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Posts posted by Baz

  1. Well...this is an old and robust philosophical, and theological discussion.

    Do I believe in fate?

    Fate...this being destiny, predestination, Kismet, and the like?

    I remember my first lecture in orthodox Christian philosophy [although that is somewhat of an oxymoron].

    Father Hyacinth [yes that was really his name], said that free choice exists for man...and at the same time The Creator, God, knows all the decisions we will make--but this does not mitigate the reality of free choice in our experience.

    The two exist, completely and absolutely--no question.

    This thought, this concept and mystery, has been a constant reminder of my need to commit to a process of surrendering; in the face of this I can only dance my truth, and celebrate my existence---and then all of a sudden--fate?.............it matters not at all.




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