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Posts posted by shadow

  1. Thanks Deepaji for the quick reply. i want to ask you one more question. As i mentioned, i got a break trough once jupter mahadasa started. After that nothing is not moving further, i mean the studies. When i have sani sub period i sturck up with my phd. I want to know when can i finish the studies and get in to the job. Now astama sani is also going on. Too many problems!!




  2. Namasthe to all Guru ji's,



    DOB: 07/02/1978(d/m/y)

    Time : 20.45

    place: Secunderabad,AP,India

    Right now jupiter mahadasa (sub peroid is buda) is running. when mahadasa started i got the opportunity to pursue phd in abroad. Iam still doing my phd. Can any one please predict that when i will finish the studies and join the job.

    Whether i will get marry in ketu sub period. I have doubt regarding my married life becoz ketu in 7th position.




  3. Dear Guru ji


    My birth details are:


    Place: SecunderabadIndia

    Time of birth: 8.45 pm

    Sex: male

    current status: Pusuing Phd in Cs (abroad)

    Educational background: masters(cs)


    My only questions is:

    When i will finish my phd and get in to the job .

    when i will get marraied?




    Thanks a lot in advance!


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