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Posts posted by payals

  1. Hi ,


    Please guide me on the below.


    My Fiancee' DOB is 15-12-1983

    time :5:15 AM (around , not approximate)

    Place-Phulpur(allahabad) 82'05 E , 25:33 N


    Astrologer has asked him to wear yellow sapphire ring and Cat's eye locket .


    I really wanted your help & guidance regarding it . Also he has asked him to go to nasik (triumekeswar) for KSD puja.


    Please guide me ..




  2. Hi Deepa jee,


    Yesterday I had gone to bhima jewellery shop in bangalore .I asked for yellow sapphire . They showed me few , to my surprise all stones that they showed me had marks inside , Few had white patches too. They said that these are untreated sapphires anf these are birth marks . also when Ishowed them mine (the one I am currently wearing ) , they said that your's is a treated one .

    The prices were also very high

    (4000-5000 per carot)

    I was really shocked because I have heard that we should neevr wear a stone with marks or cuts .Can you please guide me on this . I ned to buy it for my fiancee'.

    Also the price of Gomed /cat's eye per carot was 600/2000 respectively . Are they looting people or what , I am very confused now .

    They showed me some yellow sapphire which were extremely beautiful without marks . they said that the cost is around 20K per carot .


    Plz guide deepa jee.




    no, its my problem. I have a mental block with it. I should fill up my knowledge bank on this actually.


    The problem is Rahu acts like shani and is shadowy. It will rebound the effects which come on it even upon aspects of other grahas. Now suppose in transits, planets affecting rahu in your horoscope are in a 6-8 relationship with their birth positions, gomedh will magnify the severity.


    So basically gomedh has to be put on and removed periodically. Hence my hesitation :)


    Thank you for the clarification Deepajee . It surely has clarified my doubts .




    put up specific querry and also the source of your birth details.

    In another message, you have given some different birth details.


    Namaste Gurujee,


    I have posted my fiancee' s birth details in this post . He has been asked to do puja at triumbaketswar , nasik for naag dosh . I wanted to know if he needs to wear stones . because his luck neverfavours him . your advice would be very helpful.


    Dear Payal


    Rahu is in Shani's nakshatra, Rahu is also sub-lord of your lagna. Rahu is aspecting your lagna - and trines. It should give some very good results. I believe you get along well with most people yet you feel you are different and secluded. Also, you'd do better with management-related tasks. Do you feel working as a s/w person in an MNC is really what you should be doing?


    Saturn is inauspicious for scorpio lagna and caused breaks in romantic and educational pursuits in your case. I am very sure you will be going abroad.


    You need to get pujas performed at Kalahasti for sarp dosha. That is causing and will cause major problems in the future. The problems would be related to your 4th house issues such as vehicles, mother's health, higher education, mental happiness, etc.


    Best Wishes



    Thank you so much deepa jee , You are very correct even one of astro guy in bangalore has asked me to get this puja done .

    Also he has asked me to wear gomedh . he has asked me to wear a locket made of it , But I do not know how much ratti/carrot and in which stone , Can you please guide me on this .

    Thank you for your help. As far as S/W is concerned , though I am getting very good salary but not satisfied with work , Wanted to pursue higher education in management but could not get success in any exams . SO have somewhat compromised with my situation and trying to focus on my work here . Thnaks once again and hoping for your reply


    Dear Payal,


    I have taken Patna as 85 E 15 and 25 N 35 - pls verify if the lat+long details are correct.


    How was the time period between Oct 2002 and June 2004? Must have been troublesome. I see more troubles beginning Aug 2009.


    You have a partial kala sarp yog in your chart.


    The gems you are wearing are fine. Do not remove them. Have you been travelling a lot?


    Best Wishes



    Also my astrologer has calculated everything with regard to Longitude 85 12 & Latitude 25 37 . Even he has asked me to wear gomed & have told me about naag dosha in my kundli


    Dear Payal,


    I have taken Patna as 85 E 15 and 25 N 35 - pls verify if the lat+long details are correct.


    How was the time period between Oct 2002 and June 2004? Must have been troublesome. I see more troubles beginning Aug 2009.


    You have a partial kala sarp yog in your chart.


    The gems you are wearing are fine. Do not remove them. Have you been travelling a lot?


    Best Wishes



    Thanks a lot for taking out time for me .Sorry for my late reply , I have not been travelling alot . though was studying during the above mentioned time period , can't remember if it was very troublesome , but lately I have started feeling very depressed & have mental tension most of the time . I do not think I am getting what I deserve . what all I need to do to remove my problems and do you see any foreign travel in my chart . Also I wan to mention I have been working in S/W for past 3 yrs

  8. Hi ,


    My date of birth is 31/08/1981

    time 11:20 AM

    place patna(bihar) , india


    currently I am going through rahu maha dasha and saturn antardasha ,Plz provide remedies so that I can grow in my career , Also Plz throw light on how my career prospects are in general , thanks a lot .


    Also what all stones i need to wear for a good life & career

  9. Hi ,


    My date of birth is 31/08/1981

    time 11:20 AM

    place patna(bihar) , india


    currently I am going through rahu maha dasha and saturn antardasha ,Plz provide remedies so that I can grow in my career , Also Plz throw light on how my career prospects are in general , thanks a lot .


    Also what all stones i need to wear for a good life & career

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