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Posts posted by indrajeet56

  1. hello everybody and thanx for your insight and wishes!


    i have finally got a very good job and infact due to that i was busy and couldnt thank you all.


    although the place of my work is in another city far from my homeland, i am satisfied with current position, salary and work environment.


    career problem seems to be settled and i hope, wish and pray to god that soon i will get a compassionate partner too


    if anybody can help predict about my marriage (whether love or arrange?) and about my partner i would be glad.


    thank you everybody

  2. thank you deepa.

    mainly emotionally..

    lover cheated on me and too told much of lies.

    friends took advantage of me in terms of money.

    colleagues took advantage in terms of career.

    for example one of them tried to convince my boss into giving my project to him etc. too much of politics always around me


    but it is strange, it has always happened with me that somehow I always get to know with proof about all. thats why i would like to mention that i dont only think, i know about the cases i have mentioned.

  3. Thank you deepa for your reply


    Before 2001 everything was perfect. My whole centre of attention in my life was studies only. Was topper in my school. Support from family has always been excellent. Had no travelling in my life (i hate travelling). From the beginning of 2001 or may be end of 2000, things started to get messy.


    but there were many changes in my nature since 2001. my whole personality changed during those times.


    I am patient that's true. I am persistent too. I do not give up easily. I am sure I can and will wait upto July 2009. I have beein waiting for 3 years. One year more. :-)


    I do have some inner fears. Mostly phobia of height and water. but not so severe. But I dont have any fear of darkness and shadows. In fact I love darkness. I was quite naive and overly friendly before (especially during my last 7 years) but I have become very suspicious since bad experience in relations. 9 out of 10 have literally betrayed me, so I have become more secretive and cautious (I was always secretive since my childhood).

  4. Namskar!

    Hello everybody!


    I am having trouble with my career. I have extremely technical bent of mind, but after graduation the job I have been doing is based mainly on my communication skills rather than technical skills. The main problem is my academic background. I had a good acd. record till higher secondary. but academic record during my college is not good (somebody said I was under sadesati at that time. i even had a fruitless love affair during that time with a person of totally different culture and very lower caste, which turned out to be disaster and me ending up in consulting room of psychiatrist/psychologist)


    Although I am good in verbal communication, I am even better when it comes to prolonged research, creative work, and development in my field (software), but I am generally left to interact with clients only. I am not getting even a little bit satisfaction in my current work, but I am continuing it only as a mean of getting experience and also to wait for appropriate apportunity.


    Almost all of my friends turns out to be secret enemies and competitors.


    I would like to know whether I will get the kind of Job I want.


    I would also like to know whether I will actually get love instead of deceit? When is my marriage likely to take place? Possibilities of love marriage?




    TIME OF BIRTH - 13:30

    DATE OF BIRTH - 26 January 1983

    PLACE OF BIRTH - Bombay / Maharashtra / India


    Currenyly doing Job - Junior Software Engineer

    Educational background - B.Tech.

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