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Posts posted by gagansharma99

  1. hi preeyoo7 how are you, let me tell you there is only only one god, or you can say that there is only only one supereme in universe, there are are many names of that supereme power.that is a good way to remember him by chanting mantra, but he is only one (by the the reference of rigveda) and also by physically,so why should'n you concentarte on him by one name and by one supereme power,moreover you also change your nature towards people around you,just be kind and genuine to people around,be truthfull and honest towards god and people around you and after that ask god anything you want, and make your thinking that he is the only one that can help me out and then see how he gets you rid of you by your problem, i am also die heart worshoper of lord SHRI RAM , in my early life i am also worships every god,but afterwards i realise that i can concentrate only in lord SHRI RAM that does'nt mean that i am repecting other god and goddess,for that we all have to study our relegion briefly, ours is vast culture and thinking

    thank you

    if you have any sort of doubt regarding my thought you can contact me at my email id which is mark_gagan@.co.uk

  2. after lord KALKI in the end of kalyug, the whole process will begin again that means there is starting of satyug after that there tretayug and dwapur and again kalyug, i am sure about that because in our holy book RAMAYANA there is reference when lord RAM and his brother laxman had nagpash (hitted by rawan)hunuman brought graud to save lord RAM. after relefing him from nagpash when graud returing he asked lord SHIV that how could god himself can be un helpful toward nagpash as he is a supereme power than lord SHIV him to go and meet kakbhushandi (the crow) and then he tells him the whole story, so you better ask this story by any expert of RAMAYANA he/she will tell you that what is siutation after kalyug

  3. hi preeyoo7 how are you, let me tell you there is only only one god, or you can say that there is only only one supereme in universe, there are are many names of that supereme power.that is a good way to remember him by chanting mantra, but he is only one (by the the reference of rigveda) and also by physically,so why should'n you concentarte on him by one name and by one supereme power,moreover you also change your nature towards people around you,just be kind and genuine to people around,be truthfull and honest towards god and people around you and after that ask god anything you want, and make your thinking that he is the only one that can help me out and then see how he gets you rid of you by your problem, i am also die heart worshoper of lord SHRI RAM , in my early life i am also worships every god,but afterwards i realise that i can concentrate only in lord SHRI RAM that does'nt mean that i am repecting other god and goddess,for that we all have to study our relegion briefly, ours is vast culture and thinking

    thank you

    if you have any sort of doubt regarding my thought you can contact me at my email id which is mark_gagan@.co.uk


    Does Anybody know whatz excatly is there inside Mecca Kaba as far as my knowledge goes a muslim friend of mine had told that there is a Vishnu Pada as such there is two pada in the world one in Gaya and another in Mecca which was a part of India some 5000 years back.


    Any Comments plz do enlighten ME


    Hare Krsna



    my dear friend according to me as one of my muslim intellectual told me that inside kaba there is a source of water in there. I will tell you more exact detail within two -three days

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