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Posts posted by dixt7

  1. i am undergoing dasha of ketu in ketu.. i've just become restless and doubt each and evrything.. i was having pains at some place in my body and got all the chekup's done and they wer fine.. but i still doubt each and evrything.. plz someone tell me wen wil i be at peace .. plz let me know wen wil evrythin be fine for me..

    i really hope someone will reply to this post of mine..


    16 jan 1986, jalandhar punjab,10:30 am.


    Hari Om

  2. Respected Guru Ji's im new to this forum and want to seek your guidance..

    im running ketu mahadasha which has started in aril.. want to know can i go ahead and pursure Masters abroad?? or if there is any remedy which i shud do during ketu dasha plz let me know..

    Shri USr ji pl help n let me knw that my overall health will remain fine in this period..


    details: 16 jan 1986,jalandhar,10:30 am

  3. Jai shri Ram to all..

    im a 22 yr and presntly wrkin in a cmpny.. i've been through real tuf times as my dad had brian tumor and he died physicaly bcoz of that.. i've a smal family which includes my sis mom n me.. im staying in banglre whereas my mom n sis r in pnjab.. had to cum here bcoz of my frst job..

    i want to go abroad next yr for pursuing Masters of science which has been dream of my parents ..my Ketu dasha has strted in march .. i want to know can i go ahead n start looking for universities and wil i be successful in getting my degree in US .. financialy also i'l hve to wrk vry hard to pay for my fees there..

    so please sumone throw lite as im in a vry confusd state wheter to go pursue MS or luk for sum job in deli n setle there..

    please let me know hw this ketu dasha goin to b and please let me know anythin useful after luking at my chart..

    my details are.. 16 jan 1986..pob.. jalandhar,punjab.. time.. 10:30 am



    hope you would care to reply

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