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Posts posted by janghan

  1. I am continuously doing Shani pooja and observing complete fast on Saturday. As I can not afford Emerald right now, I am advised to wear Onyx. Also, I am continue with Hanuman pooja and jap on Saturday and Tuesday. So far, I donot see any chance of improvement in my earlier marriage relationship (divorce pending) rather its reaching to its end. Though, on the otherhand, the remedies are helping to improve peace and mental stability. I am unable to perform Manglik Pooja due to financial restrictions at this time, but definitely wud go for it in near future.


    Now, I am feeling that I'm able to control my emotions. I was deeply concerned with my spouse and loved her. Once, it was kinda suicidal situation for me (when she filed for divorce). Anyway, I can control myself believing everything happens in this world is HIS (God) wish and every even has something good hidden in it.


    DeepaJi, there is one another question for you. I have a proposal, but when I tried to match kundli on a site, it gives me 0 in Bhukut result. Can you please help me guiding if its going to work for me:


    My detail: DOB 9th Feb 1968; time 10 pm place: Jodhpur, India

    her detail: DOB 15th October 1973 10 pm place: New York, USA


    If possible can you please suggest remedies so that in future I wont face any kind of problems.


    Please also predict about near future as I am going through Saturn Mahadasha.



  2. Thank you very much for your most valuable suggestions. I've already started worshiping Shani Devta in Shani Temple by last two weeks. Someone told me to offer jalebis to dogs (specially including black ones) on saturedays and Hanumanji's pooja before visiting Shani Temple and lighting one diya with jasmine oil and red flowers (doing by last two weeks). Also, I will definitely start the remedies suggested by you. Hope this will help me in bringing harmoney in already disturbed life.


    Please predict about chances of overseas job. I travelled twice already but didnt work there.


    Pranam sahit ! Thanks again.

  3. Pranam!


    Please help me, I m facing severe problems. My marriage is about to break, financial and job-wise I m highly disturbed. Though I have potential but can not work, financially I have to get a good amount in coming months but as of now.. highly disturbed. Please help and suggest remedies if any.

    Name: Vijay

    DOB: 9th Feb 1968

    Time 10 pm

    Place: Jodhpur


    Appreciation in advance for your most valuable suggestions.


    Sincere regards to all.

  4. Pranam,


    I am facing problems from all sides, relationship - job - money


    divorce case is already in the court though i m desparately trying for reconciliation. Lost job from October 2006, divorce filed in July 25 2006 and facing acute financial situations. Surrounding relations and family relations are good but my spouse is not reacting as I expect. I am trying to reloacte abroad.


    Name: Vijay : my time of birth= 10 pm (approx), dob= 9th feb 1968 place jodhpur (may need correction as this info may not be very correct)



    Name: Sajni: her time of birth= 11:30 am, dob 10th march 1967 place vadodara


    I can do any astrological remedy which may help.


    There was a very good understanding between me and my wife, divorce filed without any big reason.


    Please help and show me light, I am desperately waiting.


    Thanks in advance.


  5. Adarniya Guruji,


    Saadar Pranam,


    My divorce case is pending with my wife by last two years, I love her from

    bottom of my heart. She was deeply in love. Some unfortunate circumstances took place and now divorce is pending (there was no big reason). I want to live with her for

    my entire life. Can you please suggest any remedy which I should go for.

    I will highly appreciate if anything strike for me. Details are-

    my dob (NOT EXACTLY KNOWN)- 9th feb 1968 place jodhpur, her dob 10 mar 1968 place baroda. my name vijay sharma and her name is sajni.


    my time of birth= 10 pm (approx), dob= 9th feb 1968 place jodhpur (not exactly known dob and time)

    her time of birth= 11:30 am, dob 10th march 1967 place vadodara


    I can do any remedy which may


    Once, we were in deep love before two years. I know if we properly communicate, things can work for us. Please help.


    With utmost regards,


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