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Posts posted by bhasker

  1. I agree with you Sasisekaranji, about the fact of twins. I never had an operation as mentioned against the other chart. Some say that debilitated moon in 6th along with ketu, should have caused troubles related to health. On the contrary I never had health related issues. I have one younger brother as opposed to two sisters of another chart.

    You said about Saturn atma-karak being under pressure - whats the practical significance of this? And your observation about unauspicious placement of rahu in Navamsa which could have caused imprisonment- Is it also present in my chart.

    You also mentioned about the native going through sani sadesatti. Is Sani Sadesatti also present in my chart and when?


    Thanks again for enlighting us.


  2. Dear Sasisekaranji and USRji

    I am trying to learn astrology and usually read your analysis on the charts posted here. Interestingly I came across the chart of the boy mentioned on this thread

    DOB is 31.05.1982, 10:45AM Ahmedabad

    and find that it matches closely with my chart

    DOB 20.2.1982, 3:15pm Karnal

    The ascendent is the same (Cancer). Mars, Saturn , Jupiter , Ketu and Rahu are placed similarly in both the charts. Though I acknowledge that the placement of other four planets and the displacement of dashas by 2 years will make both of us completely different persons. Yet, there should be significant similarities in both of us and the way our lives progress. When observing the events of the boy, there are much similarities too. My father too had job related issues around 1997-1999. Got my first job in Nov 2003. Went abroad around the same time - oct2007 to Apr 2008.

    I am curious to know how seemingly similar looking charts should make the natives different. Does Sasisekaranji's analysis of saturn/mars combo, saturn's atma karaka, Malefic Rahu also stand true in my case?

    You comments will be of great help.

    Thanks & Regards


  3. Dear USRji and Sasisekaranji,

    Many thanks for taking the time out analyzing my chart.

    I am already wearing a pearl, moonga and a pukhraj. I have been wearing this pearl since 5 years now though moonga and pukhraj are new. Someone has recently recommended Cat’s eye too for Ketu. Should I keep wearing the pukhraj and moonga?

    Because, Guru’s antardasha has been relatively unpleasant for me, I started being a bit skeptical about its mahadasha that will start in 2022 after Rahu’s. Rahu’s mahadasha which started in Sep 2004 has given me mixed results till date. The earlier Mars mahadasha made me bend towards spirituality, art and religion and provided me an excellent education from a premier institute. With the start of Rahu’s mahadasha I started tilting towards materialistic gain, which was very unlikely of me and changed me completely. There has been a constant craving and desires for everything materialistic and though this period has given me in abundance a bit of everything (from all God’s grace), the craving has been a source of much pain and tensions.

    Here’s a timeline of major events in my life –

    Aug1999- May 2003 - Education

    15 Dec 2003 – My first job (I was kind of jobless before that)

    11 Apr 2005 – Second Job

    15 may 2006 – Third Job

    21<SUP>st</SUP> Oct 2007– 5<SUP>th</SUP> Apr 2008 – First abroad visit

    When are the chances of my Marriage? How will the mahadasha of Jupiter from 2022 be for me? Also, is it possible to comment on my younger brother from my chart? He will be 25 years of age and has not been able to start his career yet. There is a strong worry in my family regarding his future and unfortunately we don’t have his time of birth with us.

    Thanks a lot again.



  4. I have Jupiter in 4<SUP>th</SUP> House. My Jupiter antardasha (under Rahu’s mahadasha) started in July 2007. Since then I am experiencing various changes in myself and my work/ domestic life. I have grown fatter, my relationships with my superiors at work are not cordial which is very much unlikely of me and for reasons which are not in my hands, most of the times I feel insecure related to future and this has been cause of much worries and tensions lately. Though, on the positive side this has made me financially strong. Moreover, the pratyantar dasha of Saturn which started on 21<SUP>st</SUP> Oct made me travel abroad and had been a bad time related to my work condition. The travel existed till the whole pratyantar dasha of Saturn till May 2008 and I came back to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> on my own decision. I have started wearing a pukhraj recently.

    Can someone please comment on my birth chart-

    DOB: 20<SUP>th</SUP> Feb 1982

    Time: 15:15

    Place: <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Karnal</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

    Thanks & Regards

  5. I have Jupiter in 4<SUP>th</SUP> House. My Jupiter antardasha (under Rahu’s mahadasha) started in July 2007. Since then I am experiencing various changes in myself and my work/ domestic life. I have grown fatter, my relationships with my superiors at work are not cordial which is very much unlikely of me and for reasons which are not in my hands, most of the times I feel insecure related to future and this has been cause of much worries and tensions lately. Though, on the positive side this has made me financially strong. Moreover, the pratyantar dasha of Saturn which started on 21<SUP>st</SUP> Oct made me travel abroad and had been a bad time related to my work condition. The travel existed till the whole pratyantar dasha of Saturn till May 2008 and I came back to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> on my own decision. I have started wearing a pukhraj recently.

    Can someone please comment on my birth chart-

    DOB: 20<SUP>th</SUP> Feb 1982

    Time: 15:15

    Place: <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Karnal</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

    Thanks & Regards

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