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Posts posted by saviour_goer

  1. :smash:alrite friends hello to everyone.glad to be posting it.well,this phenomenon of possession by mataji is not unknown and dates back to very old times.


    WEll there are various reasons for it.Initially it is due to worshipping mother,so once you have repeated her mantra or concentrated ur mind enough.Then her grace comes.That is ur laying serpentine energy(kundalini) wakes up.Now this starts manifesting.As the mantra frequency becomes stronger so ur body resonates with that frequency.


    As someone mentioned that he doesnt worship.yet he was possessed.There is a good possiblity that the person was near a palce wher the puja was being performed.OR someone used to do it at that place regularly.This also energises the field and a person of weak nature gets easily influenced.Hope this helps.


    Happy rememberance.Let her love shime upon us all






    We have a mandir at home with all the Nav Durgas installed inside including Amba mata, Mahakaali, Saraswati mata, Laxmi mata, Randal mata, khodiyar mata, Gayatri mata, Chamunda mata and Meladi mata.


    Recently I have just experienced the Goddesses playing.

    Im just curious to know if anyone else has had similar experinces...share your thoughts and feelings.


    Jai mataji

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