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Posts posted by sarojv

  1. Deepa Bhandariji, I really dont know how to settle things. My husband has some evidences and those could ruin me. If those brought to the law, I may get deported. Please go ahead and suggest me remedies. Thank you for informing that my worst period ended in May. What about coming time? Is it good for me to think for reconciliation, specially when firing exchanged between both parties? Regds.

  2. I am facing marriage problems by last 2 years. Please tell me about my future prospects and marriage-


    Name: Saroj

    DOB: 10th march 1967

    Place of Birth: Baroda (now Vadodara)

    Time of Birth: 11:30 AM


    I am going through divorce process, please let me know if it will end in a harmonial way. My spouse is willing to complain my faults to law authorities, will that be a problem for me in future? I am on green card and presently working in USA.


    Thank you.

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