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Posts posted by keralaguy


    yes'em...... that be true...


    The business of faith. And to lose that hold frightens


    Something told me that Srila Prabhupada knew he was not the last word, as

    Kind of neat to understand, never are we alone, but One with all of eternity.

    Dear One,

    As far as I know the concept of God is very simple and at the same time very complex. But the meaning changes according to the level of your perception, until you reach the ultimate level of perception. It is actually one's experince. We can tell some body about our experience, but unless he himself experience it , he wont able to understand it fully, however beautifully you explain. It is direct experience that is 'Aparokshanubhuthi" .

    In Ramayana there is a small section where Lord Rama ask hanuman about what does he think about him( Rama). To this Hanuman replies,

    ' Lord, from the consciousness of the body, I feel like you are my prabhu( master) and I a being your dasan( Servant). From the consciousness of the Jeeva, I think I am the jeevathma and you are the paramathma( Iam the part of you). When in the consciousness of the self I feel that I am you ( there is no difference between us). This is the essence of hindu philosophy. One starts with a low level of consciousness, through several cycles of births and rebirths , in the varying levels of spiritual evolution, from Dwaitha through Vishishtadwaitha to the final state of Adwaitha. depending on the spiritual evolution of us in the present life, we believe in different religion, different dieties and finally end up in adwaita at the end. Unless we reach a particular level we wont be able to understand the concept of God proposed by some. That is why there are conflicts between religions and people. So if you properly understand and propagate the principles of sanathana dharma, we cxan hope for total amity in the world. Jai Guru .


    yes'em...... that be true...


    The business of faith. And to lose that hold frightens


    Something told me that Srila Prabhupada knew he was not the last word, as

    Kind of neat to understand, never are we alone, but One with all of eternity.

    Dear One,

    As far as I know the concept of God is very simple and at the same time very complex. But the meaning changes according to the level of your perception, until you reach the ultimate level of perception. It is actually one's experince. We can tell some body about our experience, but unless he himself experience it , he wont able to understand it fully, however beautifully you explain. It is direct experience that is 'Aparokshanubhuthi" .

    In Ramayana there is a small section where Lord Rama ask hanuman about what does he think about him( Rama). To this Hanuman replies,

    ' Lord, from the consciousness of the body, I feel like you are my prabhu( master) and I a being your dasan( Servant). From the consciousness of the Jeeva, I think I am the jeevathma and you are the paramathma( Iam the part of you). When in the consciousness of the self I feel that I am you ( there is no difference between us). This is the essence of hindu philosophy. One starts with a low level of consciousness, through several cycles of births and rebirths , in the varying levels of spiritual evolution, from Dwaitha through Vishishtadwaitha to the final state of Adwaitha. depending on the spiritual evolution of us in the present life, we believe in different religion, different dieties and finally end up in adwaita at the end. Unless we reach a particular level we wont be able to understand the concept of God proposed by some. That is why there are conflicts between religions and people. So if you properly understand and propagate the principles of sanathana dharma, we cxan hope for total amity in the world. Jai Guru .

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