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Posts posted by shivayav

  1. Does Rahu in 12'th house (Virgo) during the last three years of rahu dasa difficult in terms of married life.

    Is is true a person loses everything at the end of rahu dasa before jupiter dasa starts?


    Will the marriage end up in a divorce for no reason.


    Rahu-Surya ended in 2008-08-13

    Rahu-Chandra ends in 2010-02-11

    Rahu-Mangal ends in 2011-03-02


    Here are the details of the chart(female) undergoing rahu dasha.


    Lagna Libra 23:37:54 Vishakha-2

    Surya Libra 29:42:58 Vishakha-3

    Chandra Taurus 13:36:40 Rohini-2

    Mangal Scorpio 16:32:48 Anuradha-4

    Budh Scorpio 22:08:58 Jyestha-2

    Guru Cancer 15:20:20 Pushya-4

    Shukra Libra 16:56:59 Swati-4

    Shani Leo 19:01:20 Purvafalguni-2

    Rahu Virgo 00:06:15 Uttarafalguni-2

    Ketu Pisces 00:06:15 Purvabhadrapad-4

    Harshal Libra 23:34:19 Vishakha-2

    Neptune Scorpio 23:34:19 Jyestha-3

    Pluto Virgo 24:25:19 Chitra-1

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