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Posts posted by vineybansal

  1. Respected Astrologers on this site,


    I am true believer in astrology but know little in terms of analyzing. Here are my birth details.

    Name - Viney Bansal

    Birth Time - 8:01 pm

    Birth Date - 18 Oct., 1989

    Place - New Delhi, India


    please guide me and analyze my charts in terms of "marriage"--time (when), love or arranged, etc..anything else i should know.


    Thanks for your time


    Perform suraya namaskaram daily after your bath.


    thanks for replying back..


    All respected astrologers on this site..

    can someone tell me more about the neechabhanga yog in my kundli. Does it really cancel the deblitation or not?

    If someone know a surya mantra for neecha surya.. it will be really appreciated.


    My biodata is on the previous post.


    thanks in advance.


    Viney Bansal

  3. Namaste,


    Respected all astrologers,


    I just joined this site. I would like to know about my chart.

    Date of birth - 18 October 1989

    Time of birth - 08:01 PM

    Place of birth - New Delhi, India

    Gender - Male

    Name - Viney Bansal


    I used some softwares and found out that my Surya is deblitated because it is in tula rashi. But after some research i found out about neech bhanga yog. I have it for surya as my venus is in a kendra. i would like to know about my future career, also if there is any remedy for deblitated surya or any mantra. tell me something else that i should know about or should do.


    thanks in advance. Please reply back:pray:



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