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Posts posted by khanaks

  1. Hare Krsna!

    AgtSP. Pamho. Do you know where I could obtain a Kusa Grass Mat with it's roots still intact from?


    I ask because I believe it is strongly recommened for anyone who chants Japa to sit on a Kusa Mat, with its roots facing East & then to sit on a woolen mat. I remember His Divine Grace, explaining to us that the Kusa Mat should have its roots intact.


    Please help me Prabhuji.


    your servant,

    Akshay Khanna


    I got a locket to put Narasimha Kavacha in it, putting around my neck on Ramachandra Appearance day, any advice on what I should do?


    Hare Krsna,

    AgtSP, Pamho. I have very recently recieved the Narasimha Kavacha (i.e mantra(s)) & I would please like to know Prabhuji, how you wrote the Mantra down-in Sanscrit Prabhu, or in English, on a Palm leaf or on paper? Also, could you please tell me where you got the locket from :)


    Thank you Prabhuji in advance,



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