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Posts posted by Sudama

  1. Thanks for the reply, do you have any contacts in Jaipur who could help? Maybe the devotees in the ISKCON Jaipur temple?


    I feel a bit guilty about going mainly for shopping, like I'm too materialistic, but we just bought a house here in Texas. My wife and I renovated the house and installed new wood floors, ceramic tile, etc. But we have no furniture or artwork and I'd love to have some Jaipur rugs, paintings, etc. to decorate.

  2. My wife and I are planning a trip to India soon. We would like to spend a few days shopping in Jaipur. We are interested specifically in artwork, pottery, paintings, rugs, clothing, jewelry. etc.


    I had a few thoughts, like wanting to bring someone along to help me haggle with the shopkeepers and get fair pricing. I also want to freight most of the stuff we buy directly back home instead of trying to lug it all around India.


    Any tips and/or pointers? Maybe you have a friend or relative there who would like to play tour guide?

  3. "The separated energy can be understood from a practical example. I compose books by speaking into a dictaphone, and whenthe dictaphone is replayed, it appears that I am speaking personally, but actually I am not. I spoke personally, but then the dictaphone tape, which is separate from me, acts exactly like me."




    Because the tape is EXACTLY the same as hearing from Prabhupada directly, he authorized the use of a tape for gayatri initiations:




    "I will send you one tape made by me of Gayatri mantra. They should simply listen one at a time, privately, through the right ear and at the same time repeat each mantra, while reading it from one paper. You can also explain beforehand how to count on the fingers. Then, if the devotee is male, give the sacred thread. Then hold a fire yajna as you have seen done before. Send the thread here to me before the ceremony is to be held and I will chant Gayatri mantra on the thread(s) personally."

  4. This ought to clarify the point further:




    Letter to: Cidananda


    Bhaktivedanta Manor

    25 November, 1973


    My Dear Cidananda,

    Please accept my blessings.

    I am in due receipt of your letter and your kind words to me.

    Thank you very much.

    I should be returning to Los Angeles the last week of November

    and I should be more than happy to see you there. Please always

    try to remember me by my teachings and we shall always be

    together. Just like I have written in the first publications of

    Srimad-Bhagavatam, "The spiritual Master lives forever by His

    divine instruction and the disciple lives with him.", because I

    have always served my Guru Maharaja and followed His teachings I

    am now even never separated from Him. Sometimes Maya may come and

    try to interfere but we must not falter, we must always follow the

    chalked out path layed down by the great acharya's and in the end

    you will see.

    I hope this letter finds you healthy and in blissful serving



    Your ever well wisher,

    A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami



  5. Some of the disciples of one particular guru are really big on this point - that you need X Maharaj to help you actually delve into the nectar that is in Prabhupada's books.


    My question to them is always the same: "Well who's going to help you delve into the nectar of X Maharaj's books when he's gone? Will that be your job?"


    I've never gotten a clear answer to this question. Apparently their philosophy only applies to Srila Prabhupada. Their own guru is not subject to the "You must have another pure devotee to explain the pure devotee's words to you" rule.

  6. Krishnanatha:


    My sites in particular were not hacked. I manage about 25 different websites, yet only a few of them are devotee-related. They are in different business areas, medical equipment, real estate, etc. Therefore I don't think anyone was going after my sites in particular. I've never had any of my Hare Krishna websites taken down.


    At the time that Feature Price was hacked, they had many clients sharing the same server, including me. Perhaps they did not know much about web security, so some script-kiddie hacker took their server down.


    After that I started leasing my own web server and have been happy as a clam since - no hackers (Knock on wood). I do however monitor my logs from time to time and there are literally hundreds of attempts per day to hack the server. You can identify them if you know what to look for.


    So I try to patch it up as secure as possible, and keep my fingers crossed. I'm hoping I don't become a target this Sunday.


    By the way if any devotees are in need of web hosting let me know. I can provide you with free webspace.





  7. I used to host my websites with 'FeaturePrice'. Their server was hacked no less than THREE times in the span of a month. All my sites were deleted, and all they had to say was 'Oops, sorry'.


    Good thing I had backups. CHAKRA - get yourself a real webhost. I recommend www.rackshack.net.

  8. This is also one of my pet peeves. It's almost like they have pre-judged you based upon who your spiritual master is.


    In ISKCON nowadays having a guru is more of a fashion statement than a serious spiritual relationship. I have seen brand new initiates, in the movement less than a year talk down to sincere 20+ year bhaktas who have been doing service and reading Prabhupada's books since before they were born!


    It's amazing, especially in some ISKCON communities how much pressure is put on new bhaktas to take initiation from the local guru/GBC. The official party line is that the zonal acharya days are over, but practical experience shows otherwise.

  9. This is also one of my pet peeves. It's almost like they have pre-judged you based upon who your spiritual master is.


    In ISKCON nowadays having a guru is more of a fashion statement than a serious spiritual relationship. I have seen brand new initiates, in the movement less than a year talk down to sincere 20+ year bhaktas who have been doing service and reading Prabhupada's books since before they were born!


    It's amazing, especially in some ISKCON communities how much pressure is put on new bhaktas to take initiation from the local guru/GBC. The official party line is that the zonal acharya days are over, but practical experience shows otherwise.

  10. My wife sells MultiPure water filters:





    You can get one on a no-interest payment plan for less than $12 a month. It's well worth it, once you have a multi-pure you'll never want to drink tap or bottled water again.


    Also feel free to inquire if you are interested in becoming a distributor. It's easy to make some extra money selling this high-quality product (unlike some other MLM scams . . .)

  11. Ok, I have a couple questions:


    We see different types of honey in the store, from the really cheap stuff in the squeeze bear, on up through some of the local beekeeper brands, etc.


    Where can we find unpasteurized honey? It seems quite hard to come by because of the silly state laws requiring them to boil all milk, honey, etc. According to ayurveda you're not supposed to cook honey like that because it ruins it's good qualities.


    Another thing I"m wondering is why sometimes does the honey jar get full of crystals, but the other brand doesn't have any? I really like the kind with the crystals and put big gobs of it into my (herbal) teacup in the morning.

  12. I thought Ben Kingsley did a good job playing Gandhi in the movie.


    This may be off topic, but another actor I like is Sir Alec Guinness. Most younger folks know him as Obi-Wan Kenobi but he also played a brahmin priest in the movie "A Passage to India" (terrible movie, but Alec was good in it). He also played Pope Innocent in "Brother Sun, Sister Moon". That was a better movie, because at least St. Francis was vegetarian!

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