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Posts posted by gokulkr

  1. Adiyen i have one doubt after reading a event from Mahabharatha. I havent read actually original vyasa-mahabharatha (sanskrit). But i have read from translated versions that a human named "aravana" (called as arjuna's son) was given as sacrifice to Goddess Kali during Amavasa night before the mahabharatha war to ensure victory to pandavas. How our Satava God Krishna allowed this and moreover presence of Paramatma Krishna himself ensured victory to pandavas. So why need of this human sacrifice ? Pls someone clarify me regarding this.


    Om Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha

    Om Namo Naryana

    Om Namo Venkateshaya

    Pujyaya Raghavendraya Satya dharma Radaya cha Bhavadam kalpa vrikshaya namatham kamadenave

  2. Great Acharyas like Sri Ramanujacharya and Sri Madhvacharya has already proved Vedas praise Supremacy of Vishnu. No one in current environment has knowledge has our acharyas did. They know everything better than us. Just by having knowledge in sanskrit or working as a vedic priest wont make a person a real intellect. We should accept the teachings of the great acharyas.


    Note : SAivas may say their acharyas has quoted supremacy of Shiva. But it should be remembered that many great shaivatee acharyas were easily defeated by many vaishnava acharyas. Theres not a single non-vaishnava acharya who has proved that sayings of "Vaishnava Acharyas" are false.


    Om Namo Narayanaya

  3. Sri Prasanna Varadharajar Temple - Aminjikarai








    It is said "Kovil Illadha Ooril Kudi Irukka Vendam".

    This means its not a good thing to live in a place where there is no temple found. As the olden proverb clearly implies how important the temples and the perumal.

    In these modern world, humans are running here and there to yield money and are busy with schedules. But, inspite of these conditions, all their minds are thinking of Sriman Narayanan and asking for his grace and blessings. Likewise, in chennai, a small place named "Aminjikarai" is found. Aminjikarai is the place where Sri Vishnu and Lord Shivan temples are found.


    In this Aminjikarai, a Varadharajar temple and infront of this, Sri Ekambareshwarar temple is also found. Sri Varadhar and Sri Ekambareshwarar temple are found in the same sthalam which is Kancheepura divyadesam, so it can be best suited that if we call Aminjikarai as another for of Kancheepuram.




    The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Prasanna Varadharajar who is giving his seva in Nindra thirukkolam facing his thirumugham along East direction.



    Along the Pragharams (sides) of the Moolavar Sannadhi, idols of all Alwars and Aacharyas are found. The perumal is also named as "Sri Varadharajan, Sri Devarajan and Arulalan. The Utsavar is Perarulalan and all kinds of utsavams are done.



    The Thaayar of this temple is Sri Perundevi Thaayar who has her own separate sannadhi. Here Manjal (Turmeric) is given as the "Prasadham" to the Bhaktas.

    About the temple:

    In the front, we can see a huge vimaanam (Gopuram) which is found in 5 Nilais (Partitions), where lots of Architectural works are found in a beautiful manner.

    As we enter the Gopuram Vaasal, we can see the Dwajasthambam (Kodi Maram) which is raised to a big extent. To the Right of Kodimaram, Sannadhi for Ramathoodan, Aanjaneyar Sannadhi is found. After worshipping if we go further, we can reach the Sri Krishnar sannadhi, where the perumal is found along with the flute and giving his seva in Nindra thirukkolam.

    As we move on furhter, a mandapam with lots of pillars are found. On these walls, Thiruppavai is carved on the white Marble stones. To the end of this Mandapam, the thaayar sannadhi is found and after getting her seva, are going around the temple, we can see the sannadhi of Sri Andal. During 30 days in Maargazhi month, special poojas and thiruppavai are said in this sannadhi.

    Going further from Andal sannadhi, we can reach "Sri Srinivasar sannadhi" where both Sri Srinivasar Moolavar and Utsava Murthi are found.

    After getting the seva of Sri Srinivasar, one has to go further towards right hand side to see "Sri Ranganathar sannadhi". Next to Sri Ranganathar sannadhi, a special room, the Kannaadi Arai is found. During Utsavams, the Utsavar are taken to this Kannadhi Arai and the seva is so beautiful that one can see the perumal in various angles.

    Next to the Kannadi Arai, is a sannadhi for "Sri Kodhanda Ramar" is found. He is found along with Seethapiratti and Lakshmanar. To the straight opposite of Ramar Sannadhi, Aanjaneyar sannadhi can be seen.


    After getting the seva of Sri Kodhanda Ramar, we have to move a bit further along the right direction to go to the Moolavar Sannadhi. In front of Moolavar Sannadhi, Garudalwar is found.

    Lots of Paintings, Art works and Various lightings are found throughout this temple.

    Utsavams: Various Utsavams are done in this Temple and are listed below:

    Chittirai month Utsavam for Sri Ramanujar for 10 days. Vaikasi month Brahmotsavam for Sri Varadhar for 10 days. Aani month Kodai Utsavam. Aadi month Thiruvadipoora utsavam for Andal for 10 days. Aavani month Sri Krishna Jayanthi utsavam. Purattasi month Navarathiri utsavam for Thaayar for 9 days, Pavithrotsavam for Sri Varadhar and seperate Utsavam for Sri Srinivasar for 10 days. Iyypasi month Dolotsavam and Annakoota utsavam Maargazhi month Thiru Athyayana utsavam for 21 days. Thai month Ratha Sapthami where Sri Varadhar is found in 7 Vaaganams in a single day. Maasi month Thavana utsavam. Panguni month Sri Ramar Utsavam, Pallava Utsavam and Panguni Uthira utsavam.

    Thirunatshatrams (birthdays) of Alwars and Aacharyars, Saathumarai and Friday utsavams for Sri Thaayar is done. Every Friday, Moolavar thirumanjanam is done

  4. Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Thirukkovil - Puduvayal









    Forty-five kilometers from Chennai and 10 kilometers north of Cholavaram on the Chennai-Kolkata national highway is the tiny hamlet of Puduvayal. Few know that this tiny hamlet is home to one of the oldest shrines to Lord Narayana in these parts - Sri Kamalavalli Thayar Sametha Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Thirukovil. The temple is said to be more than 1200 years old.

    The temple follows the Vaikhanasa Agama and presents Lord Vijayaraghava in the seated posture with His Divine Consorts, Sridevi and Bhoodevi by His sides (Veetrirunda Thirukkolam). There is a separate sanctum for Sri Kamalavalli Thayar (Thani Kovil Nachchiyar). She is called Swatantra Lakshmi or Swarajya Lakshmi in Her Utsavar form.

    The temple complex is actually a cluster of shrines. Along with the sanctums of Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal and Sri Kamalavalli Thayar, there is a twin temple structure for Sri Venugopalaswamy and Sri Andal. In addition, there is a small shrine dedicated to Sri Siriya Thiruvadi. The mandatory cubicle for Sri Periya Thiruvadi is situated right across Sri Vijayaraghavar's sanctum and in front of the Sri Dhwaja platform.

    The sthala puranam of the temple states that the kshetram's teertham is called Sri Kamala Teertham, the vimanam of the Lord's temple is Sri Vijayakoti Vimanam, that of the Goddess is called Sri Kamalakruti Vimanam and the sthala vriksham is the Krishna Tulasi plant. This is so because of the presence of Lord Venugopalaswamy's temple.

    The temple complex is believed to have been commissioned by Sri Kanva Maharishi and, therefore, is called the Sri Kanva Rishi Kshetram. Sri Kanva Maharishi is also known to have fostered Shakuntala - Brahmarishi Vishwamitra's daughter from the apsara Menaka. Our country gets its name, Bharatvarsha, after Shakuntala's son - Bharat.

    Sri Kanva Maharishi is believed to have performed the Pratishthapana and Thiruaradhana of Sri Vijayaraghavar at Puduvayal. Sri Kanva Maharishi's samadhi is believed to be somewhere in Puduvayal's vicinity, on the banks of what was once River Aranya. The river, known to have flown till the late 1950s, has been dry for several decades now.

    Much of what the kshetram is famed to do for its pilgrims has its roots in the life of Shakuntala.

    Eligible girls who do not easily come by grooms are known to have had their marriages solemnized in a few short days after their visit to the Sri Andal temple. Shakuntala is said to have met and married King Dushyanta here in the Gandharva tradition.

    Women who seek children and are unable to beget them are known to get children on their votive visit to the shrine of Sri Venugopalaswamy. Shakuntala's son, Bharat, is supposed to have been born here.

    Disputes that dogged Shakuntala's early marital life and the amnesia that afflicted King Dushyanta were settled and cured here after Shakuntala's vow to Sri Kamalavalli Thayar was fulfilled. By extension, the Thayar is famous for granting a favorable resolution of not only marital disputes but of all legal disputes. She also confers mental health and peace to all Her devotees.

    Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal bestows on His devotees victory in all their undertakings. He ensures that His devotees achieve and maintain excellent physical health. The hastamudra of the Lord beckons warmly to devotees to come and get His blessings.

    There are some other unique attributes of this temple. The Moolavar idol of Sri Venugopalaswamy has a cow licking the left foot of the Lord, showing the Saranagati principle of Sri Visistadvaitam. Inside the sanctum of Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal is a small space dedicated to Sri Vikhanasa Maharishi, the preceptor of the Vaikhanasa Agama. Very few temples have a separate sanctum for Sri Vikhanasa Maharishi. The Pushkarni called Sri Kamala Teertham is situated exactly behind the Lord's sanctum, again a very rare occurrence. Devotees who undertake vows to the Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal temple at the Divya Desam of Thiruputkuzhi, but are unable to fulfill them there can complete their vows at Puduvayal.

    Despite all these unique characteristics, the temple has been suffering for want of attention. Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal's temple is in a decrepit condition. A bolt of lightning has totally demolished the sanctum for the Alwars. This lightning strike also affected a part of Sri Kamalavalli Thayar's temple. The twin temples to Sri Venugopalaswamy and Sri Andal too are in a bad shape. The Dhwajastambham is in a poor state. The Gopuram is unfinished. Sri Anjaneyar's temple does not have a vimanam. It is indeed a sad commentary that such a unique temple complex has gone to waste for lack of care and upkeep.

    The Sree Vijayaraghava Trust has taken it upon itself the task of renovating and developing the temple complex. Asthikas who desire to get the blessings of the Puduvayal Divya Dampatigal and want to participate in the renovation and development of the temple complex may contact

    Sri Varada Bhattar,

    Sree Vijayaraghava Trust, 22/25 Kumaraswamy Nagar,

    Villivakkam, Chennai - 600049 Tamilnadu, India.

    Telephone: +91 (44) 26182143;

    Mobile: 3102 4499.

    The temple's address is: Sri Kamalavalli Thayar Sametha Sri Vijayaraghava Perumal Thirukkovil,

    Post Puduvayal - 601206

    Thiruvallur District,

    Tamilnadu, India.

    Sri Krishna Bhattar and Sri Santhanam Bhattar may be contacted here. If any seva is to be conducted, a week's time should suffice to make arrangements.

    Asthikas are requested to donate generously to the cause of renovating and developing the temple complex. All remittances may be made by cheques/demand draft to "Sree Vijayaraghava Trust", payable at Chennai. All donations to the temple enjoy Section 80G tax exemptions.


    Om Namo Narayanaya

  5. i saw a article from "anmigha malar" - dinamalar paper. in that they have publised a article regardin agastya from skanda purana.

    that article is really irritating. it tells that vaishnavas harassed shaivas in kutralam region thats why agastya converted vishnu temple to shiva temple. (irrititating news without proof as skanda purana is tamasic).

    also it tells cauvery river originated from his kamandala (even though truth is it originates from chest of Adhi ranganatha). also it blabbers that agastya preached Sriram that skanda is supreme-brahman thru aaditya hruthayam. but i have read agasthya hridyam , in that theres no mention on skanda or muruga. it only praises Surya-naryana. i dunno why this newspaper publishes false news misguiding innocent people. can i write letter/email to that magazine ? moreover thers no upanishad praising muruga.


    [moreover Sri ram incarnated in solay dynasty, so as to give respect to his dynasty-god lord ram chanted aadhitya hridhayam (preached by agastya). its not that sun-god is supreme as sun itself is a right-eye of narayana. ]


    moreover is agastya really a genuine siddha ? (i am not insulting him. just asking).pardon me if any mistakes.


    Om Namo Narayana

  6. i saw a article from "anmigha malar" - dinamalar paper. in that they have publised a article regardin agastya from skanda purana.

    that article is really irritating. it tells that vaishnavas harassed shaivas in kutralam region thats why agastya converted vishnu temple to shiva temple. (irrititating news without proof as skanda purana is tamasic).

    also it tells cauvery river originated from his kamandala (even though truth is it originates from chest of Adhi ranganatha). also it blabbers that agastya preached Sriram that skanda is supreme-brahman thru aaditya hruthayam. but i have read agasthya hridyam , in that theres no mention on skanda or muruga. it only praises Surya-naryana. i dunno why this newspaper publishes false news misguiding innocent people. can i write letter/email to that magazine ? moreover thers no upanishad praising muruga.


    [moreover Sri ram incarnated in solay dynasty, so as to give respect to his dynasty-god lord ram chanted aadhitya hridhayam (preached by agastya). its not that sun-god is supreme as sun itself is a right-eye of narayana. ]


    moreover is agastya really a genuine siddha ? (i am not insulting him. just asking).pardon me if any mistakes.


    Om Namo Narayana

  7. i saw a article from "anmigha malar" - dinamalar paper. in that they have publised a article regardin agastya from skanda purana.

    that article is really irritating. it tells that vaishnavas harassed shaivas in kutralam region thats why agastya converted vishnu temple to shiva temple. (irrititating news without proof as skanda purana is tamasic).

    also it tells cauvery river originated from his kamandala (even though truth is it originates from chest of Adhi ranganatha). also it blabbers that agastya preached Sriram that skanda is supreme-brahman thru aaditya hruthayam. but i have read agasthya hridyam , in that theres no mention on skanda or muruga. it only praises Surya-naryana. i dunno why this newspaper publishes false news misguiding innocent people. can i write letter/email to that magazine ? moreover thers no upanishad praising muruga.


    [moreover Sri ram incarnated in solay dynasty, so as to give respect to his dynasty-god lord ram chanted aadhitya hridhayam (preached by agastya). its not that sun-god is supreme as sun itself is a right-eye of narayana. ]


    moreover is agastya really a genuine siddha ? (i am not insulting him. just asking).pardon me if any mistakes.


    Om Namo Narayana

  8. Sri Karumanickam Perumal Temple - Karumbur


    trans.gif Lord Vishnu has been propitiated by our Alwars in Thirvaimozhi and Nachiar Thirumozhi by various names. One among them is Karumanickam. "Karu" means the stigma of life and also black. Manickaam is a precious stone possessed by snakes. Karumanickam perumal is a manifestation of Lord Krishna.

    karu1img.jpgThe Pallavas built a temple for Karumanickam Perumal in Karumbur. Karumbur is a small quiet village filled with greenery. The temple is between a wide lake and green fields. The inscriptions on the rocks prove that the Pallavas built the temple. There is a very strong association between Stala Sayana Perumal in Mahabalipuram and Karumanickam Perumal. In both these temples, Masi Magam is performed with a great grandeur. Annadhanam is done during Masi Magam. The Britishers removed the original temple and moved it besides the lake.

    The salient features of this temple are Lord Vishnu is with Sridevi and Bhoodevi in the sanctum. The Lord is seen with his Abhayahastam. The sanctorum is outside the mandapam with granite walls. Sri Ramar Patabishekam, Sri Ranganathar, Sri Ramanujar and 12 Azhwars are sculpted here. Due to natural disasters, the temple remained roofless for many years. The local people later performed kumbabishegam in 1995. This event is mentioned in the ancient manuscripts. Few people from Madurai found these manuscripts and visited the temple.

    Location : This small village is situated near Singaperumal kovil in Chengalpattu district. This village is close to Maraimalai Nagar Lake and Ford factory. Every year Lord Narasimha from Singaperumal kovil visits this village for Paarivettai on Vijayadasami. The villagers donated 6 acres of land for Singaperumal for celebrating Paarivettai. Singaperumal comes with pomp and splendor on his return anadhanam is performed.



    karumap.gif There is also a Shiva Temple, which is 1000 years old. After performing the kumbabishekam for Karumanickam perumal, the villagers have prospered by doing some cottage industry work. Many of them are involved in embroidery clothes. There are many factories that have come near the village.

    In the same village there is another small temple called Yellaiamman temple. This deity is the village guard and she has done many wonders for the local people.

    Our request is people who go to Singaperumal temple, should also visit Karumanickam perumal temple. When more people visit, the shrine gets more power to help the poor and needy. We just hope and pray that the lord bestows more on the local people and the village for them prosper and have peace of mind.

  9. Perumal Dharshan through 3 vaasals

    The Perumal of Thiruvananthapuram divyadesam - Sri Anantha Padmanabha swamy gives His seva through 3 Vaasals(entrances). Through one vaasal, we can see the thiru mugham (face), through another vaasal, we can see his thiru maarbhu (chest) and through the final third vaasal, we can get the Thiru paadha seva.(feet)

  10. Perumal Dharshan through 3 vaasals

    The Perumal of Thiruvananthapuram divyadesam - Sri Anantha Padmanabha swamy gives His seva through 3 Vaasals(entrances). Through one vaasal, we can see the thiru mugham (face), through another vaasal, we can see his thiru maarbhu (chest) and through the final third vaasal, we can get the Thiru paadha seva.(feet)

  11. Perumal Dharshan through 3 vaasals

    The Perumal of Thiruvananthapuram divyadesam - Sri Anantha Padmanabha swamy gives His seva through 3 Vaasals(entrances). Through one vaasal, we can see the thiru mugham (face), through another vaasal, we can see his thiru maarbhu (chest) and through the final third vaasal, we can get the Thiru paadha seva.(feet)

  12. Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple - Kozhikuthi, Mayiladuthurai




    On the road from Mayiladuthurai to Kumbakonam along the banks of Cauvery river the village called Kozhikuthi, where a temple dedicated to Lord Sri Srinivasa lies hidden and almost buried though years of neglect.

    This temple, over 800 years old, is unique in that, it is the only one in the world where the presiding deity is 20 feet tall and it is carved out of single Athi (Fig) tree. Mythology ordains that it was here that Sri Srinivasa Perumal (Vanamutti Perumal), who appears along with his consort, gave Vishwaroopa dharshan to Maharishi Pippalar.The massive idol is indeed awe-inspiring.

    History of the Temple

    Many years ago, a king got afflicted with a chronic skin disease. When all his efforts for recovery failed, he prayed Lord Vishnu. The Lord appeared before him and told to travel along the banks of River Cauvery and Lord Margasayeswarar (Lord Shiva) will help him through the way and at one place where he will be cured would be touched by divine grace and have the privilege of witnessing the Vishwaroopa Dharshanam of the Lord. The Lord also added that only because of Hathi Dosham he got the skin disease and he will be cured when he takes bath in Vishwaroopa Pushkarni for 48 days. The disease was cured and the place was so called as Kodihathi Vimochana Puram now known as Kozhikuthi. At a later date, that king became sage Pippalar.

    Later King Saraboji approached the sage Pippalar to give solution for coming out of the sin done by him during war times. Pippalar advised him to worship Lord Sri Srinivasa Perumal and take bath in the Pushkarni for 48 days. King Saraboji was astonished by the beauty of Lord Sri Srinivasa and constructed a beautiful temple having 7 Praharams before 8 centuries.

    Beauty of the Temple

    The Lord is made of single Athi (Fig) tree with 4 hands holding Sangu, Chakram, Gadhai and Abayagastam as another hand. Tulasi malai, Ornaments, Poonool were beautifully carved and Ajantha painting was done. The vimanam also was constructed like an Umbrella. Close to the main sanctum is that Yoga Narasimhar, who is seen to be blessing Bhaktha Prahalada and is in the state of Yoga. Also present shrine for Rama Bhaktha Anjaneyar of 5 feet. Route Map of this Temple.

    Status of the Temple

    Today, this temple rich in folklore is a picture of neglect and dilapidation. Now it is infested with bats and falling debris of the disintegrating vimana covers the base of the mammoth idol.




    With the blessings of Religious Heads work was commenced on 01.09.2004.

    Local lore believes that people who worship here find relief from various problems like debt, ill health and enemies, as well as those related to horoscopes (Hathi Dosham) and constellations.

    It has been said that people who involves in the renovation of this temple would get goodwill for 14 generations.

    Please contribute your mite and extend you full support for this noble cause.

    For more information and for contributions, contact :

    Mr. Soo.Vijaikumar,


    Sri Vanamutti Perumal Kaingarya Sabha,

    No 7 (21/45), Town Station Raod,

    Mayiladuthurai - 609 001.

    Ph : 04364 - 223395 / 98424 23395,

    E-mail : vkenterprises1980@

  13. Sri Srardha Samrakshana Narayanan Temple - Nenmeli







    This temple is located near Chengalpet and the place where the temple is found is called as "Nenmeli".

    The Perumal of this sthalam is called with the thiru Naamam - "Sri Lakshmi Narayana Perumal". The Utsavar of this temple is "Sri Srardha Samrakshana Narayanan".

    Specialties of this sthalam :



    It is said the Perumal himself performs Srardham (a custom which is done for our Pithrus after they are dead) to our Pithrus, if we could not perform it. That's the reason why the Perumal of this sthalam is called with Thiru Naamam - Sri Srardha Samrakshana Narayanan.
    The Maha Lakshmi Salagramam, which is found in the Moolavar Sannadhi, is said to be so powerful and sacred and by worshipping this, we are blessed by Maha Lakshmi with wealth, health and Sakala Sowbhagyam.
    The sthalam is called with the name "Pundareega Nallur" (Pindam vaiththa Nallur) and is considered sacred and is equivalent to Gaya and Kasi.

    Sthalapuranam :

    The place where the temple is situated once was under the kingdom of Arcot Nawab. And, in this kingdom, lived an aged couple - Yagna Narayana Sharma and Sarasavani. Yagna Narayana Sharma had a Guru - Yagnya Valkiyar, who belonged to Suklaya jeer Vedam. Yagna Narayana Sharma worked as a Diwan in the Nawab kingdom and both he and his wife Sarasavani had a great bhakti towards Sriman Narayanan.

    Because of bhakti, the money, which they wanted to pay to the Nawab, was spent towards Deiva Kainkaryam. And as a result of this, they both were ordered to be prisonned. But they don't want to accept the punishment and thought they spent the money only for good needs and for Deiva Kainkaryam. So, they went towards the Pushkarani of Thiruvedenthai Divyadesam and let their death happen in the Pushkarani.

    But after their death, both of them were worried that they didn't have any children to perform the Srardham for them. It is Bhagavan Sriman Narayanan who knows all of his Bhaktas thoughts and He fulfills them. And, He himself performed the Srardham, Thithi for the couples and even today the first theertham is given to the family members of Yagna Narayana Sharma and Sarasavani. And even today, the Perumal himself perform Srardham for the people, who doesn't have son or anyone else to perform and it is done during the time from 12 noon to 1.00 pm.

    And people who want to perform Srardham in this temple can join during the time of Pithru poojai by making the Sangalpam and dedicating it to the Perumal. The Neivedhyam done for this Perumal is Ven pongal (or) curd rice and along with it, Perandai + Yel Thuvayal is dedicated and the Perumal accepts it with full of kindness.

    The Pithru Poojai, which is performed during Amavasai and Ekadesi thithi, is said to equivalent to that of the Srardham that's being performed in Gaya.

    In this temple, a precious and sacred Sri Maha Lakshmi Salagramam is found and by worshipping this Salagramam will give us not only the Grace of Sri Lakshmi but also with lots of raise in our life, business etc.

    Contact :

    Sri Sampath Bhattacharyar,

    Brahmana street,

    Nenmeli and post,

    Via Nandham, Chengalpat - 603002.

    Kanchipuram District.

    Ph : 27420053.

  14. Sri Anjaneyar Temple - Ambur





    (FootPrint of Sri Hanuman)


    trans.gifLocation :

    This is one of the most popular Sri Anjaneyar temple found in Ambur, Vellore District. This temple is located in the midst of the Ambur village. Getting down from the Ambur railway station, we can reach this sthalam by Auto.

    Specialty of this sthalam :

    The speciality of this temple is Sri Anjaneyar is found in such a position that he is stamping his leg on Sani bhagavan. And it is said that by visiting this temple, we can get rid of Sani Dosham.


    About the temple :

    The environment of the temple is pleasing and very silent. It is surrounded by lots of fresh greenly trees, which gives us cold breeze. The Perumal - Sri Hanuman is stamping his foot on Sani Bhagavan and this is one of the special postures Sri Hanuman gives. Before knowing about the temple, let us know about an interesting story about Hanuman and Sani bhagavan.

    During the time of Sri Rama - Ravana war, with the arrow, Lakshmanan was made anesthetic and all stood in silence without knowing what to do. At that time, the bear (Jambhavan) said that with the help of Sanjeevini herbal, his anesthetic could be cured and sent Hanuman to get that. Getting the grace from Sri Ramar, Hanuman flew to get the Sanjeevini herbal. On seeing this, Sukrachariyar, the Kula guru of Ravana, thought if Hanuman would get the Sanjeevini, then Lakshmanan and all the other Vanara Senai in the troop will regain their lost power and so he thought Hanuman should be stopped.

    On thinking this, he sent Sani, one among the Navagrahams to catch hold of Hanuman, so that he could not get the Sanjeevini herbal. Hanuman, after a long search, finally got the Sanjeevini herbal and took the entire mountain instead of taking some herbals. While returning, he was stopped by Sani and said that he was sent by Ravanan to stop him. On hearing this, Hanuman was very angry on the act of Ravanan and chanting the great Rama Nama, Hanuman stamped Sani with one of his legs. Finally with lots of efforts, Sani apologized that he has come wrongly to catch him and asked him to set him free. During that time, on seeing the state of Sani, Hanuman left Sani and ordered that he should not catch any of the bhaktas who chant the great Sri Rama Nama and who worship him. Not even this, even the sight of Sani should not fall on them. As asked by Hanuman, Sani gave the promise what Hanuman asked for and finally, Hanuman freed Sani. And, then Hanuman came along with the Sanjeevini and Lakshmanan and all got their energies and power and had the victory over Ravanan.

    This is the history that is told about this temple and a huge sanctum of Hanuman, about 11 feet height with Sani being stamped is found.

    Bhaktas who are much affected by Sani can visit this sthalam and lit the Deepam and can do Apprathakshanam (round in anti-clockwise direction) for 9 times This will minimize the effect of Sani on us. And lots of bhaktas have found a positive result by visiting this sthalam.

    The temple tour :

    A huge Deepasthambham is found in front of the temple and is said that by litting light in front of this, will really reduce lots of problems the bhaktas facing. The sthala viruksham of this temple is Nelli tree.

    Another speciality of this temple is the coconut, which is being broke, is kept at the feet of Hanuman and by performing pooja to the coconut will give a positive result for the people who are seeking to get married. This is said by Archakas of this temple.

    Hanuman Jayanti is the special festival, which is performed in a great manner in this temple and also all the Saturday's are said to be special day to visit this sthalam.

    And about 5 kms from this temple, there is a small village named "Aanai madugu", where the footprint of Sri Anjaneyar is found. Every year, during Pongal, great utsavam is done and the utsavar of the Ambur temple visit here and great alankara utsavam is performed. So bhaktas visit this great temple of Sanjeevirayan and let all your doshams get cleared.


    So bhaktas, what are you waiting for... Visit this great temple of Hanuman and get his complete blessings.


    Jai Seetha Rama Anjaneyaya Namaha!

  15. Shri Kariyamanikka Perumal Temple, Ponthavakkam








    trans.gifLocation :

    The temple is found in a village named "Ponthavakkam", which is found in Tiruvallore District. It is 22 Kms away from Tiruvallore and to visit this sthalam, bhakthas has to travel from Tiruvallore to Oothukkadu and all the buses stops at Ponthavakkam village.

    The Name :

    The village was originally called as "Puguntha vakkam" (In tamil "PUGUNTHA" means entered). As Brahmins entered into this village, the village name was called as "Pugunthavakkam". And as the years passed, the village now is called as "Ponthavakkam".


    About the temple and the Deities :

    The Perumal's thiru Naamam is Shri Kariyamanikka Perumal. He is found in Nindra thirukkolam. The beauty of the Perumal is unexplainable. The Thaayar's thiru naamam is Shri Kamalavalli Thaayar. Other than the Perumal, sannadhis for the great Alwars, Garudan sannadhi and Hanuman Sannadhis are also found. There is no Raja gopuram for this temple. The vimaanam above the garbhagragam is big and Dasavathara sculptures are made on that. We can see Sri Narasimha Moorthy, Sri Krishnar, Sri Vaamanan,etc. The Madapalli is in the south east of pragharam.

    The Dwajasthambam is 36 Feet height made of original TEAK wood.


    The last samprokshanam was performed in the year 1983. After 23 years, now we the devotees of the village, joined hand together and collected funds from bhaktas and celebrating it.

    The Samprokshanam was held on 29th, May, 2006, Monday. On behalf of the Temple Trustee, Divyadesamonline.com invites all the bhaktas to participate in this great samprokshanam.



    So bhaktas, visit this great temple of Sriman Narayanan and get his complete blessings.


    Contact Information :

    Shri. Ramanujam,


    Brahmin Street,

    Ponthavakkam Village, Oothukkadu Taluk,

    Tiruvallore District.

    Ph : 27630187.

  16. Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Temple - Narasingapuram








    trans.gifLocation :

    This great temple of Sri Narasimhar is located about 55 Kms from Chennai in a place named "Perambakkam" while traveling from Chennai to Sri Perumbhudhur on the National Highway. Bhaktas has to take a right turn near Empee distillers and traveling through the road, we can reach this temple.

    Transportation to reach :




    • From Chennai - Koyambedu (CMBT) Bus stand - Bus number 91B, 138B, 86A, 107, 107A.
      From Poonthamallee - 91, 91P, 91B.
      From Tiruvallore - 160, T19.


    An appeal to the Bhaktas :


    There are lots of temples that are in good condition and lots of bhaktas do visit those temples. So, the temple gets well known. But, there are some great temples, which are still under dark and not known to the world. One among such temple is this great Sri Maragathavalli Sametha Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar - temple - Narasingapuram. The temple is now being renovated. The Raja gopuram, Garbhagriham, Vimaanam, Thaayar Sannadhi, Andal Sannadhi, Dwajasthambam, the compound walls and the Madapalli are in very bad condition. So, all the bhaktas of Sri Malolan - Sri Narasimhar are requested to visit this great temple and involve themselves into the great Kovil Kainkaryam and generously donate for the renovation of the Sri Narasimhar temple.


    The deities :

    The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar along with Sri Lakshmi on his lap. He is found in Veetrirandha (Sitting) position. The Perumal is huge and gigantic - and he is about 7 feet in height. Both thaayar is about 5 feet in height. Both thaayar and Perumal are so beautiful and their beauty attracts all the bhaktas, as they don't vanish our eyes.


    But, before entering into the temple and seeing the beauty of the Perumal, we are very sad to see the Raja gopuram being totally dilapidated. The Raja gopuram invites all the bhaktas towards the temple, but Narasingapuram temple Raja gopuram is now in a bad state. As the architectural works in the temple shows that it would have been built during the period of Vijayanagar kingdom in 16th Century.


    As we enter into the temple after looking at the Raja Gopuram, we can see the Chitra Mandapam, which is also being destroyed. And as a passage towards the Moolavar sannadhi, we can see the compound wall, Andal sannadhi etc., are completely ruined. Even people who don't believe god will feel for the temple condition. But, as the bhaktas true of Sriman Narayanan, we have to contribute towards the great temple and explore this temple to the world.

    Specialities of the sthalam :

    This Narasingapuram is said to be a great sthalam for all the prarthanais and the Perumal is said to be "Varapprasadhi" (gives us whatever the varam (boon) we ask for ").

    Bhaktas who are affected by Chevvai (Angaragan) dosham can visit this sthalam.

    The Perumal is also called with the Thiru Naamam "Sri Kalyana Lakshmi Narasimhar" (as the Perumal performs "Aalinganam" - holding Sri Lakshmi towards Him very closely).

    The Periya Thiruvadi - Garudalwar is about 4 feet height and 16 Naagams (snakes) are found in his body as the ornaments.


    By continuously worshipping this Sri Narasimhar for 9 Swathi Nakshathiram all the wealth / health problems, obstacles in marriage etc., gets vanished all the good and mangala things comes to our way.


    Asthikas and other village members have united themselves for performing the huge deiva Kainkaryam. Some of the temple works are in the process, but still the temple for regaining its lost glory needs so much of money. So, bhaktas who read this, can visit this sthalam and contribute how much eve they can with full of bhakti or people can taken up any particular thiruppani like renovating of Bali peedam, Dwajasthambam, electrical works, Pragharam works etc.

    For any queries (or) contribution, contact:

    Sri Lakshmi Narasimha swamy seva sabha trust,

    Narasingapuram, PO., Via - Perambakkam,

    Thiruvallur District - 631 402.

    Tamil Nadu.


    Sri Lakshmi Narasimha swamy seva sabha trust,

    No.25, Chellammal Street,

    Janaki Nagar,


    Chennai - 600 087.

    Ph : 044 - 27655164.

    Mobile : 9444351026, 9442585638.

    So, bhaktas during various critical situations the Perumal has helped us. Now, it's our turn to perform his Kainkaryam and re-pay our thanks to him. So, we sincerely request all of the bhaktas to visit this sthalam and take part in the renovation and get the complete blessings of Sri Maragathavalli Sametha Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Swamy.

    Om Namo Bhaghavathey Vasudevaya!

    Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamyae Namaha!

  17. Sri Ksherapthi Sayana Narayanana Perumal temple, Thirulokki











    trans.gifTemple location :

    Sri Ksheerapthi sayana Narayana Perumal temple is located in a small village named "Thirulokki", in Tanjore is located on the Northern side of the banks of Pazhavaru, a branch of River Cauvery. The village is originally called as "Thirulokkiya Maadeviyar Chathurvedi Mangalam" and as the years passed, now the village is called as "Thirulokki".


    About the temple :

    Tanjore district is so enriched in terms of fertility and has the great Cauvery River being surrounded. On the northern part of their river, the Ksheerapthi Sayana Narayana Perumal temple is located. It is said that this temple is re-constructed and maintained by the Chozha king - Rajendra Chozhan.

    This sthalam is called as "Thirulokkiya maadevi Chathurvedi Mangalam" during the Chozha Kingdom and this temple is said to be about 5000 years old great temple. Lots of great saints, Yogis, have born and led their life in and around this place. Both Sri Vaishnavites and Saivaites have led their life in unity in this place. This temple act as a central place and surrounded by other great temple like Thiruppananthal, Kanjanoor, Thirukkodikkaaval, Thiruveliyankudi, etc.

    The Deities :

    The Moolavar of this temple is Sri Ksheerapthi Sayana Narayana Perumal. His thiruMudi (the head portion) is found on the south direction and this thiruvadi on North direction. He is found on 5 headed Sri Aadhi Seshan and his thiruMugham facing east direction. The Perumal is found with chathur (4) hands holding Sangu and Chakkaram on his hands. The Sayana kolam of the Perumal is similar to that of he is found in thirupaarkadal.

    Towards his Thiru mugam, Sri Lakshmi and towards his thiruvadi, Bhoodevi is found in sitting position. And from his naabi kamalam, Lord Brahma is found. Only thaila Kaapu (special oil will be smeared), dhoopam is shown to the Perumal but not the Thiru manjanam (the divine bath).

    Since, the sthalam viruksham (tree) of this temple is Vilva tree, Archanais performed with Vilva leaf and any milk related neivedhyams are said to be special for this Perumal.

    Theertham :

    The theertham of this temple is Lakshmi Theertham and is found behind Garudan Sannadhi. The Perumal says that in this theertham only Sri Lakshmi took bath and performed her tapas below the Vilva tree.

    Thaayar and other Sannadhis :

    The thaayar of this sthalam is Sri Kshera Nayaki and she is found in a separate sannadhi.

    Once, the Perumal very urgently came to Bhoolokam thinking of his bhaktas leaving Sri Lakshmi alone. Sri Lakshmi could not be alone leaving Sriman Narayanan even for a second. Having felt for this, she performed the tapas for never being left alone at any point of time and this is the place, where she started her tapas. So, if any misunderstanding between the married couples (or) any problems between them, they can come to this temple and worship the thaayar and can see they are getting united.

    Near the Maha Mandapam, Sri Varadharajar Perumal is found in Nindra Thiru kolam facing towards south direction. The Abhaya Varadhar is found along with Sangu and Chakkaram in a separate sannadhi. During Vaikunda Ekadesi and Purattasi Saturdays, special pooja are performed.

    Sri Vishnu Durgai :

    A separate sannadhi for Vishnu Durgai is also found in this temple and it is believed that south facing Durgai is said to be more powerful. The Durgai here also is south facing and is said to be powerful. Garudalwar sannadhi is found right opposite to the Moolavar sannadhi and he is found in Nindra Thiru kolam. He is offered with kozhakattai as a special neivedhyam.



    An appeal to the bhaktas :

    Inspite of having a great Moorthy, great theertham, the temple's present condition needs to be re-looked. On seeing the condition a committee is formed by "Karuvoor Devar Arakkattalai, Thirulokki" and now they have initiate the process of re-structuring the entire temple and its premises. So, many bhaktas are spending so much of money for their own needs that are useful and sometimes useless. On-behalf of the committee members, i request all the Bhaktas of Sriman Narayanan to visit this sthalam and donate for the raising the temple will be a great Punyam for ourselves and for also our following generations. So, let us all join our hands in raising this great temple.

    Contact Address :

    Shri. S. Kannan,

    No 15, Parijathamalar Street,

    Sanjeevi Nagar,

    Tiruchirapallai, - 620002.

    Ph : 0431 - 2730392,

    Mobile : 94425 30392.

    E-mail : kannan_seema@


    Shri. S. Rajagopalan,

    0435 - 2456432.


    For contributions, DD / Cheque to be drawn in favour of :

    Karuvoor Thevar trust,


    Payable at City Union Bank, Tiruppanandal.

  18. Sri Varadharaja Perumal Temple, Injimedu







    Temple location :

    There are lots of buses that run from Chennai to Polur travel via Injimedu. The temple is found near to the stopping and can get the clear route from the local people. Lots of buses also run from Vandhavasi.


    Srimath Aadhivan Sadagopan Swamy and Injimedu:

    Srimath Ahobila mutt was started by Srimath Aadhivan Sadagopan swamy, who was born almost 630 years back, has came forward in constructing lots of temples. In this Aacharya Parampara, Sri Sashta Parankusha swamy, who was the sixth Jeeyar has constructed and helped almost 60 temples and has put in lots of great scholars who are well versed in vedams to maintain those temples.

    Injimedu – Yagnamedu:

    One such sthalam is "Yagnamedu". And as the days progressed, this sthalam is called as "Injimedu". This sthalam is also called as "Yagna vedhikai", as lots of yagnams (Yagams / Homams) are performed in this sthalam for the world peace and for human community.

    Srimath Azhagiya Singar and Sri Varadhar:

    Srimath Azhagiya Singar 45th Jeeyar had a great affinity towards Kanchi Sri Varadhar. So, he wanted to install his Divya Mangala Roopam in this temple. So, he installed Sri Varadhar and Sri Perundevi thaayar in this temple.

    Sri Yaga Samrakshana Ramar:

    From the time of Sri Sashta Parankusha Yatheendra Maha Desikan, it is said that Sri Ramar of this sthalam has found lots of Yagams and Vedams. Problem in marriage, Puthra Bhagyam, etc., are said to vanish if we visit this sthalam and get the dharshan of this Sri Ramar. Sri Ramar is said to be found almost 1500 years back and it is said that he emerged from yagam, so he is called with the Thiru Naamam - "Sri Yaga Samrakshana Ramar". Specifically, if people born in Moola, Aayilyam nakshatrams and are found to face any problem in getting married, they can visit this sthalam, so that their problems gets cured. PunarNirmaanam of the temple:

    At present, the temple is being renovated. Due to the lack of funds, the work of the temple is getting delayed a bit. So, bhaktas who wish to join in this great Kainkaryam of constructing the temple can come forward and generously donate for the temple.

    DD/Cheques in favour of:

    Ingimedu Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple Renovation Committee, Ingimedu and can be sent to the addresses mentioned below :





    Sri E.V. Desikan,

    Overall Controller,

    General Manager - All India General Special Power Agent of HH the Jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt.

    E-mail: - ev.desikan@.co.in


    Mobile: 0-9444945170.

    Sri E.N. Varadarajan (Balaji),

    Chief Co-Ordinator,

    Sri Ram Flats, First Floor,

    No: 19, Ram Nagar, 7th Street, Nanganallur,

    Chennai - 600 061.

    Tel: 044-22323220,


    Tamil Nadu, India.

    E-mail: - en.varadarajan@.co.in



    Sri. E.V.Rangarajan,


    "Gokulam" No: 13,

    Venugopalan Street, Tirumangalam Road,

    Villivakkam, Chennai - 600 049.

    Tamil Nadu. India.


    E-mail: - shreyonidhi@gmail.com

    Sri E.V. Narasimhan (Chellappa),

    Joint Secretary,

    Sanskrit Pandit,

    Hno: 16-65, Sai Nagar Colony, Thirumalgherry Post,

    Alwal. Secunderabad - 500 015.

    Andhra Pradesh India.

    Tel: 040-65220443.

    Mobile: 0-9290448929.

    E-mail: - evnarasimhan@.co.in





    Lots of Avathara Purushas, Aacharyas have born in this sthalam and they have leaded their lives in this place. They are the people who have formulated the basics of leading our life. So, we have to take care of their works what they have left for us. So, it is our duty to follow them though it is not for them, for us. So, bhaktas come forward join hands and let our following generations been blessed by Sri Varadhar, Sri Perundevi thaayar and Sri Yaga Samrakshana Ramar of Injimedu.



    Shodasaayudha Stotra







    This stotra further elaborates the greatness and glory of Sudarsana by singing about the weapons which Sudarsana wields. The first of them is Sudarsana itself (2) and the sixteenth is trisoolam (17). Sloka 18 invokes the protective grace of Sudarsana who is referred to as Shodasaayudha -- one who has 16 weapons. One peculiarity of this stotra is that all the slokas, 1 to 17, invoke protection of Sri Sudarsana on the listener -- May He protect you or confer auspiciousness on you and so on. It is believed that this stotram (possibly Sudarsanaashtakam too) was sung by Desika at Kanchipuram when he was told that at Tirupputkuzhi (about five miles from Kanchipuram) a fever was raging in epidemic form. His prayers made in this stotra were answered and the place was freed from the epidemic and people resettled there as before. This tradition explains why these two stotras, Sudarsanashtakam and Shodasaayudha Stotram, find a place next to Paramartha Stuti, which as we saw was a hymn in praise of the Perumal of that place.







    Shodasaayudha Stotra







    This stotra further elaborates the greatness and glory of Sudarsana by singing about the weapons which Sudarsana wields. The first of them is Sudarsana itself (2) and the sixteenth is trisoolam (17). Sloka 18 invokes the protective grace of Sudarsana who is referred to as Shodasaayudha -- one who has 16 weapons. One peculiarity of this stotra is that all the slokas, 1 to 17, invoke protection of Sri Sudarsana on the listener -- May He protect you or confer auspiciousness on you and so on. It is believed that this stotram (possibly Sudarsanaashtakam too) was sung by Desika at Kanchipuram when he was told that at Tirupputkuzhi (about five miles from Kanchipuram) a fever was raging in epidemic form. His prayers made in this stotra were answered and the place was freed from the epidemic and people resettled there as before. This tradition explains why these two stotras, Sudarsanashtakam and Shodasaayudha Stotram, find a place next to Paramartha Stuti, which as we saw was a hymn in praise of the Perumal of that place.







    Shodasaayudha Stotra







    This stotra further elaborates the greatness and glory of Sudarsana by singing about the weapons which Sudarsana wields. The first of them is Sudarsana itself (2) and the sixteenth is trisoolam (17). Sloka 18 invokes the protective grace of Sudarsana who is referred to as Shodasaayudha -- one who has 16 weapons. One peculiarity of this stotra is that all the slokas, 1 to 17, invoke protection of Sri Sudarsana on the listener -- May He protect you or confer auspiciousness on you and so on. It is believed that this stotram (possibly Sudarsanaashtakam too) was sung by Desika at Kanchipuram when he was told that at Tirupputkuzhi (about five miles from Kanchipuram) a fever was raging in epidemic form. His prayers made in this stotra were answered and the place was freed from the epidemic and people resettled there as before. This tradition explains why these two stotras, Sudarsanashtakam and Shodasaayudha Stotram, find a place next to Paramartha Stuti, which as we saw was a hymn in praise of the Perumal of that place.





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