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Posts posted by askmen

  1. Mihiroscope v4.0

    Mihiroscope 4.0 is an astrological software used primarily for research and commercial purposes in Astrology. It provides substantial astronomical and astrological data.It is used for erecting and reading horoscopes. Currently, the software supports three languages English, Tamil and Malayalam.


    Mihira Match v5.0

    Astrological Matching is performed in this product. The software employs several criteria for matching horoscopes. Papasamya,Star Matching, Dasasandhi and a screening test are done to test the marriage compatibility between a pair of horoscopes. A detailed report of various Yogas that are favourable and unfavourable are also available in the marriage report. More than a hundred different yogas are comprehensively tested. The software is also very useful for a Marriage Bureau although it benefits any aspirant of Astrology. You can store a list of horoscopes, and do a point and click matching.


    Gem Finder v2.0

    Gem Finder 2.0 offers a new approach to the prescription of gems for various purposes, based on the horoscope of the individual. First, it gives information about the primary lucky stone to be worn by the person. Then, it gives a list of other gems which are suitable to the person for different purposes like fortune, education, health, peace of mind etc. The software uses the horoscope to perform a mathematical computation to arrive at the weight of the gem(in carats) which is suitable for the person. This makes the product unique. Other information provided include the various combinations of gems which are not to be used together. It also gives information as to which periods are more suitable for each gem. It also provides alternatives to costly gems which serve the same purpose.



    1. INSTALL THIS FIRST -->> Horoscope Management Software 5.0// required for all 3 - hxxp://rapidshare.com122564602/hms.zip

    2. Mihiroscope - hxxp://rapidshare.com122565277/mscope.zip

    3. Mihira Match - hxxp://rapidshare.com122563604/marr.zip

    4. Gem Finder - hxxp://rapidshare.com122562489/gemf.zip

    5. Cracks - hxxp://rapidshare.com126544201/Cracks.rar

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