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Posts posted by davetushar

  1. Dob : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 Am


    I Lost Job Every Six Months, Working In Dubai, Recently Lost Job On23rd July.


    Will I Get Job Within Short Time. Or I Need To Go To Back To India ?


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not

  2. Dob : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 Am


    I Lost Job Every Six Months, Working In Dubai, Recently Lost Job On23rd July.


    Will I Get Job Within Short Time. Or I Need To Go To Back To India ?


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not

  3. Dob : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 Am


    I Lost Job Every Six Months, Working In Dubai, Recently Lost Job On23rd July.


    Will I Get Job Within Short Time. Or I Need To Go To Back To India ?


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not


    <!-- / message -->

  4. thank you very much


    but only one more thing, present things shows i would like to go for consultancy or spices distribution because that only involve less investment.


    so hopefully that willdo with my horoscope.


    i know all you need is your inner power and hardwork but somewhere luck also wroks, i learned that its not much in favour but not much in against as well.


    so dubai will be nice place to stay in do the business?


    thank you in advance for the answer



    you can enter into business possbily transportation business. but the present dasa is not exceptional but certainly not very bad. Being the 10th lord in the Lagna, you will tend to do business. that is not wrong. because none of the plantes are not against you that means they are also not much in favour of you. It will be a slow and steady for your business, will take some time to pick up.


    Even your wifes horo looks like the same thing. plantes are in favour but not much you can expect but certainly not against her



  5. DOB : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 am


    kinly advise me i m in dubai right now and thinking about starting a consultancy business or supply of spices or transportation business....kindly let me know


    1. wether i will be successful in the business as per my horoscope ?

    2. which business should i go with

    3. what are the lucky alphabets for me for the name of business


    my wife's DOB : 20.09.72

    Time : 8.20 Pm

    Place : Bombay (India)


    Thank you

  6. Dear Mr Tushar,


    It is my pleasure to answer your astrological query .If we look around us we find that



    1.Astrologically the immediate period is not very favorable for you.You may be able to get a job around November 2008 but it shall be temporary and things shall become better after Feb2009substantial improvement in your career is on cards and you shall achieve success in all your endeavours.

    In t he period between Feb to August 2009 is the best time for getting a good job.

    To get better results from the current period you should donate 5 Ketu Dan Yantra:

    A snake of white metal is made and on it 20rt cat’s eye is affixed .On a Saturday evening a mixture of white and black til and broken urad dal are taken and all the things are wrapped in a multicoloured cloth and than on next Saturday immerse it into holy flowing water (river)before 12 noon

    This paanch mahadan is said to reduce the evil effects of Ketu, which are caused due to placement, dasha, or antardasha effects

    2.possibility of your settling permanently in Dubai is remote

    Career Report

    1)General Trend and current state

    Saturn in tenth house gives one a high status in life though he starts from a low level but he generally rises to the top of the profession ,the effort is really hard but the results are ultimately proportional.The person rises in life by serving the king or a king like figure which converted into present day scenario means that the person either serves in Government or a big organisation and there by rises in life and acquires a high status.

    Generally this position implies that the person shall not succeed in business ventures but earns from investments especially those made in land and in products which come from under the land that is mineral and metals .

    The placement of lord of tenth house, house of profession, in first house indicates that you shall be career-minded, self-made person .You shall be respected or famous, dignified. You may be a pioneer in your field. Your career may involve the personality or physical body .You shall be attractive, healthy, long lived and shall have a strong dharma.

    Summation: The permutation and combination of planets in your horoscope indicates that you shall have extraordinary rise in professional life and shall gain in all quarters.Routine and monotonous jobs are not for you , you like challenging tasks.

    When we go through your horoscope we see good professional life and position of substantial status for you. Though , ultimately you will be able to amass considerable wealth for yourself but certain pressures are visible since .These mental pressures and changes in the environment will make you uncomfortable for sometime but will pave the path of your success in the times to come

    The Present dasha and Transit which lasts up till September 2008 is a period when you shall be passing through n-number of mental anxiety but at the same time enhancement of status is indicated. During this period you may face anxiety on account of colleagues ; Enmity of superiors or those in power. There is indication of trouble through someone close to you

    The period between September to November 2008 would be a mixed phase of your life. Do not look for short cuts and quick decisions, the result may be unfavorable. You should wait and watch where the tide is taking the situation

    The period between November 2008 to Jan 2009 is conducive for consolidating your position and prepare for higher growth. Elevation from present position is envisaged here. You may command respect from people around you. Your intelligence and knowledge of the subject will receive due appreciation this time around.

    In the period between Jan -Feb 2009 efforts are not rewarded proportionately and some adjustment problems can be for seen. During this period tensions shall develop and a lot of back biting and jealousies will harm your interests

    In the next phase of life between Feb to August 2009 there shall be all round gains in income ,commanding position in profession, respect of people around you even the competitors will make your life happy and you will see the future with a very positive frame of mind.It is a period during which you shall achieve financial success You shall remain action oriented during this period.Your keen observation and your sense of discrimination will make you learn more.Your relations with superiors shall definitely improve. You will be benefitted from news coming in some form of communication .Sudden travel will also bring good luck for you.

    2)Promotion & New Assignments:

    A promotion in second quarter 2009

    3)Foreign Trips & Travel

    Numerous foreign trips are visible in your horoscope.You will have a wide choice of travelling and may get remarkable opportunity to go to distant lands in order to develop better professional ties .You shall get some great advantage in this field. Gains from foreign lands and from people of foreign origin is visible in your horoscope. Around last quarter of 2009 there is a strong probability of your going abroad.Try to visit some religious place and it will bring peace to you.

    4)Relationship with your Boss

    Generally ,You shall have a good relationship with your boss .But certain differences of opinion with the superiors and resultant frictions are also visible. But ultimately an understanding shall develop between the two of you as you shall be able to impress him with your commitment to work and the ability to deliver under difficult circumstances but from time to time frictions may develop .

    5)Relationship with your Peers

    The relationship with your Peers shall be good and you will be able to develop a team work with your effort and understanding of the situations .You know how to value the capabilities of the people working with you .You are generally of a pleasant temperament giving ear to other people’s troubles due to which your peers shall always try to depend on you.

    In order to gain confidence improve your prospects you should wear Rose Quartz 9.25rt and Golden Topaz 9.25rt ,do regular Surya namaskar and meditation.

    You should try to chant this mantra daily ‘OM GREEM GROOM SA GURUVEH NAMAH “ 108 Times daily in one sitting and keep a fast on Thursday

    For meditation you should sit in a comfortable position with your spine intact and not touching anything and head tilted a bit backwards breathing in such a way that when you breathe in you breathe in from the nose and the stomach comes out and breathe out from the mouth and the stomach goes in ,relax the entire body ,concentrate in the center of your eyes

    My Best Wishes are with you and may God bless you with everything best in life.

    With Regards,

    Anu- Khanna

  7. DOB : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 am


    kinly advise me i m in dubai right now and thinking about starting a consultancy business or supply of spices or transportation business....kindly let me know


    1. wether i will be successful in the business as per my horoscope ?

    2. which business should i go with

    3. what are the lucky alphabets for me for the name of business


    my wife's DOB : 20.09.72

    Time : 8.20 Pm

    Place : Bombay (India)


    Thank you

  8. Dob : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 Am


    I Lost Job Every Six Months, Working In Dubai, Recently Lost Job On23rd July.


    Will I Get Job Within Short Time. Or I Need To Go To Back To India ?


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not

  9. Dob : 10.10.1972

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

    Time : 3.20 Am


    I Lost Job Every Six Months, Working In Dubai, Recently Lost Job On23rd July.


    Will I Get Job Within Short Time. Or I Need To Go To Back To India ?


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not

  10. dear sir


    thank you for the help,


    physical : oval face, fair color, athletic structur , hight : 5.10'

    Education : B.A. (persuing MBA)

    Carrer Field : HR & Admin, No particular health problem

    Marrige on :05.04.2000

    Married life is good but continuous conflict with wife, still happy and can short out the problems, but financial due to job changing always having problem


    past also before marrige i was working with one company in muscat for four year that was the logest period i passed in one company, overthere also no growth was there


    since after marrige cant work for one company more then 6 month, due to one or other problem has to leave company OR they fire me.


    my wife is working and pregnant right now staying with me in dubai only (DOB : 20.09.1978, Time : 8.20 pm , Place : Bombay) so badly in need of job before visa expire


    i will be thankful to you if you can say wether i will get the job or not





    provide some past incidents of your life including education, marriage, marital life, health problems (past/recent) and physical structure (like height, face (oval or round), body (slim/athletic/stout).

    Since when you are facing problem in job and when it first happened.

    All info required to match the time of birth.













    Dear davetushar


    time period till 30 september 2012 is still good for him. Also, kindly try to be a little at peace.


    your husband's actions dont seem good at all, you are right about the guru-chandala yoga.


    mercury mahadasha is basically not good for him. Make him wear a pukhraj and ask him to read hanuman chalisa everyday, its important. I hope he does it.


    Best Wishes


  12. Dear Deepaji,

    I have gone through so many letters and learned that you helped everyone by one or other way kindy just help me as well, I will be obliged

    Kindly answer the following question

    My husband birthdate : 10.10.1972

    Time : 3.20 am

    Place : dhrangadhra, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Gujarat</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

    We are right now in dubai from last 2 & ½ year , major problem in our life is settlement as my husband can not be in one job for more then 6 months, every now and then problem arise from no where and he has been forced to leave the job, because of that financially also we have to suffer and we can not settle down. Some one said he has chandal yog and because of that this is happening kindly let me know what Is that and if he is really suffering from this then what is the solution ?? if we are performing Pooja does is going to relive the effect only or it is help us to the grater extent

    Just before two three days he lost the job once again. I m working right now but I am pregnant so I want be able to do job for more time. What are the chances and that he will get new job ? what will be our future wether we have to move from here or he will get the good job to survive ?

    I will be obliged if you can give me the answer of this question…..i really need help ( for your info only my birthdate is 20.09.1978 time : 8.2. pm : place : Mumbai, India)

  13. Kindly answer the following question

    My husband birthdate : 10.10.1972

    Time : 3.20 am

    Place : dhrangadhra, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Gujarat</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

    We are right now in dubai from last 2 & ½ year , major problem in our life is settlement as my husband can not be in one job for more then 6 months, every now and then problem arise from no where and he has been forced to leave the job, because of that financially also we have to suffer and we can not settle down. Some one said he has chandal yog and because of that this is happening kindly let me know what Is that and if he is really suffering from this then what is the solution ?? if we are performing Pooja does is going to relive the effect only or it is help us to the grater extent

    Just before two three days he lost the job once again. I m working right now but I am pregnant so I want be able to do job for more time. What are the chances and that he will get new job ? what will be our future wether we have to move from here or he will get the good job to survive ?

    I will be obliged if you can give me the answer of this question…..i really need help ( for your info only my birthdate is 20.09.1978 time : 8.2. pm : place : Mumbai, India)

  14. Dear Deepaji,

    I have gone through so many letters and learned that you helped everyone by one or other way kindy just help me as well, I will be obliged

    Kindly answer the following question

    My husband birthdate : 10.10.1972

    Time : 3.20 am

    Place : dhrangadhra, <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Gujarat</st1:City>, <st1:country-region w:st="on">India</st1:country-region></st1:place>

    We are right now in dubai from last 2 & ½ year , major problem in our life is settlement as my husband can not be in one job for more then 6 months, every now and then problem arise from no where and he has been forced to leave the job, because of that financially also we have to suffer and we can not settle down. Some one said he has chandal yog and because of that this is happening kindly let me know what Is that and if he is really suffering from this then what is the solution ?? if we are performing Pooja does is going to relive the effect only or it is help us to the grater extent

    Just before two three days he lost the job once again. I m working right now but I am pregnant so I want be able to do job for more time. What are the chances and that he will get new job ? what will be our future wether we have to move from here or he will get the good job to survive ?

    I will be obliged if you can give me the answer of this question…..i really need help ( for your info only my birthdate is 20.09.1978 time : 8.2. pm : place : Mumbai, India)

  15. <HR style="COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->

    Thank you very much for taking time and going through my problem


    one more thing i would like to know that what are the chances of getting new job right now? as i badly need one, my wife is pregnant and she is working within few months she can not work so i need job badly, is there any chance of getting new job in dubai in short while ?


    is there any pooja or permanant remedy for this all grahas ?


    i mean to say is there any time in my life is there which will allow me to breath for year or so with relief ?


    thank you once again for your help

  16. Dear Gurujis,


    please help this man to get out of the dark

    Name : Tushsar

    Birthdate : 10.10.1972

    Time : 3.20 am

    Place : Dhrangadhra, Gujarat, India


    kindly please let me know my career is not certain, every six months getting fired from the job, staying in dubai with family, right now very critical condition, wife is pregnant, now what to do i dont not , recently lost job


    any cahnces of getting new in shortwhile ?

    what i can do best to stick to one job ?


    please help this man i will be obliged for whole my life

  17. Thank you very much for taking time and going through my problem


    one more thing i would like to know that what are the chances of getting new job right now? as i badly need one, my wife is pregnant and she is working within few months she can not work so i need job badly, is there any chance of getting new job in dubai in short while ?


    i mean to say is there any time in my life is there which will allow me to breath for year or so with relief ?


    thank you once again for your help





    Your problem is caused by Saturn. Saturn in 10th makes one quite serious. Many ups and downs in life, particularly career. Specifically because it is retrodgrade.


    It is transiting your ascendant.


    The 2nd house is well fortified so you always find a way to get money.


    Right now you are going through a Mercury cycle. Mercury is not well placed in the chart. It is in 3rd house and with malefic moon.


    Mercury is the wealth giving planet for Leos but can bring health difficulties. So you can wear emerald/peridot but must watch your health.


    You are likely to travel quite a bit during this Mercury cycle. You probably won't be able to stay in one place for too long. It is in the house of adventures/travel!


    I would recommend Vishnu Sahasranm on Wednesdays. Honor Saturn on Saturdays by chanting Mantras feeding the poor or some type of selfless service if possible.


    If you don't already have a ruby work on getting one.


    Good luck,



  18. dear all

    kindly help me out to knw what is chandal yog ?

    what is the effect of this yog?

    what is solution?

    wether the solution is temporary or permanant?


    birthdate : 10.10.1972

    time : 3.20 am

    place : dhrangadhra, gujarat, india


    right now in dubai but losing job everynow and then can not settle for more than 6 months, again recently lost job. will i get new within short time?? or need to go back to india ?


    kindly advise if you know jyotish

  19. dear all

    kindly help me out to knw what is chandal yog ?

    what is the effect of this yog?

    what is solution?

    wether the solution is temporary or permanant?


    birthdate : 10.10.1972

    time : 3.20 am

    place : dhrangadhra, gujarat, india


    right now in dubai but losing job everynow and then can not settle for more than 6 months, again recently lost job. will i get new within short time?? or need to go back to india ?


    kindly advise if you know jyotish

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