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Posts posted by shobhit

  1. respected sir,


    thankyou very much for the predictions, it has really relaxed us a lot but sir, can you please predict the period of my brother getting a job, since the company's are already coming in the campus for placements/recruitments and how do you see him doing professionally in the future? what is the period of time when he will be stable in life?


    eagerly waiting for your reply,







  2. respected sir,


    thankyou very much for the predictions, it has really relaxed us a lot but sir, can you please predict the period of my brother getting a job, since the company's are already coming in the campus for placements/recruitments and how do you see him doing professionally in the future? what is the period of time when he will be stable in life?


    eagerly waiting for your reply,







  3. Respected Webyogiji,

    This time I have a query regarding my elder brother. My elder brother was in the Indian Air Force he had a crash on 30 dec’04 and had to leave IAF. He presently is pursuing MBA from pune. The recruitment season has already begun in the college and the company’s are already coming in the campus. He even got through one of the company and was to join from 1<SUP>st</SUP> Sep ’08 but the company backed out at the last moment due to economic recession. He really has to struggle a lot to find success and at present he is very concerned about finding a job.

    Sir, can you please tell me when will he get a job, how will his future life be both professionally and personally and when he will have stability in his life? Are there any chances of him going abroad? What about his marriage? Some astrologers say that he has kal sarpa yog and that is why all these problems, we have already done the shanty puja for the same at Nasik.

    Please guide us….

    Birth details:

    Name: Shuchi

    Sex: Male

    Place: Moradabad(UP)

    DOB: 12 Oct 1976

    Time: 09:45 am

    Thanking you in anticipation,



  4. respected webyogiji,


    thankyou very much for your reply. sir, can you pl suggest some remedies so that this problem can be sorted out or minimized. And say if i go ahead with it, where do you see my married life going? i hope there is no chance of seperation as such.






    eagerly waiting for your reply,





  5. respected Webyogiji,


    my name is shobhit, a girls biodata has come for a marriage proposal,

    just want to know do our horoscopes match n what would be our married life be in the future. I am in the army n she is a lawyer so thats also a big problem because she dont want to leave her job and I cant leave mine so thats creating a lot of chaos.

    pl help... any remedies....


    my details:

    name: shobhit srivastava

    time: 05:45 pm

    place: moradabad(UP)

    DOB: 29 june 1980


    name: Roli

    time: 08:35 am

    place: moradabad(UP)

    DOB: 22 july 1980

  6. respected all guguji's,


    my name is shobhit, a girls biodata has come for a marriage proposal,

    just want to know do our horoscopes match n what would be our married life be in the future. I am in the army n she is a lawyer so thats also a big problem because she dont want to leave her job and I cant leave mine so thats creating a lot of chaos.

    pl help...


    my details:

    name: shobhit srivastava

    time: 05:45 pm

    place: moradabad(UP)

    DOB: 29 june 1980


    name: Roli

    time: 08:35 am

    place: moradabad(UP)

    DOB: 22 july 1980

  7. respected deepaji,

    thankyou very much for the insight, i am sure my sis will be relieved a lot by listening to what you have said. as for the details of the miscarriages:


    first miscarrige occured on the 8th of oct 06 reason unknown (2 1/2 months of pregnancy). It was a natural miscarriage.


    Second one was aborted in the 22nd week of pregnancy ( reason was membrane rupture). Date of abortion was 9th of Apirl 2008. She was hospitalized on the 1st of April due to the above reason.


    can you pl suggest some remedies to be done or any other advise you would like to offer...


    thankyou once again for sparing your time and your valuable advice..




  8. respected deepaji, USRji and all respected guru's


    my sister got married on 17th feb 2005, since than she has had 2 miscarriages, the last one she had was a month back that too at 7 months of pregnancy. Due to this she is going into depression. the whole family is very much worried about her.


    the birth details of my sis and my jijaji is as follows:


    Kuhalika Srivastava

    14 oct 1978


    04:03 am


    Piyush Raj

    30 oct 1975


    11:14 pm


    pl suggest when will she be able to have the previledge of becoming a mother and if there are some remedies to be done for the same :pray:


    thanking you all in anticipation





  9. respected guruji's,


    my name is shobhit srivastava and i am a Captain in the Indian Army.

    things are not going fine for the last 2-3 years in our family, financially and socially. one of the astrologers have told me that i might have some problems in job due to my sun being in the 8th house. i am really worried because i love my job and i am proud to be an Army Officer.

    pl clarify my doubts and moreover pl tell me when will there be peace and stability in my family, my father has retired, my elder brother is doing a professional course and looking for a job. when will i be getting married.

    when will there be peace in our family. as of now there is a lot of tension prevailing i our family.


    pl suggest remedies if any, as of now i am wearing a pukraj and moti.


    my birth details are:


    Shobhit Srivastava

    DOB: 29 jun 1980

    TIME: 1745 hrs

    PLACE: Moradabad(UP)






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