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Posts posted by mish18

  1. Hello All,

    Thanks for your reply so far. I have had replies from various people from expert to visitors and all of you have been very positive in response, thanks very much for this.

    Actually i have described the whole sequence earlier, how it started and in this post i tried to be microscopic to the problem.


    I agree to all healthy post i have got and behavior wise i am bit improving as well, the only issue i face is that i am not very confident about my positive steps. the current situation is, any tiny issue can spoil the brawl.


    I have consulted one of my native place pandit ji for this, he has suggested some activity and a confirmation is still about to come.


    I could not understand "PPena ji's" comment as to, i should look/consider that how the marriage will fit into my life? Am i not suitable for marriage? Yes i am spiritual, seeks pleasure and peace, but this is something everyone seeks in this world apart from worldly things.

    few questions: 1- Was it[marriage] not supposed to be meant for me?

    2- If i do'nt perform any austerity, what can happen? in this case my good karma wont support it?

    3- I guess if i would have married to any girl in this world i have had problems with that? is it true?

    Also please highlight some aspects of my wife's kundali.



  2. Hello,

    I do'nt find any love between me and my wife, why is that? why cant i live peacfully? If possible please tell me is that my attitude is not up to the mark or i am facing problems with my wife in perticular?


    Also my wife is very thin and her mammery glands have not grwon fullly which makes her quite un-attractive to me. Can she become healthy?


    I really do'nt know what my problem is but I do'nt find Attraction => Love between us, though she is good in nature, caring & smart. and yes she expects a lot from me. I compare her with other girls and ladies.


    some thing is wrong seriously? well thing is, i am not comfortable in this new life. please help me.

    my details: 18/09/1978

    Time: 22:50 Day- Monday, Place: Sehore MP

    my wife:

    24/07/1981, Time: 10:30 AM, Place: Lanjhi or Balaghat [MP]

  3. Deepa ji & other gurujan's

    I did not hear any thing from your side, please comment do you see a second marriage in my wife's chart or in my chart?

    I have noticed this emotional embalance for a very long period, this is the marriage which has highlighted this part.

    Even it seems to me that my family members also have not accepted her fully, my bhabhi always compares my spouse with her brother's wife, My sister's do not seem confident that they now have a bhabhi. My parannts and elder brothers are okay. last week we were in my home town and every one noticed that we are not happy from bottom of our heart.


    Althoug every one likes me and care for me.

  4. Hello,

    the lagna is Taurus, Mars is in 6 house with Venus in Libra rashi.

    Sun: conjunct with Rahu in 5 th house in virgo Rashi.

    Moon: conjunct with Ketu in 11 house in Pices.

    Jupitor: 3 house cancer rashi.

    Saturn: Conjunct with Mercury in 4 house in Leo rashi.

    Mercury: Conjunct with Saturn in 4 house in Leo rashi.


    Venus: Conjunct with Mars in 6 house in Libra.


    I think this should help. please let me know otherwise.




    wear 7 carats emerald or green tourmaline in gold in little finger.

    chant - amme naryana devi narayana lakshmi narayana badhre narayana 11times daily.

    visit chotanikarre amma temple 20kms from cochin = must.

    wear ruby in sun mahadasha


    Best wishes



    Varma ji,

    thanks for your reply to my query. Please let me know; what do you see on my chart? Is this happening to me with my wife only or if i had married to any girl, the same problem could have occured? Please describe a bit more on the temple you mentioned. what about Rahu pooja in SriKalahasthi?

  6. Hi Its Balaghat.

    I am not manglik by birth chart however it shows in Moon chart. We had a proper horosope match done on both side by our purohit. Surya shanti also done in this case.

    why you see a break? what will happen to the girl? what will happen to me in case you see that?

    I know break is again a painfull event in anyone's life but is that inevitable?

    Can there be love fostering between us? Why i do'nt feel affection towards her?

    please validate your findings.



  7. Hello sir,

    I have searched for suitable girl for approx 2.5 yrs, met almost 30 girls and finally on April 18, 2008 i got married to the suitable girl.

    I also had a unsuccessfull serious relation last year that could continue only for 4-5 months and we broke up.


    Things did not go smooth in my married life just after our engagement i went to meet her at her Mumbai office and when i came back i felt releaved and a sense of freedom, instead of love & affection and it turned into less communication and a small phone fight between us, we managed to tackle this and got married.

    As we know our indian marriages never take place without hurting anyone I also got hurted and same negative feeling for my wife continues.


    The disinterest feeling in her started in our honeymoon itself and we had a bitter experince of so called honeymoon.


    Now my conditon is I have started pointing flaws in her like she is a very thin and lean shoulders, does not stand straight, does not have attractive figure which causes a lot of trauma for me, now a days i get attracted to any girl who posess good figure but when i imagine my wife i get sudden depression and all exitment goes down. whole day i feel stressed out, dont possess energy, no enthu, i do'nt talk much, no encouragement.

    this disinterest in her torchers me every moment if i am awake.


    Though she is good in nature, caring, sensible, understanding but has a short temper which destroys every good quality in her.


    Please suggest me what is this happening to me?

    how long this will be continue?

    Is there a mis match between us? I am not confident whether i want to proceed with this marriage or not.


    My dob: 18 sept 1978, Time: 10:50 PM, Place: Sehore

    My Wife: 24 July 1981, Time: 10:30 AM, Place: Balaghar (MP)

    Before marriage i have chanted Surya Mantra for 7000 times as told by purohit ji.


    Please help me ASAP.


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