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Posts posted by msnamita


    By this definition of sin even if you get married to a girl by normal social ,convention - say a typical arrangerd marrage - it is a sin. Because You are leading a metrialistic life. Tour leading an animal existence surrendering to the animal instinct of sex and reproduction. You are not striving for liberation . You are not transcending your beastly nature.



    So as per you Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was a sinner and was full of beastly nature since he was married to a girl by normal social ,convention - say a typical arranged marriage?And as per the same rules Lord Shiv who married twice was also a sinner he also have a family of his own.

    See I do not want to be rude or something but your statements seems to be ambiguous and this guy will be getting confused.

    No force in this nature is purely evil or purely good. Tantra, say for example can be applied for both good and bad means... right? so your saying that Tantra is only good is half correct. This guy wants to apply tantra to get a girl of his choice so can you please explain how tantra will do this work what magic will it do. A force does not has its own mind,reciting a mantra creates some energy that will try to infiltrate girls mind, it will react with karmic connections of that girl from previous births ... may be girl is destined for someone else (who can better take care of her) but the tantra force her to marry this guy... tell me whether this event will create some ripples or not... whether this can disturb there karmic connections or not.

    When i came to this topic it appeared you are senior member. To a brother you gave this advice that her sister is having some mental problems and to some guy you are justifying to apply tantra in evil way what a contradiction.

    And as for your knowledge sharing i will suggest you to tell people about cures and not as how to use weapons. Believe me - the knowledge that you want to share of alluring a girl one can easily find in 50-100 rs. priced book like INDRAJAAL. Yes I'm a female and 5-6 years back i also faced similar problems but thanks to my Guru i was able to come out of this.


    Dear Ravikishore,


    I personally dont think anything wrong to employ tantric science to achieve what we want. It is a science. Just like mankind invented aeroplane to fulfill its desire to fly, And there is no violation natural laws or forcing nature if you fly in an aeroplane. Similarly Tantra is a Science and is a wonderful invention to fulfill human needs. Employing it is no sin - the purpose of employing it may be sinful or holy.


    If changing somebody's mind is is called forcing against nature we all the time do that - by our regular conversation where we employ convincing argument, marketing and advertisement where the agency convinces the customers to buy things they dont actually need, and all ththat kind of regular things. Do you consider if you are convincing your point of view to another who has a different view by logical argumentation a sin? -No .But did you forced to change his original mind? -Yes. If you bare behaving very nice to a girl do all the nicest things to her talking sweetly to win her, are you not manipulating her mind? Yes. But it is wrong to do that? No. That is what you should behave if you have any scope to win her. Is int it?


    When we do all the time therse things regularly - trying to control other's mind, where is the question of sin comming in to picture if you are employing a science to achieve the same result more effectively?


    If you are trying to win a girl with your nicest behaviour you are manipulating her mind. That is fine and you have to do that if you want to win her. You dont wait doing nothing till she autimatically on her own fall in love with you. That wont happen. Tou will have to work for it - Right?

    If this is the case what is the problem of employing more effective method of influncing her. Why do you have to confine stupidly to methods which does not work ? If there is some other methods more effective then your present behaviour you will have to learn and employ them isint it? If tantra is that effective method then is int it is wise employ that?


    It is a common belief in many people that employing tantra to make some one fall in love with you is forcing that person unnaturally and if you love that person that person should love you naturally out of her free will. If that is the formula then you cannot do anything but passively wait till naturally that person fall for you with out any attempt from your side - you cannot even express your love to her as that is an emotional manipulation. (If you tell her you love her it causes emotional disturbances in her mind at least initially) . So you cannot do that even. See the stupidity in this " no force" argument? Everything is forcing only. Hence employing an effective method of forcing is no sin.


    There is no sin or holiness in the method itself. ( Some people think employing tantra itself is sin- this is just an ignorance) What makes it a sin or holy is your intention behind it. If you are in love and planning to take care of her throughout your life then there is no sin. If you are angry with her and planning to take your revenge by making her love you and then do something terrible to her, then it is a sin. It is not the method but your intention that makes it sinful or holy.


    However , having said all this, I sense a guilt in you in employing the tantric method. If that is the case dont do it. It will haunt you like a ghost throughout your life. It will never let you be peaseful. Why should take up on yourself such a terrible consequence?


    Moreover these tantrics - most of them you find in common place - are no genune tantric atall. They are just con-men surviving on the innocence of people, to make a living. I dont know the perticular person you have in mind but I know for certain, that genune tantrics are extreemly rare , and they dont live with common people and make a business of ther knowledge and accomplishment- they are not in need of mony. The original purpose of tantra is Kundalini awakening and uniting with god. And genune tantrics know this and strive for that in places where people dont distrube them. It is not at all easy to find them at the first place , Even if you find them it is not at all easy to make them aggree to work for your petty purpose - unless they see a great purpose in it. The ones who readily aggrees for you to do all sort of petty things for you are likely to be con-men. This is my experience from my long regorous research in this field


    Of course I am not discouraging you from trying. Give it a try provided you can offord the price and no guilt- not even an iota of guilt - associated with it. Do it as an expriment. And if it works let me know as I am interested in meeting such genunely powerful people.





    Mr. Kesavan


    Are you trying to use him as some sort of "Tiger Bate"???

    Tantra should only be used for one's self progress and not to achieve worldly pleasures. Your early posts show that you have gone through some tantrik texts and distributing Mantras to some newbie person so that he can use it as a weapon against some innocent girl. Tantra is very deep and practical science even a small mistake can make a person suffer for many births. So if you have only gone through some books and still searching for a guru...plz do not give these type of advice to some person. Just remember Tantra means both Siva and Sakti and alluring a girl by using Tantra gives very short term pleasure and extreme long term of hell.


    As for ravikishore keep away from HALF FILLED PEOPLE HAVING HALF KNOWLEDGE as they are most dangerous in this kaliyug. Every action has equal and opposite reaction this is the nature's law so keep in mind this law while using these unnatural means.

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