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Posts posted by bobby111

  1. Dear Tantric fellow members, I am just new to this business, due to circumstances I have come to search for a Mantric remedy.

    Can any one tell me, how do I do vashikaran on my wife so that she remains in my control and my family life stays cool and my kids doesn’t become victim of breaking marriage.

    Can anyone also tell me how do I do VIDESHAN to create differences between my wife and her friends so that they do not misguide her and mislead her and my life remains tension free.

    Over my 8 years of marriage I have may a times learned that my wife’s siblings and friends are jealous of her and they are spoiling her married life for her personal benefits, to create peace in my life and to save my children from consequences of family split I wish to do vashikaran on my wife and videshan among her and others.

    The more important to me is videshan among them and my wife cause my wife is good and I make her understand most of the time and she do obey too but than as she talks to her family it is all spoiled and ruined and my family is disturbed, so the best thing for me is I do create differences among them only.

    Oh learned one’s kindly help me, as for sure this is for a good reason only, no bad or evil intension is there behind it.

  2. Dear Tantric fellow members, I am just new to this business, due to circumstances I have come to search for a Mantric remedy.

    Can any one tell me, how do I do vashikaran on my wife so that she remains in my control and my family life stays cool and my kids doesn’t become victim of breaking marriage.

    Can anyone also tell me how do I do VIDESHAN to create differences between my wife and her family members so that they do not misguide her and mislead her and my life remains tension free.

    Over my 8 years of marriage I have may a times learned that my wife’s siblings are jealous of her and her mother is spoiling her married life for her personal benefits, to create peace in my life and to save my children from consequences of family split I wish to do vashikaran on my wife and videshan among her and other members of her family.

    The more important to me is videshan among them and my wife cause my wife is good and I make her understand most of the time and she do obey too but than as she talks to her family it is all spoiled and ruined and my family is disturbed, so the best thing for me is I do create differences among them only.

    Oh learned one’s kindly help me, as for sure this is for a good reason only, no bad or evil intension is there behind it.

  3. Dear sir,

    i forgot to tell u that in my Mercury Maha dasa the saturn's antardasa wasn't good ( may be due to saturn's transit in Aries 1998 ) and Jupiter's Antardasa was excellent, but unexpectedly Jupiter's antar dasa and saturn's antardasa dasa were great in Ketu's mahadasa. although i was scared of Ketu-saturn.



    dear shri bobby,


    you have a great protector Jupiter in your side.


    in dasamsa there is a exchange of 1st (Venus) and 9th (Saturn) lord creating a great yoga, but it is weakened since saturn is in MKS, strengthening Saturn will help you to get the benefits from the yoga.


    Lagna is in Taurus, praying to Lord Venkatachalapathy will help.

  4. Dear Sir,

    Can u put more light and advise any remedy or solution on your below mentioned definations please.

    ( ok, regarding instability in career (business) we have to look into dasamsa, here jupiter the 8th lord in 7th house showing business, ofcourse 6th house is stronger than 7th house (raja/lakshmi yoga), but the instability caused by jupiter must have to be stablised by strong lagna, but the planet in lagna is in MKS, it struggles to make it. )


    Sister in-law is elder and mother in-law is born in 1942.








    Dear Deepa ji,




    In the above quote i predicted only on his career point of view (the person here quoted that he has to be wealthy and happy)


    ok, regarding instability in career (business) we have to look into dasamsa, here jupiter the 8th lord in 7th house showing business, ofcourse 6th house is stronger than 7th house (raja/lakshmi yoga), but the instability caused by jupiter must have to be stablised by strong lagna, but the planet in lagna is in MKS, it struggles to make it.


    Now about mother-in-law, from his chart we can't see the real nature of his mother-in-law but we can see her by only from his prespective, the 4th house from 7th will show mother-in-law in navamsa d9, one main thing is that his motherinlaw will give obstacles to his desire in his prespective and we can study more things of his mother-in-law from his prespective.


    For sister-in-law, is that she is elder or younger to his wife?


    from the analysis i think his birth time should be correct



    is that the 12th house in rasi chart shows instability?, if that show, is that only show that?

  5. Dear Sir,

    Can u please advise from when to when that Dwi-Saptatisama dasa will be in my life ?





    there is a parivatana between moon and jupiter, so none can destroy their house and saturn is the bhava karaka for 12th house.


    Jupiter -Atmakaraka - the lord of 9th house (one of the house of dharma trikona) - dharma, merits from past life - exalted - and too it is in kendra to lagna - producing gaja kesari yoga linked between strong 12th house and 4th house


    a good chart


    here the dasa best suited for him is Dwi-Saptatisama dasa

  6. Dear Ayushji,

    Thanks alot for your keen interest taken in my horoscope, i am alos very much thankful 4 ur valuable time.

    The most effecting situation to me currently is my wife is harresing me alot with the help of her family menbers in order to saperate me from my family members and to settel her brother in my business and to call her mother to stay with us.

    although she is skiming lot of my money and helping her mother.

    i have 2 daughters and i am in poor situation with facing constant threats from her that she will kill daughters or go away somewhere etc..

    i don't know but plz advise how long this situation will go on and if there is any remedies.

    Plz advise.

    Thanking u.








    Dear Bobby,


    According to the details mentioned your venus MD has just started and will last for 20yrs. You need to have patience to see results comming by your side.


    There is a possibility that you not be able to take care of money matters properly or you may end up doing bad investments, for which you should take care.


    Also, business related to heavy industries or minerals or something similar to that would fetch you good returns.


    You have a good chart and with my limited knowledge in astrology I don't see much to bother about. Trust Karma rest will come by itself.


    There maybe a possibility of an extra marital affair or very close friends who can do anything for you.




  7. Hello,

    I have just finished with my ketu dasa couple of months back, i was scared all before it started but surprisingly it wasn't bad at all, the middle portion when moon sub period was there i had the hell of a time but than life was as usual, the most feared time for me was saturns sub period but than with my surprise that was the most benefic financially.

    All that i did after moon's sub period in Ketu is feeding stray dogs but irregularly. which i assume is a great help, god bless them and my advise to all the readers is feed them as much they can in all dasas, since i am still doing it.

    But than can anyone advise me how come my much awaited venus dasa is not showing me any great result, infact far far ahead i do not see any hope of great deal happening to me due to venus dasa.

    please advise any remedy if someone knows.

  8. Dear Fellow Astrologers,

    I am just new member among u guys, my greetings to all the fellow members and to the group discussions.

    as i am in constant problem, i have gathered little knowledge about astrology which i assume is never sufficient to help me out in any situations.


    My natal chart is as below.

    1st house Lagne is aries, rahu in it.

    2nd house Taurus is blank.

    3rd house gemini is blank.

    4th house cancer has jupitar in it.

    5th house Leo has sun, venus, mercury in it.

    6th Virgo is blank

    7th Libra has Ketu and mars in it.

    8th scorpio is blank.

    9th saggi is blank,

    10th capri is blank.

    11th aqui is blan.

    12th Pie has saturn and moon in it.


    i have just started with vimsotari venus dasa for which i was waiting since last so many years but than nothing seems to be going with me as if venus dasa is on.


    i have 3 ressidential property in top end posh loations which i made with self earning but i am unable to live in them for some or the other reasons. and i am in rental flat with my family, similarly i have trouble in vahana sukh.


    i have constant trouble from my mother in law and sister inlaw as they are misguiding my wife since years and we have always trouble and misunderstandings due to them in family.


    my business is good and it has given me all the fortune so far in this life but when it comes to constant return i am unlucky. for growth and income i work very hard and hard all the time. but return is very irregular and fluctuating, may be one year is too good and the other year is dramatically down than again it takes one year to transform it completely than again year or little more it is great but than for no reason it is down.. i feel i am unable to eat the complete fruit of my hard work. i don't know why???


    as i was told by few astrologers that your venus dasa will bring you all that you are looking for and you will mint money like tycoon but than nothing seems to be happening great in far far future.


    i am trying to sell one of my commercial property in reasonablly good price since last 7 years but no taker in reasonable price due to which i am unable to leap big and grow more.


    in last 7 years i have done many diversifications in business from and related to my main stream business, in all i made profit ( definately no loss ) but than no growth and continuity..


    i am tired of visiting astrologers and reading astrological books and lalkitab, i have done many remidies from suggetions and books, i am wearing and changing so many gem stones etc.. but nothing seems to be permanant solution.


    can any body guide me in detail and solutions for each of my problems ?? i will do all the required and suggested remedies etc.. to become and happy and wealthy.


    kindly advise me.. email me albush1@


    DOB 22/08/67

    TOB : 22:02

    POB : Bombay.


    Thanking u and hope to hear from you guys soon.

    Warm regards to all of readers.


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