but today that was not the case.”

    “I wonder why Dasaratha is doing this? There was no pre-cursor or warning.” Laksmana responded,

    “You make it seem like Dasaratha is up to know good the way you say it Lakshmana.” Bharata said,

    “Who are we to complain about this promotion, this is a chance to live our dreams” Shatrughna said,

    “Your right Shatrughna, we can’t complain.” Bharata responded,

    “Yeah, your right, but I still wonder what made Dasaratha promote us to CFO’s?”

    Bharata and Shatrughna just rolled their eyes and continued eating.


    Chapter Six comming soon!

  9. Hello everyone, i'm back. I had a little accident, so it kind of mested things up here at starr studios (my sort-of make balieve company ) Anyways, i said earlier that i would provide pictures for my new version of the Ramayana, well here they are! I will show a link to the picture allong with a short discription. Enjoy!


    Picture of Ayodhya city houses...

    Things have changed in India! There is no poverty, and the country is one of the wealthiest confederacies in the world. This picture shows a typical planed community. Note that the style of the buildings, and the kosala centers in the background.




    Parvati car, the EnVille...

    In the future, in Dasaratha's time, Parvati's were a popular vehicle in india. The vehicle maker use to be a government owned company, but it soon was turned into a civilian brand. Parvati's eventually became a symbol of the Indian lifestyle. This picture is the Parvati EnVille.




    Ayodhya city skyline...

    The city skyline is a example of corporate power in Ayodhya, the tallest buildings (Kosala Centers) stand at 220 floors. Other towers include, the LPQ, SharnCity BANK, and several others, stand beside the tallest.




    I will post more pictures later on. Feel free to ask questions, or comment. Thanks.

  10. Chapter Three

    Dasaratha’s Request


    Now it was getting very close to the end of the year, and the Dasaratha Family, and Kosala Incorporated started to get things ready to close for new years, and the January long weekend. The entire company was excited to get off for a little while, before heading back to work on the 10th, of January. Everyone seemed to be happy, and carefree. But not all was well at Kosala Inc., Dasaratha still has no answer to the very important question that he was asked, “who’s going take over the company after you retire?” Dasaratha asked himself the same question constantly. He never asked this question before, when he planned his retirement, he didn’t plan who was going to own the family business after he retired. Dasaratha, troubled by this question constantly, decided it was time to confront his wife about this question. But he then thought, why should my wife Kaikeyi have to worry about problems at this time of the year? He then decided that this very important question will be answered after the holidays. In the mean time, he would forget his problems and go enjoy being with his family.

    This new years eve was be a special one. For it was 2199, and the world was about to celebrate a new century, the 22nd century. A new year for humanity, a brand new start, and a end. Dasaratha, his family, and the rest of the world celebrated as a brand century started!




    Its January 20th, the new years celebration’s have ended, the winter in Ayodhya is over, and life in the city has returned to its regular routine. Kosala Incorporated was no exception, work was resumed right after the 10th of January. To Dasaratha and his company, it was the start to another business year.

    Dasaratha, remembering what he was going to do after the holidays did not

    delay to arrange a talk with his wife Kaikeyi. He also decided that he would discuss at a happy occasion, so he reserved a dinner at one of Ayodhya’s most finest restaurant, called the “Ayodhya Parrot” It soon was time for the event, and both Dasaratha and Kaikeyi were dressed finely, and were arriving at the restaurant.

    When they arrived, a host was at the entrance to the restaurant waiting for them,

    “Good evening Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi welcome to the Ayodhya Parrot, you booked reservations earlier, so I will so you over to your seats.”

    “Inside the “Ayodhya Parrot” there was an interesting theme of the restaurant. A pirate and sea theme, there was models of old ships on the wall, and a miniature pirate ship that people could eat in. There was also imitation parrot’s hanging on poles on the floor, and hanging from the ceiling. The Ayodhya Parrot was very expensive, there meals and drinks when in the thousands of dollars, but Dasaratha had money. There seats were located by on top of the miniature pirate ship, the whole restaurant could be seen. Dasaratha and Kaikeyi walked up to the table, and sat. They were both given menu’s, there was allot to choose from. A waiter came, Dasaratha told him what he was going to have,

    “Hmm, so much to choose from, I’ll have the Salisbury steak.”

    It was Kaikeyi’s turn to order,

    “I will have the Captains veal cutlet.”

    After the got there meals, and ate it, Dasaratha started talking about his question,

    “Kaikeyi, I have a few things to discuss with you, that’s one of the reasons why I took us out to dinner this evening.”

    “What’s on you mind Dasaratha?

    “Well I was asked a very important question quite a while back last year at one of my meetings. It was very troubling, and was bothering me for the last while.”

    “Is that why you were acting so strange for a little while last year?”

    “I guess so, I never noticed it.”

    “Well you were forgetting things, and sometime you wouldn’t sleep some nights.”

    “Your probably right, any ways, the question that we have to discuss is, who is going to take over the company after I retire?

    “We never really talked about this while you planned your retirement.” Kaikeyi also was now concerned about this.

    “I was thinking of having one of my close business associates take over after me, but then I thought, this was a family owned business. So I was thinking, we should get our son, Kausalya’s son, and Sumitra’s son together and pick one of them to take over Kosala Inc. after I retire. How about that?

    “I don’t now, do you think our son, and the others are ready?

    “That’s why I am going to watch them for a little while and see which one is proper to take over the company.”

    “It sounds like a good idea, to me. Bharata, Lakshmana, and Shatrughna are going to be happy about this.”

    “Were not going to tell them about this, Kaikeyi. If they learn that I’m going to be watching them to choose a new owner, they could get competitive. That would compromise there thinking.”

    “I suppose it would. I hope you choose a good owner.”

    “I hope so too.”

    Dasaratha and Kaikeyi finished talking, and left the restaurant. The decision about the future owner after Dasaratha retires wasn’t told to anyone at Kosala Inc., not even the rest of the family was told. It was a good plan in choosing a new owner of the company. But in Dasaratha’s plan to choose a new owner, he would have to gather Bharata, Shatrughna, and Lakshmana somehow.

    Meanwhile, Brahma, Shiva, and Shiva decided to go over to Ayodhya, and go to Kosala Inc. and pay a visit to Dasaratha. And see if Vishnu could get into the company somehow to work while he was undercover. On the 23rd of January, the three flew to Ayodhya, and went over to Kosala Inc. When they came over, no one was excepting them. A meeting was quickly arranged. Dasaratha, Kaikeyi, and Vasistha were going to meet the SDI presidents. About two hours after their arrival, the meeting started. Shiva started to introduced themselves,

    “Hello, thank you for coming to this meeting on such short notice. My name is Shiva, and here is Vishnu, and Brahma, were the three co-presidents of Starr Darcy Incorporated.”

    Dasaratha and the rest were shocked and surprised, they heard about them, but never met them. Having such high people come to Kosala was very rare.

    “Were here to make a proposition with you and your company.”

    “Sure what is it?”

    “We want one of our officials to work at your company, for a little while.”

    “Why do you want to send someone over here to Kosala Inc. to work?”

    “Have you ever heard of the company called Lanka Corporation, and its owner Ravana?”

    “Yes, I do, I used to do business with the company many years ago. We made many deals, and trades between each other. But I soon stopped doing business with Ravana and his company.”

    “Why did you?”

    “They were good at first, we did lots of business with each other. But then they started to go back on several contracts we had made, so we cut off trade ties between them. Ever since, we haven’t heard much from them. Why do you ask?”

    “The Lanka corporation has been causing trouble for SDI, the SIA, some of the public sectors, and several other companies. But just recently, Ravana and his company’s trouble making have been getting more and more worse, to the point were SIA agents are being killed. So SDI, the SIA, and us three co-presidents have decided to send one of our officials undercover to see what the Lanka Corporation is up too. But while undercover, the official wants to work as well. So that’s why we want to make a proposition with you.”

    “I suppose I could look for a position in Kosala Inc. Why did you choose my company?

    “Your history with other companies, and your high code of ethics and standards has caught our attention. We think Kosala Inc. is a worthwhile company to work in. That’s why our official chose your company.”

    “So who is this official?”

    “Well he is right here, Dasaratha meet Vishnu.”

    Dasaratha was a little surprised who it was.

    “Hello Vishnu, nice to meet you.”

    Dasaratha got up from his chair and shook Vishnu’s hand.

    “Yes, I want to work at your company while I look to see what Ravana and his company are up to. We have a very lucrative deal for you if you agree for me to work for you. Brahma here, will tell you.”

    “Yes this is a very lucrative deal for you, here’s how it goes. If you let Vishnu work for you while he’s undercover, we will give you exclusive advertising rights in India. Including first pick in advertising spaces, and opportunities. We are also willing to give your company tax exemptions, and incentives.”

    “Wow, this is indeed a very good deal, almost to good to be true.”

    “It does, but we need to find out what the Lanka Corp. is up to. And Vishnu wants to work while doing this job. If you don’t want to go with this deal, we can always find another company.”

    “Well, I don’t see any problem with this deal, I like it. I think my advisor Vasistha, and my wife Kaikeyi would agree with it also. I don’t see why not.”


    Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and Dasaratha shook hands with each other to close the deal.

    “Well, Shiva and I, will let you and Vishnu work things out on Monday next week. I’m sure you’ll have a position ready for him by then. I wish we could talk, but we have a tight schedule were on. We will talk later.”

    The three began to leave, Dasaratha, Kaikeyi, and Vasistha said bye to them, and waved there hands. So did the Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma as well. The three left the Kosala Centers and headed for the Ayodhya Airport to go back to El Dorado.





    Chapter Four



    Ravana, the owner of Lanka Corporation was in his office, when his three personal advisors, and consultants came in. They were here to visit Ravana about his company’s share’s and investments. Ravana, was eager to see them, he was expecting good news for them. Ravana started talking to them,

    “Good afternoon gentlemen, I’m glad to see you here. I expect you have good news on my company’s share value, and stock performance.”

    The advisors looked at each other uneasily,

    “Well, there is good news and bad news, we’ll tell you the bad news first.”

    One of the other three came forward and talked,

    “The bad news is that your share value has dropped considerably since last month in December. Lanka Corp.’s share value is currently sitting at $4312.89, down $314.09 from mid-December. And its still dropping, in the last hour it dropped another $12. We don’t now what’s causing this.”

    Ravana’s face soon turned from happy to angry. He said to them,

    “Well what’s the good news?”

    The advisor who was talking shuffled some papers he had in his hand nervously, and replied,

    “There is some good news about the bad news. Your stock performance in the stock markets is doing better than five years ago.”

    Ravana was now very angry about this news, he got up out of his chair and loudly said to them,

    “Is that all you can tell me? That my share’s performance is doing better than five years ago? What kind of news is this? I hired you guys to help me get my company richer! I’m regretting ever hiring you guys, get the heck out here.”

    The three advisors quickly shuffled away, Ravana said one last thing to them,

    “Get my share’s value higher, or you will all be fired!”

    The advisors walked out of Ravana’s office. Ravana sat back at back in his seat and turned toward the office window. He quietly said to himself,

    “Pathetic advisors, they can’t even manage my share’s value.”

    Ravana, raised his arm and snapped his fingers. One of his look a likes stepped over and handed him a cigar, another came over and lit it up after Ravana put it in his mouth. He took a puff, and breathed out a little smoke, he then said to his look a likes,

    “I fear that my company is not doing as well as it should, number two.”

    Ravana’s look a like’s were called by numbers, Ravana being number one. Number two came forward and said,

    “Yes sir?”

    “there was a new special edition “Business” magazine that came out today, do you have it?”

    “Yes sir I do.”

    “Good, tell me how my company ranks in the top 10 largest companies in India?”

    Number two looked through the “Business” magazine for the weekly business rankings and numbers,

    “Here they are, as of January 24, 2200-.”

    He searched through the numbers,

    “Well what is it?”

    “Your the second largest company in India.”

    Ravana, got up from his chairs and looked outside his office window, he quietly said to himself,

    “Well, well, well, again I’m number two.”

    Ravana then turned around and said to number two,

    “Number two, who is the largest company in India?”

    “Its Kosala Inc. sir.”

    “How much larger is Kosala Inc. than my company?”

    “Your 2199 profits were $390,089,189, and Kosala Inc. profits were only $5,070 more. And our company’s growth for 2199 was 19.4% over 2198, but Kosala Inc. growth was 19.5%, not much, but just enough to be also the fastest growing company in India.”

    “Kosala Inc., they seem to be always one step ahead of me, a couple numbers more.”

    Ravana turned around away from the window, and said to his look a likes,

    “It’s time for this troubling trend to stop, I want to be top company by end of this year for sure, I’m tired of being a runner up.”

    Number two responded,

    “Sir, with all due respects, where’re practically sharing number one spot with Kosala Inc., were doing good, our profits have soared since a couple years ago. Were fastest climber when it comes to the weekly top 10 largest companies in India.”

    “Yes, but the rewards of being first has it benefits such as status, higher profits, not to mention being in the India spot light.”

    Ravana sat back in his chair and turned on his desk computer, he then said to his look a likes,

    “Were going to be number one by the end of this year, I have several tricks up my sleeve. My fist step is to set up a plan for this year. Number six, get my stock market advisors, and my strategy consultants here again, hopefully they could be some good use for a change, we have a lot of work to do.”

    Number four came forward and said,

    “A sir, there is some news on your close friend Rajwar.”

    “Oh yes, did he get my supplies to me yet?”

    “Actually he wants more money, he wants to renegotiate the deal, or no deal at all. Do want the Rakshasas to take care of him?”

    Ravana turned around in his chair, and said with an evil tone,

    “No, Lets pay Rajwar a visit, we’ll renegotiate the deal. Number four, arrange a renegotiation with Rajwar.”

    “Yes sir.”

    Ravana arranged a meeting with Rajwar to renegotiate the deal concerning the government supplies. At eight PM, Ravana and his look a likes met up with Rajwar at a sea port warehouse in the city of New Milwaukee, just south of New Mumbai. Rajwar was waiting for him. Six large SUV’s came driving into the warehouse, they stopped. Ravana and his look a likes were dressed in black suites, they all came out of there vehicles at the same time.

    “I was wondering what took you so long, so you came to renegotiate the deal?”

    some of the look a likes looked at each other with a grins on there faces. Ravana came forward,

    “ Rajwar, long time friend and business partner. So Rajwar what’s your reasoning for renegotiations?”

    “The government equipment that you asked me to get a hold of, was more difficult to get than was expected, I had to risk several people lives to get my hands on this equipment. Therefore I want more money.”

    Ravana responded impatiently,

    “How much more?”

    “On top of the 100 million that you owe me, I want 50 million more.”

    Ravana looked away disappointed, he then said,

    “Rajwar, we agreed on a deal that I would pay you 100 million dollars for you to get me this equipment, didn’t we?”

    “Yes but-”

    “Lets see the supplies shall we.”

    “There over here, in these containers.”

    Rajwar showed them to a couple of ship containers, they looked ordinary, but there cargo wasn’t anything ordinary. In the containers was hundreds of thousands of PIL implants used for identification for people. Ravana ordered them for his own purposes. Rajwar opened one of the containers, boxes were stacked one on top of each other in rows. Rajwar turned around from the containers and said,

    “I had to go to great lengths and risks to get these PIL’s. If the government ever found out that we smuggled these PIL’s out of government facilities, we’d be in deep .. The Lanka Corp., You and me would be thrown in prison for the rest of our lives.”

    Ravana came forward, Rajwar had a box filled with PIL’s. He opened the box and took out a rack of PIL’s and gave it to Ravana, he held it up to the light, the shiny objects glittered. He put them back and said,

    “Good work Rajwar. I will give you your money.”

    “Excellent glad we could do business.”

    Ravana called number four over. Number four was carrying a silver suitcase, in it was millions of dollars waiting to go, but Ravana had something else in mind.

    “How much was it?”

    “100 million, plus the 50 million.”

    Ravana counted the money, then told number four to close the suitcase and take it back with him. Ravana gave the money in a bag to Rajwar, and as he did he said,

    “I have met up with my end of the deal, Rajwar. But you haven’t.”

    Rajwar looked puzzled, he nervously said,

    “What do you mean?”

    Ravana’s look a likes started to take guns out from there suit jackets,

    “what’s going on here Ravana?”

    Ravana snapped his fingers, number five came forward and gave Ravana a cigar, and lit it for him, Ravana took a puff and then said,

    “Do you remember my policy of doing business Rajwar? You do your part, and I do my part or?”

    “Yes I do.”

    “Well in this deal you didn’t, I’m afraid you’ll have to go.”

    Ravana’s look a likes started to advance towards Rajwar, he held on to his bag of money nervously, he then said,

    “I did my end of the deal, you cant do this-”

    “I didn’t want to do this, especially to my friend, but business is business, you don’t go by my rules you pay the consequences.”


    “I’m sorry Rajwar”

    Ravana walked back from Rajwar and said,

    “Boys take care of Rajwar.”

    Ravana’s look a likes came forward and aimed there weapons at Rajwar, Rajwar took a couple of steps back and said,

    “You will pay for this Ravana, you will pay.”

    Ravana took another puff, and gave a gesture with his hand. His look a likes aimed there weapons,


    The shooting started, The sound of machine guns didn’t bother Ravana. Rajwar fell to the ground with a thud, blood started to pour from his bullet riddled body. Ravana said,

    “Dump the body in the water, take back the money.”

    Rajwar’s bloody body was dumped into the ocean. Ravana and his look a likes got back into there vehicles and left, not forgetting of course to bring the containers of PIL’s with them.


    Chapter 5 comming soon!

  11. Chapter Two

    Dasaratha’s Question


    Up at the meeting room, were Dasaratha was going to, the other delegates that came from 10 other major companies were patiently waiting for him, they were chatting to one another in the meanwhile. There was beep that came from a black voice intercom that was on the meeting table,

    “This is Manthara, I am just coming out of the elevator, with Dasaratha and heading over to the meeting room.”

    All the delegates stopped talking, and sat down in there seats ready for Dasaratha to arrive. This meeting was very important to all of them, the stock market, and strategy meeting determined what companies, sectors, and shares they should invest and not invest into. The meeting also covered what strategies they would use when buying, exchanging, and managing there shares, and money. All the delegates brought there ideas, and suggestions. The door at the end of the meeting roomed opened, Dasaratha walked in,

    “Hello everyone, sorry I’m late.”

    The delegates walked over to Dasaratha and shook hands, then went back over to there seats and sat down. Dasaratha sat down in his seat as well.

    “Well I guess we should get stated, everyone knows that three hours can fly by very fast.”

    Everyone chuckled a little bit. Dasaratha spoke again,

    “Well delegates, welcome to the fourth-quarter stock markets, and strategy meeting. Were here to discuss the ever changing market scene, and how we can invest wisely into it. Also, how to avoid any pitfalls the markets often have. Were all familiar with the fact there is no such thing as a safe investment any more. All of us remember the old days when stock market investments were safer, were in the future now, there are many more companies, and countless more investing into the markets daily. But at least we can try to avoid any serious risks when investing.”

    The meeting went on for about three hours, at the end, all were satisfied with the discussions. The delegates were now getting ready to leave, but before they did, they decided to engage in some light talk with each other. A CEO called McAllen from Directed Financial Services had the audience,

    “So any ways, he walks up to me and says “when are you going to step down as CEO?” I say, “excuse me I don’t even know you and your asking me to step down as CEO?!” What was he thinking?”

    Everyone in the room laughed. He the stated talking again,

    “Speaking of stepping down-.”

    Some people chuckled a little. He tried again,

    “Speaking of stepping down, Dasaratha, who’s going to take over Kosala Inc. After you retire?”

    Dasaratha, didn’t know what to say in response to the question, he had a puzzling, and thinking expression on his face, he was just about to respond, but hesitated and said,

    “You know what? I never really thought about that question until just now when you asked me.” He thought about the question a little, then said,

    “Thanks for asking, I don’t know who’s going to take over after I retire.”

    They continued to talk to each other for a little while longer, and one by one the delegates left. After everyone left, Manthara entered into the room, she saw him sitting at a chair at the end of the table thinking to himself. She asked him,

    “It looks like something is troubling you Dasaratha, what’s the problem?”

    “No, nothings wrong, its just that I’m thinking about something that was brought up today in my meeting.”

    “What is it?”

    Dasaratha hesitated to tell Manthara the question. He responded saying,

    “Oh, it’s just business talk.”

    She smiled back and said,

    “Well, your needed in the planning accounting department.”

    “I almost forgot, I have to pick up the third quarter earnings report. Thanks Manthara.”

    Dasaratha got up from his chair, he closed the door as they both left the meeting room.



    Meanwhile at Starr Darcy Inc. headquarters in El Dorado City, Mexico. At a meeting between high SDI officials…


    “Good evening everyone. Thank you attending this very important meeting.”

    Everyone sat down in there seats at the meeting table. At this meeting there was the three co-Presidents of SDI; Vishnu, Shiva, and Brahma. There was also ten other high SDI officials from other countries, and branches. Vishnu was talking now,

    “I have gathered all of you here to discuss some very important issues that I must address.”

    Everyone in the room was silent and were concentrating on Vishnu.

    “There are some troubling things that are beginning to surface in SDI. All of us know the Lanka Corporation, and it’s leader Ravana. In the past several years, and noticeably in the last four months, money has been mysteriously disappearing, money that was supposed to be coming to SDI. I think the Lanka Corporation maybe responsible for these events. Yes, I know your asking yourselves why I say the Lanka Corp. is responsible for the disappearing money, well I have a record of there accounting books, and spending. In the month of November, and December frequently noticed unusually large transactions of money taking place within the Lanka Corp. and Ravana himself.”

    Some people in the meeting room begun to write down notes, while other still concentrated on Vishnu.

    “But that’s not all the things about the Lanka Corporation I’m worried about. On November twelve, 2199, a SDI Envoy was shot in the head and killed, While staying at a hotel”

    Vishnu had a e-slide show ready, he showed the first shot, the bloody body of the SDI Envoy was shown. Several people looked in shock.

    “At seven A.M., on the twelve of November, a maid found the dead Envoy laying on the hotel bed, with a gun shot to the head. Just before the twelve he paid a visit to the Lanka Corporation just two days before. He was just about to leave on twelve to come back to the SDI branch in India. The police investigators, and the SIA suspected that the Lanka Corp. was involved in the murder some how. But we never gathered enough evidence to prove that Lanka was involved, so the case went unsolved.”

    Vishnu showed some other photos of the murder, and other photos of crimes while he talked,

    “Both the Lanka Corporation, and Ravana have a well know history of getting involved in shady agendas, crimes against people, and scandals. In each and every time the Lanka Corp. was involved in foul play, or suspected of it, we could never gather enough information, and evidence to convict any one. And many people have quit, gave up, and some died trying to find out the truth. As a result, a large number of murders, frauds, and scandals that have been linked with, or suspected of, were never proven to be the work of the Lanka Corporation, or Ravana himself. This is very frustrating to SDI, the SIA, the civilian police force, and me. The general public wants answers to the latest string of crimes and events, as well as other past crimes, that has surrounded Ravana’s company.”

    Vishnu took a small pause, and then started talking again.

    “The SIA, and me also know that other companies are involved with the Lanka Corporation’s shady agenda. I will also find out who, and which other companies are involved as well, when I go undercover. Shiva will now say a few words.”

    Shiva stood up and started to talk,

    “Vishnu is right about the Lank Corp. and its troubled past. Lanka Corp. has never had good relations when it comes to the public, other companies, and even SDI. Ravana has misused the publics trust, and ours to fulfill his own agenda. Something must be done to see what the Lanka Corporation, and Ravana himself are up too. So Vishnu, Brahma, the SIA and me, have decided to send someone to go undercover and see what’s going on at Lanka Corp.”

    Everyone in the meeting room clapped there hands in hearing this news.

    Vishnu stood up again and said,

    “And that person who is going to do the job will be me.”

    People stunned in disbelief, and started talking to one another about Vishnu’s decision send himself to investigate.

    “I know you’re asking each other why I’m going take on this massive project, but I am confident that I have enough training, knowledge, and the means to convict the Lanka Corporation of crimes against SDI, and the public.”

    Vishnu sat back in his seat. It was Brahma’s turn to talk now, everyone else paid close attention to him.

    “Vishnu does have the right training for this job, he would easily solve some of these mysterious cases. And put Ravana and his Company out of Commission. Vishnu has been trained for 3 years in the Starr Intelligence Agency, there support, Vishnu also has experience in the CSI field, and has access to information that most SDI officials cant access. Vishnu also has the mind for getting information, and solving problems. I too, have confidence that Vishnu will get the job done.”

    People in the meeting room soon agreed to what was said, most of them felt happy about Vishnu’s plan. One person stood up from the meeting and asked a question to Vishnu,

    “Who will you be disguised as? And will you still be co-president of SDI?”

    “Good questions, My new name while undercover is still undecided, My appearance will change a little also, but that too is undecided, this will be part of the disguise. As for you other question, I will step down temporally as co-president of SDI to become whoever I need to be.”

    Another person rose up from the meeting table and asked Vishnu another question,

    “Are you going to work at another company while undercover? Which one will it be?”

    “We have looked at several possible companies I could work under, a company under SDI of course. Kosala Inc. seems to the most likely company I will work for while I’m undercover.”

    There was a few more people who had questions on Vishnu’s new appearance, and his new place of work while undercover. After the meeting was over, Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu decided to do some more talking privately.

    “I’m glad the SIA and you have decided to go undercover for this job, but are you sure you want to take on such a daunting task of finding what the Lanka Corp. is up too? The job could get very risky, and your life could become jeopardized if you come close to Ravana and his company. Many people have died trying to do the same task your about to do.”

    Vishnu was very confident that he could take on his task. He said back to Shiva,

    “I will go undercover and see what Ravana is up too, I have enough experience in several fields that I can convict the Lanka Corp. of wrongdoing against SDI. He may be smart and cunning, but it will only get him so far, and then it will trap him.”

    Brahma decided to add his comments,

    “I am happy to see you so confident in this job. You have all the right stuff to get the job done, and put Ravana, and his company out of commission. Just to let you know, that SDI, the SIA, and Shiva, and me, are behind you. If I could go with you on your mission, I would, but there has to be two co-presidents running SDI at all times.”

    Vishnu Responded back,

    “I will be fine by myself, I will work at Kosala Inc. and complete my work that has been set out for me.”

    Shiva asked Vishnu,

    “By the way, how are you going to get in at Kosala Inc.?”

    “I don’t now how, but there must be a way to get, in.”

    “Well all I hope is that you find out what the Ravana and his company are up, to, and that you return safely.”

    “I will, Shiva, I will.”

    Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu finished there talk, they got up and left the meeting room.


    Thanks for reading. What do you think?


    Want the first chapter? Go here



    Ramayana Glossary terms...


  12. I supplied this to help people with their questions!


    Legends Re-told “Ramayana”



    The “Ramayana”

    The story of the Ramayana took place in about 1000 BCE. The story tells about the heroic character called Rama. Rama was a handsome and very responsible person, he lived his life by the rules of the dharma. Therefore he was greatly respected, and considered a hero. The story takes you away to the beautiful city of Ayodhya, to the barren land of Dandaka. And from the ceremony of Ram’s and sits marriage to the great battle between Ravana and Rama. The Ramayana is a prime example of a epic story of faith, courage, and heroism.


    Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

    The legends Re-told Series starts with the epic story of the “Ramayana” This version takes place in the years of 2199 - 2214, in the booming “Leran” years. India, also known as the GCI (Greater Countries of India) is the country, and Ayodhya is the setting were the story takes place. The Legends Re-told version of the Ramayana is very different from the original version. In the way that the settings are very different. Yet the main story plot and themes are kept to power the modern version. Some things from the original version have been modified, or deleted to fit in with the modern futuristic world. But Legends Re-told Ramayana still has all the main scenes, and characters.


    Characters of Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

    note: All characters have been modified to fit in the modern world, some new characters have been added to the cast of Ramayana.

    ****: Unknown yet


    Rama - The heroic man who is disguised as Vishnu. He is supposed to work for Kosala Inc., to figure what Ravana is up too, and to straighten out any problems, so things that go back to normal at SDI. He becomes close friends with the Dasaratha family, and later gets chosen to take over the family business.

    Sita - Daughter of Janaka, and Wife of Rama.

    Dasaratha - Owner of Kosala Inc. He excepts Rama as a future owner of Kosala Inc.

    Lakshmana - Son of Sumitra and ****, and good friend of Rama. He later follows him, in his exile, the search of Sita, and the defeat of Ravana and his evil corporation.

    Bharata - Son of Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi, who becomes temporary owner of Kosala Inc. while Rama was exiled.

    Ravana - The evil owner of Lanka Corporation. He has 9 other look-a-likes that due most of Ravana’s dirty work.

    Hanuman - A high leader of Kiskindha Elite guard, who later becomes Rama’s close friend. He helps them find Sita.

    Janaka - The owner of Mithila Layers Inc., who found Sita abandoned in a ditch.

    Dushan, Khar - Evil brothers of Ravana, and Surpanakha. They both work for Ravana, and Lanka Corporation.

    Garuda - Owner of Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India (GACI). A good friend of Rama who helped him out.

    Indrajit - Ravana’s favorite son who tried to kill Rama, but failed.

    Vibhishana - Ravana’s brother who leaves Ravana and his company to join up with Rama and Sita.

    Jambuvan - still researching…

    Jatayu - A brave, and skilled pilot, who tried to rescue Sita, but died trying.

    Kaikeyi - Wife of Dasaratha, mother of Bharata. She demanded him to hand the family business over to Bharata, and force Rama to be exiled for 14 years.

    Kausalya - Very close relative of Dasaratha.

    Lava, Kush - twin sons Rama, and Sita

    Manthara - The Jealous advisor, and consultant of Kaikeyi, who convinced Kaikeyi to exile Rama, and Bharata to take over the family business.

    Mareech - One of Ravana’s evil scientists who help him capture Sita.

    Nala - Nala is a Highly skilled engineer, and worker. He works for ****, at **** Construction Ltd. He eventually helps Rama.

    Rakshasas - The elite security force that protects Ravana, and Lanka Corporation. Also known as the Rakshasas Elite Guard.

    Sanyasi - still researching…

    Vishnu - The youngest one of the 3 Co-presidents of SDI (Starr Darcy Inc.), from 2195 to 2199. He came to Kosala Inc. as Rama. He is a part of 3 co-presidents that ran SDI from 2170 to 2262. The other co-presidents are Brahma, and Shiva.

    Sugriva - Owner of Kiskindha Industries Ltd. Who help Rama in finding Sita.

    Sumitra - Another close relative of Dasaratha. And mother of Lakshmana, and Shatrughna.

    Shiva - The SDI co-president, who’s former company (****), Rama invested in too, to win Sita’s hand in marriage. The result was that the stock management department for Shiva’s former company was split into two, because of a share overload, (that is good).

    Surpanakha - Ravana’s evil sister, who tried to seduce Rama away from Sita. She failed trying and ran off to Ravana.

    Sumantra - A chauffeur that works for Kosala Inc.

    Tataka - One of Ravana’s evil helpers, who was shutdown by Rama, and Lakshmana.

    Valmiki - The Poet and Author of the Ramayana who helps Sita and her twin sons.

    Vasistha - Dasaratha’s consultant, and helper. He brought together Lakshmana, Bharata, Rama, and Shatrughna so Dasaratha could choose the next owner of Kosala Inc.

    Vishwamitra - The owner of a small company called Vish Textiles Ltd. He went with Rama, and Lakshmana to a place north of Grand EnVille to shutdown Ravana’s evil helpers that were troubling him.




    Ramayana Glossary…

    Note: This glossary contains common terms, phrases, and there meanings that are used in the Legends Re-told “Ramayana”. Most of the words are from the modern futuristic world. Some are directly from the original Ramayana. But most are from the Legends Re-told Ramayana.

    *:Legends Re-told “Ramayana”


    Ayodhya - The rich, and wealthy city that is home to Dasaratha Inc., and the Dasaratha family. And were Rama stays for a little while. The city of Ayodhya in the future is well known to be a place were rich El Doronians come to live, and also many other wealthy families. The city has a population of 980,000 people, as of 2175.

    GCI - Greater Countries of India. This is what India would later become. After the “Envoy” years, in 2120 India was re-named the GCI. In Rama’s time in the years of 2172 to 2300, the GCI was a very powerful confederacy. It’s confederate allies stretched from Bangladesh, to as far away as Taiwan at it’s height. It is the third most powerful confederacy in the world as of 2321, after the Democratic Confederacies of Pakistan, and Confederate Nations of El Dorado.

    Parvati - The Hindu goddess of ****. It is also a Automobile company of India that was started in 2115, as a vehicle company for the military. But it soon crossed over to the civilian market five years later. Parvati sells big Luxury SUV’s, SUT’s, cars, and trucks. In the Ramayana,* Rama, Sita, and Sumantra are riding in Parvati, Tamil. Tamil, is one of the models of car’s that Parvati make. Also EnVille, Grand EnVille, Kali M-Z series, and the EvonVille are the other models that Parvati make.

    El Dorado - El Dorado was established in the year of 2057. After the central American Uprising, Mexico city was slowly rebuilt after it was war-torn. Quite a few years after the rebuild, significant amount of wealth was starting to show up in certain areas of Mexico city, particularly in a neighborhood just west of the city center. This place was later called “El Dorado” (City of Gold), because of its overwhelming wealth and prosperity. Its population as of 2175, is 43.5 million. Later on, Mexico city was called El Dorado, only later to be renamed Mexico city, but the name stuck. Vishnu, comes from this city.

    Confederate Nations of El Dorado - Several years before the ruthless and bloody civil wars called the “Central American Uprising” occurred. The United States eventually had to stop the warring factions from blowing each other up. After about 10 years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and a massive restructure of the government, social, environment, and Judicial systems, the central American countries of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, were slowly rebuilt. The name “Nations of El Dorado” was given to the group of countries under Mexican confederacy. Soon other countries like Canada, United States, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, would Join with the confederacy. Mexico would call all its other confederacies, and itself under the name “Confederate Nations Of El Dorado” It would be the number one super power as of 2075, after the decline of the United States eight years earlier.

    Psionic, Age, and tech - The mysterious powers of Psionics were not discovered until the late 2120’s. Psionics was so mysterious, that scientists called the magical powers “Psionics” after the twenty-third Greek letter (y), Meaning, parapsychological forces. Psionics is used from everything from warp-portals, to fuel for engines in cars. And it is used by the military for weapons, and by the government for the Personal Tracing System used for intelligence. These are called Psionic Technology. The Psionic age was a period of years that began in 2300 and lasted to the late 2410’s. This age was called the “Psionic Age”, because Psionic tech’s became very abundant and available to general public. This age would later fall after the fall of Confederacies in 2397.

    PMC - Personal Mobile Computer. Its like the present day notebook computers.

    Stock Over-Load - When a stock department is overloaded with stocks. This doesn’t happen today, but in the future, it has been learned that holding more stocks under one department, makes the risk higher. So when the stock risk gets up to a very high point, and there is only one stock department operating it and handling, the order will me made to split the stock department into two separate divisions. So that if one loses, the other can lock up there shares, and work on the other side to get there stocks back. When the stock department spits, this is a sign that the company is doing well in the markets. In the Ramayana,* Rama has to invest money in one of Shiva former company’s to get the stock value, and volume up to a certain point in order to win Sita’s hand in marriage.

    Kosala Centers - The Kosala Centers were built in Ayodhya in 2179 for Kosala Inc. In the year of 2204, there five KC (Kosala Centers). One KC, is the tallest at 220 floors, and two and three are each 180 floors. The other two, completed in 2202. Are 160 Floors, and stand in-front of the three existing centers. These tower represents the mighty Kosala corporate empire.

    Ayodhya Parrot - The Ayodhya Parrot is on of the finest restaurant’s in Ayodhya. In the Ramayana, Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi go there for dinner to discuss there issues. The meals are very expensive, and so are the drinks. The world class executive chiefs come here to cook. The theme of the Ayodhya Parrot is a pirate and sea theme, with a miniature pirate ship, and parrots on poles on the floor, and hanging from the ceiling. Its a fascinating place to eat, make sure you bring you wallet and your mortgage as well.

    More glossary terms will be added as the story of Ramayana* progresses…


    The companies of the Ramayana*…


    Kosala Inc. - Established in 2115, Kosala was originally created to help out with great rebuild of India, after the Envoy years. But after the rebuild, the company had to switch to other means to make money, the solution? Work in the robotics, and electronics sector. Dasaratha, and his company quickly accumulated wealth by doing this.

    Lanka Corporation - Established 2132, the company specializes in military, and government intelligence equipment and electronics. The shady Ravana has made this company a very lucrative company, but the wealth that he has brought to the company is tainted. Lanka Corporation has a bad history of making money through wrong means of corporate takeovers, aggressive advertisement, and business scandals.

    Mithila Layers Inc. - Founded in 2120, by Janaka. Mithila layers has branches all over India, and some in El Dorado. Janaka’s layers are well respected among this business sector, and has a good history of following Judicial rules.

    Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India - Founded in 2089, the massive aerospace company has expanded all over the world. Its main duty is production and selling of civilian and military aircraft. It also operates its own airline business under the same name. Recently as of 2201, the company is the second largest aerospace company.

    Vish Textiles Ltd. - Established in 2180, by Vishwamitra. The small textile manufacturer was set up to specialize in traditional Indian clothes, and contemporary clothes. The Vish Corporation has it’s main HQ in a region just east of the city of Grand EnVille.

    Kiskindha Industries Ltd. - Established in 2170, by Sugriva, The large industrial corporation is the twenty-fifth largest industrial manufacturer of military, civilian, and government equipment in the GCI. It also does business, in the mining, and processing sectors. This company has a good corporate, transactions, and money record.

    SDI - Starr Darcy Inc. The mighty global corporate empire in the 2100’s to the end of the 2300’s. SDI was established way back in 2018 by Darcy Starr. It was small at first but quickly expanded to meet consumer needs. SDI at first was a writing operation, But switched over to electronics in 2028. Later it also made cars, computers, and textiles for other companies. Quite a few years later, and after Darcy Starr died, in 2089 SDI was turned into a international corporation that watched and managed other companies. It would by up other companies, the original owners still had power, but was owned by SDI. SDI grew larger and larger, until it was a household name in almost every country.

    This glossary will be updated frequently. Any typos, errors, questions, cooments suggestions? Feel free to ask! Thanks.

  13. I supplied this to help people with their questions!


    Legends Re-told “Ramayana”



    The “Ramayana”

    The story of the Ramayana took place in about 1000 BCE. The story tells about the heroic character called Rama. Rama was a handsome and very responsible person, he lived his life by the rules of the dharma. Therefore he was greatly respected, and considered a hero. The story takes you away to the beautiful city of Ayodhya, to the barren land of Dandaka. And from the ceremony of Ram’s and sits marriage to the great battle between Ravana and Rama. The Ramayana is a prime example of a epic story of faith, courage, and heroism.


    Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

    The legends Re-told Series starts with the epic story of the “Ramayana” This version takes place in the years of 2199 - 2214, in the booming “Leran” years. India, also known as the GCI (Greater Countries of India) is the country, and Ayodhya is the setting were the story takes place. The Legends Re-told version of the Ramayana is very different from the original version. In the way that the settings are very different. Yet the main story plot and themes are kept to power the modern version. Some things from the original version have been modified, or deleted to fit in with the modern futuristic world. But Legends Re-told Ramayana still has all the main scenes, and characters.


    Characters of Legends Re-told “Ramayana”

    note: All characters have been modified to fit in the modern world, some new characters have been added to the cast of Ramayana.

    ****: Unknown yet


    Rama - The heroic man who is disguised as Vishnu. He is supposed to work for Kosala Inc., to figure what Ravana is up too, and to straighten out any problems, so things that go back to normal at SDI. He becomes close friends with the Dasaratha family, and later gets chosen to take over the family business.

    Sita - Daughter of Janaka, and Wife of Rama.

    Dasaratha - Owner of Kosala Inc. He excepts Rama as a future owner of Kosala Inc.

    Lakshmana - Son of Sumitra and ****, and good friend of Rama. He later follows him, in his exile, the search of Sita, and the defeat of Ravana and his evil corporation.

    Bharata - Son of Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi, who becomes temporary owner of Kosala Inc. while Rama was exiled.

    Ravana - The evil owner of Lanka Corporation. He has 9 other look-a-likes that due most of Ravana’s dirty work.

    Hanuman - A high leader of Kiskindha Elite guard, who later becomes Rama’s close friend. He helps them find Sita.

    Janaka - The owner of Mithila Layers Inc., who found Sita abandoned in a ditch.

    Dushan, Khar - Evil brothers of Ravana, and Surpanakha. They both work for Ravana, and Lanka Corporation.

    Garuda - Owner of Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India (GACI). A good friend of Rama who helped him out.

    Indrajit - Ravana’s favorite son who tried to kill Rama, but failed.

    Vibhishana - Ravana’s brother who leaves Ravana and his company to join up with Rama and Sita.

    Jambuvan - still researching…

    Jatayu - A brave, and skilled pilot, who tried to rescue Sita, but died trying.

    Kaikeyi - Wife of Dasaratha, mother of Bharata. She demanded him to hand the family business over to Bharata, and force Rama to be exiled for 14 years.

    Kausalya - Very close relative of Dasaratha.

    Lava, Kush - twin sons Rama, and Sita

    Manthara - The Jealous advisor, and consultant of Kaikeyi, who convinced Kaikeyi to exile Rama, and Bharata to take over the family business.

    Mareech - One of Ravana’s evil scientists who help him capture Sita.

    Nala - Nala is a Highly skilled engineer, and worker. He works for ****, at **** Construction Ltd. He eventually helps Rama.

    Rakshasas - The elite security force that protects Ravana, and Lanka Corporation. Also known as the Rakshasas Elite Guard.

    Sanyasi - still researching…

    Vishnu - The youngest one of the 3 Co-presidents of SDI (Starr Darcy Inc.), from 2195 to 2199. He came to Kosala Inc. as Rama. He is a part of 3 co-presidents that ran SDI from 2170 to 2262. The other co-presidents are Brahma, and Shiva.

    Sugriva - Owner of Kiskindha Industries Ltd. Who help Rama in finding Sita.

    Sumitra - Another close relative of Dasaratha. And mother of Lakshmana, and Shatrughna.

    Shiva - The SDI co-president, who’s former company (****), Rama invested in too, to win Sita’s hand in marriage. The result was that the stock management department for Shiva’s former company was split into two, because of a share overload, (that is good).

    Surpanakha - Ravana’s evil sister, who tried to seduce Rama away from Sita. She failed trying and ran off to Ravana.

    Sumantra - A chauffeur that works for Kosala Inc.

    Tataka - One of Ravana’s evil helpers, who was shutdown by Rama, and Lakshmana.

    Valmiki - The Poet and Author of the Ramayana who helps Sita and her twin sons.

    Vasistha - Dasaratha’s consultant, and helper. He brought together Lakshmana, Bharata, Rama, and Shatrughna so Dasaratha could choose the next owner of Kosala Inc.

    Vishwamitra - The owner of a small company called Vish Textiles Ltd. He went with Rama, and Lakshmana to a place north of Grand EnVille to shutdown Ravana’s evil helpers that were troubling him.




    Ramayana Glossary…

    Note: This glossary contains common terms, phrases, and there meanings that are used in the Legends Re-told “Ramayana”. Most of the words are from the modern futuristic world. Some are directly from the original Ramayana. But most are from the Legends Re-told Ramayana.

    *:Legends Re-told “Ramayana”


    Ayodhya - The rich, and wealthy city that is home to Dasaratha Inc., and the Dasaratha family. And were Rama stays for a little while. The city of Ayodhya in the future is well known to be a place were rich El Doronians come to live, and also many other wealthy families. The city has a population of 980,000 people, as of 2175.

    GCI - Greater Countries of India. This is what India would later become. After the “Envoy” years, in 2120 India was re-named the GCI. In Rama’s time in the years of 2172 to 2300, the GCI was a very powerful confederacy. It’s confederate allies stretched from Bangladesh, to as far away as Taiwan at it’s height. It is the third most powerful confederacy in the world as of 2321, after the Democratic Confederacies of Pakistan, and Confederate Nations of El Dorado.

    Parvati - The Hindu goddess of ****. It is also a Automobile company of India that was started in 2115, as a vehicle company for the military. But it soon crossed over to the civilian market five years later. Parvati sells big Luxury SUV’s, SUT’s, cars, and trucks. In the Ramayana,* Rama, Sita, and Sumantra are riding in Parvati, Tamil. Tamil, is one of the models of car’s that Parvati make. Also EnVille, Grand EnVille, Kali M-Z series, and the EvonVille are the other models that Parvati make.

    El Dorado - El Dorado was established in the year of 2057. After the central American Uprising, Mexico city was slowly rebuilt after it was war-torn. Quite a few years after the rebuild, significant amount of wealth was starting to show up in certain areas of Mexico city, particularly in a neighborhood just west of the city center. This place was later called “El Dorado” (City of Gold), because of its overwhelming wealth and prosperity. Its population as of 2175, is 43.5 million. Later on, Mexico city was called El Dorado, only later to be renamed Mexico city, but the name stuck. Vishnu, comes from this city.

    Confederate Nations of El Dorado - Several years before the ruthless and bloody civil wars called the “Central American Uprising” occurred. The United States eventually had to stop the warring factions from blowing each other up. After about 10 years, hundreds of billions of dollars, and a massive restructure of the government, social, environment, and Judicial systems, the central American countries of Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, were slowly rebuilt. The name “Nations of El Dorado” was given to the group of countries under Mexican confederacy. Soon other countries like Canada, United States, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, would Join with the confederacy. Mexico would call all its other confederacies, and itself under the name “Confederate Nations Of El Dorado” It would be the number one super power as of 2075, after the decline of the United States eight years earlier.

    Psionic, Age, and tech - The mysterious powers of Psionics were not discovered until the late 2120’s. Psionics was so mysterious, that scientists called the magical powers “Psionics” after the twenty-third Greek letter (y), Meaning, parapsychological forces. Psionics is used from everything from warp-portals, to fuel for engines in cars. And it is used by the military for weapons, and by the government for the Personal Tracing System used for intelligence. These are called Psionic Technology. The Psionic age was a period of years that began in 2300 and lasted to the late 2410’s. This age was called the “Psionic Age”, because Psionic tech’s became very abundant and available to general public. This age would later fall after the fall of Confederacies in 2397.

    PMC - Personal Mobile Computer. Its like the present day notebook computers.

    Stock Over-Load - When a stock department is overloaded with stocks. This doesn’t happen today, but in the future, it has been learned that holding more stocks under one department, makes the risk higher. So when the stock risk gets up to a very high point, and there is only one stock department operating it and handling, the order will me made to split the stock department into two separate divisions. So that if one loses, the other can lock up there shares, and work on the other side to get there stocks back. When the stock department spits, this is a sign that the company is doing well in the markets. In the Ramayana,* Rama has to invest money in one of Shiva former company’s to get the stock value, and volume up to a certain point in order to win Sita’s hand in marriage.

    Kosala Centers - The Kosala Centers were built in Ayodhya in 2179 for Kosala Inc. In the year of 2204, there five KC (Kosala Centers). One KC, is the tallest at 220 floors, and two and three are each 180 floors. The other two, completed in 2202. Are 160 Floors, and stand in-front of the three existing centers. These tower represents the mighty Kosala corporate empire.

    Ayodhya Parrot - The Ayodhya Parrot is on of the finest restaurant’s in Ayodhya. In the Ramayana, Dasaratha, and Kaikeyi go there for dinner to discuss there issues. The meals are very expensive, and so are the drinks. The world class executive chiefs come here to cook. The theme of the Ayodhya Parrot is a pirate and sea theme, with a miniature pirate ship, and parrots on poles on the floor, and hanging from the ceiling. Its a fascinating place to eat, make sure you bring you wallet and your mortgage as well.

    More glossary terms will be added as the story of Ramayana* progresses…


    The companies of the Ramayana*…


    Kosala Inc. - Established in 2115, Kosala was originally created to help out with great rebuild of India, after the Envoy years. But after the rebuild, the company had to switch to other means to make money, the solution? Work in the robotics, and electronics sector. Dasaratha, and his company quickly accumulated wealth by doing this.

    Lanka Corporation - Established 2132, the company specializes in military, and government intelligence equipment and electronics. The shady Ravana has made this company a very lucrative company, but the wealth that he has brought to the company is tainted. Lanka Corporation has a bad history of making money through wrong means of corporate takeovers, aggressive advertisement, and business scandals.

    Mithila Layers Inc. - Founded in 2120, by Janaka. Mithila layers has branches all over India, and some in El Dorado. Janaka’s layers are well respected among this business sector, and has a good history of following Judicial rules.

    Garuda Aerospace Corporation of India - Founded in 2089, the massive aerospace company has expanded all over the world. Its main duty is production and selling of civilian and military aircraft. It also operates its own airline business under the same name. Recently as of 2201, the company is the second largest aerospace company.

    Vish Textiles Ltd. - Established in 2180, by Vishwamitra. The small textile manufacturer was set up to specialize in traditional Indian clothes, and contemporary clothes. The Vish Corporation has it’s main HQ in a region just east of the city of Grand EnVille.

    Kiskindha Industries Ltd. - Established in 2170, by Sugriva, The large industrial corporation is the twenty-fifth largest industrial manufacturer of military, civilian, and government equipment in the GCI. It also does business, in the mining, and processing sectors. This company has a good corporate, transactions, and money record.

    SDI - Starr Darcy Inc. The mighty global corporate empire in the 2100’s to the end of the 2300’s. SDI was established way back in 2018 by Darcy Starr. It was small at first but quickly expanded to meet consumer needs. SDI at first was a writing operation, But switched over to electronics in 2028. Later it also made cars, computers, and textiles for other companies. Quite a few years later, and after Darcy Starr died, in 2089 SDI was turned into a international corporation that watched and managed other companies. It would by up other companies, the original owners still had power, but was owned by SDI. SDI grew larger and larger, until it was a household name in almost every country.

    This glossary will be updated frequently. Any typos, errors, questions, cooments suggestions? Feel free to ask! Thanks.

  14. Well i said i would supply the chapters as i progress. Heres the first chapter. Feel free to ask questions. Thanks!


    Chapter One



    It was a sunny day in the beautiful city of Ayodhya. There was not a cloud in sight and the blazing sun gave everything below a glow. On the highway just west in the outskirts of the city, the sunny skies and light breeze made driving very pleasant. Dasaratha, the owner of Kosala Inc. was driving to work on his daily commute from the urban sprawl of neighboring Tuscany valley. He was ready for work at and looking professional. His black suit, gold necklace, and tie. He turned on the radio to his favorite station. A soft voiced man was on,

    “good morning everyone, this is 1190 Easy FM Ayodhya easy listening station, on a beautiful Monday morning, the temperature for the city is 20, and were expecting sun, sun, and more sun, for this week. Your listening to the morning show with Al and Al. This morning were talking about the corporate success of Kosala Inc.”

    “Yes, Al. Kosala Inc. is another sign of India’s fast growing economy, and business scene. In fact Kosala Inc. is top one hundredth fastest growing company in India according to the Business Weekly Magazine. I bet the stockholders are happy about that Al.”

    “That’s true, I own some shares and I make money off the company every day. Lets hope Kosala continues to grow.”

    “Well Al, it’s time again to see what’s happening on the roads of Ayodhya, here’s Tom to tell us what’s happening with the morning commute to work.”

    “Hello Al and Al. Well its an average morning commute, we have the I-23P backed up for a little, and some traffic on the highway-12 by-pass. As for-.”

    Dasaratha turned off the radio, and put the top down on his Parvati. The rush of cool air was a refreshing feeling. As he got closer to the City of Ayodhya, the tall business towers of the city, especially those of the Kosala Center seemed to reach for the heavens. The city core of Ayodhya was beautiful, there was medium sized trees that doted the sides of every sidewalk, and countless gardens that lay on the side of the road, the many shops, and stores. Each were decorated on the outside to fit in with the theme of the city core, a traditional 2010 era style of building, with large arches, pillars, bold colors and fake facades.

    Dasaratha turned off the main road and stopped at a StarBucks for some coffee, as he parked his car and got, people waved to him. In Ayodhya people are generally friendly, and give hospitality to one another, even strangers are given a warm welcome when the enter the city. This gave the city a small town feeling. Most of Ayodhya knew Dasaratha, the Dasaratha Family, and there business, Kosala Inc. After all, quite a few people who lived in Ayodhya worked for him. Dasaratha usually went to StarBucks on his way to work to have his morning coffee, his favorite was Double Espresso, with some whip cream on top. He grabbed his briefcase and walked into the store, some people who were sitting at a table by the front window waved to him, some others smiled, Dasaratha smiled back to them. Before he got to the front till, a lady called Merila looked at him and said,

    “Hello Dasaratha, the usual?”

    “No, lets try something different today Merila, I try the Americano with a extra shot of caffeine.”

    “Sure, I get it ready. Just to let you know its very strong.”

    “That’s all right, I’ll need it for today.”

    “Big day for you? What’s happening?”

    “I am having some people come over from a few other companies for a stock market, and strategy meeting. Its very important and demanding.”

    “Well here you go Dasaratha, hope you enjoy you Americano, and good luck at the meeting.”

    “Thank you Merila, see you later.” Dasaratha paid at the till, and walked over to an empty table near the front window. He set his American on the table, and took out his PMC from his briefcase. He sipped his coffee as he turned it on. He checked his stock portfolio, it was doing well. He made $35,000 overnight from the companies he invested into. He then paged his stock advisor, and personal consultant, a person came on the screen, his name was Vasistha,

    “Hello Vasistha, how are you doing?”

    “Doing well sir, and you?”

    “Well just at my usual morning coffee stop. Vasistha could you tell me which companies to look out for, and if there good, which ones I should invest into?”

    “Yes, There are a few interesting companies today, Federated, Mithila Layers, and a big jumper this morning was IMP Co. I would invest in all of them. If you only want to invest into one only, the best choice would have to be Federated. IMP Co. is a higher mover than Federated, but there could be a slump after such a big gain earlier this morning.”

    “What’s Federated shares worth, is $3267.34 a share sir.”

    “Buy 150 Federated shares. Put 35 of them into my Portfolio, as locked shares. Thanks Vasistha.”

    “Talk to you later Dasaratha, I’ll keep a close watch on your investments.”

    Dasaratha was putting his PMC away, when his pagers gave a beep. He looked at, it was his Manthara. He turned the display on.

    “Dasaratha, the gentlemen from the other companies you called for are here, there ready for you stock market, and strategy meeting. They have been here for a few minutes.”

    “I’ll be right over Manthara, tell them to wait and I’m going to be there soon. I can’t let anything effect that meeting with those gentleman.”

    “All right, I will tell them. See later Dasaratha.”

    Dasaratha quickly drank his Americano, and grabbed his briefcase as he walked out the door towards his car. He got out his vehicle remote, and started the Parvati. The car’s AI voice came on,

    “Welcome to Parvati Tamil, user Dasaratha.”

    He got in and put his fingers on a small screen for identification. He put the car on auto pilot. The AI voice came on again,

    “Were is your destination?”

    Dasaratha responded,

    “To Kosala Center, parkade 1-A, space 14, Dasaratha. As soon as possible.”

    “Destination request complete.”

    The car gave a sharp jolt, Dasaratha sat back in his seat tensely. Then the car gave itself max acceleration and pulled out of the parking lot, it did a sharp turn. Then the car paused for a moment. Dasaratha relaxed in his seat. Then without warning the car accelerated itself down to a intersection and skidded to a abrupt stop. Some people in a car beside him looked at him funny. He sank down in his seat. When the light was green, the car took off. As it drove down the highway, the Parvati did sharp passes around other ongoing cars, and accelerated often, barely missing other cars. When the car approached the exit that went to the Dasaratha Centers, it accelerated and crossed three lanes, pulling in front of two cars trying to get into the exit as well, they honked there horns. When the Parvati got into the exit, the car didn’t slow down, it raced down the viaduct and tunnels heading towards Kosala Inc. Dasaratha’s car did its act again of passing cars, and speeding past others. The car reached the check-in booth that was at the entrance to the parkade, Dasaratha sat up and sighed in relief. But the reckless drive was not over yet, as soon as the computer check-in booth gave the signal to go, the Parvati did a burn-out and sped off leaving behind two tire marks, and a cloud of smoke. People who were near by looked at Dasaratha, and raised there eyebrows in disbelief. The Parvati raced through the parkade corridors, missing other cars passing. The Parvati got up final level were Dasaratha’s parking spot was, the car stopped at the entrance. Dasaratha tried again to sit up again. The car revved a little, then accelerated again down the parkade, he was thrown back in his seat. As the Parvati accelerated, the speedometer reached speeds of over 100 Km/h. Just ahead, a SUV started to pull out, Dasaratha closed his eyes and covered his face with his hand. The Parvati quickly swerved around the SUV and continued to drive. The parking spot could be seen, the car gave itself one last push, and Just before reaching the end, it did a turn and brake at the same time. The car’s rear end swerved around and skidded to an abrupt stop, the Parvati was perfectly parked in its spot. Dasaratha was clinging on to his briefcase, he relaxed in his seat and said out loud to himself,

    “What a ride, that’s ASAP.” He got out of the car. One of the people who stood and watched Dasaratha drive into the parking lot said, but not loud,

    “show off.”

    Another person who was watching said,

    “Dasaratha has all the right moves when it comes to business, I guess the same applies when he’s driving.”

    Dasaratha stepped out of his car and acted as if everything was normal. Some people who watched him as he drove into the parkade said,

    “Hi.” In a surprised and shocked way.

    Dasaratha shyly responded,

    “Hi.” As he walked past them.

    Four of Dasaratha’s personal body guards were waiting at the entrance of the corridor leading top the plaza. He met up with them. Dasaratha, and his body guards walked down a long glass corridor to the main indoor plaza, many people that he walked by smiled, waved, or said hi to him. Dasaratha looked outside as he walked, three towering glass monstrosities sparkle reflections of the sky in the bright light, there was two new Kosala towers; four, and five being constructed down below, and was due to be completed in 2 years, by late 2201. Dasaratha reached the main inner plaza. The high glass ceilings, tall pillars, and the massive size of the plaza was breathtaking. They walked for a little while until he reached the main plaza desk, there were a few people working at the there. A women called Janita who was there smiled and said,

    “Good, morning Dasaratha.”

    “Good morning to you Janita, I have a very important meeting that I am supposed to be at, could you page Manthara, and the stock market, and strategy meeting that I have just arrived and I’m coming up very soon.”

    “Can do, I will page Manthara, and the meeting, to tell them your here and coming very soon.”

    “Thank you Janita, see you later.”

    Janita smiled back and then went back to work. Dasaratha, and his body guards then walked over to one end of the plaza were the elevators, and building-to-building transports were. They walked to one of many elevators that service One Kosala Center. As he approached elevator 14-A, there was Manthara, and two of her body guards waiting for them, they smiled and greeted Dasaratha, and Manthara said,

    “Your stock market, and strategy meeting delegates are waiting for you, I will take you to them, Dasaratha.”

    Dasaratha, Manthara and there body guards entered into the elevator. The glass doors shut behind them and they were lifted up the tower to the meeting.


    Thanks for reading. What do you think?


    Go here for second chapter...



    The Ramayana Glossary terms...


  15. hi, i'm new here!


    No, this is not another translation of the Ramayana, this is my version of the story!


    Everyone knows whats it about, so you want have trouble with what i am going to talk about.


    I have just started a series called the "Legends Re-told" This series takes old epics and retells them in modern, or future times. In the ramayana, the new version takes place in the Years of 2199 to 2257. Most of the characters and scenes are kept (I need help to locate a full story of the Ramayana, and the characters!). The story of the ramayana inspired me to write, and now i am writing the third chapter already. I will soon quote some parts out of my story. If you want the full version of the chpters as i progress, give me a e-mail at starrdarcy@hotmail.com. Thats all. Any question? Feel free to ask me. Thanks.

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