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Posts posted by gopi.chacha

  1. Thanks a lot Dear shri Sharma Ji,

    That’s encouraging !!!:)

    Because of sade sati I do fasting every Saturday, is that beneficial?

    Recently I was thinking of doing Baglamukhi sadhan but, never got any opportunity of meeting a Guru and get diksha. What do you suggest?

    I was reading one of the post of Deepa Ji, where she explained that Jupiter-Ketu in aries – gives spiritual inclination. it seems my chart has that combination. Is my interest in astrology is because of this combination?





    Dear gopi.chacha (i like the word chacha)


    You are in safe hands! Get your birth time rectification done by shri sharma ji (astro_tech). Its only when this aspect is dealt with, that anything else can be said.


    Best wishes!

    Deepa Bhandari


    Thanks for your prompt reply ,Deepa Ji

    Chacha is the my nick name :cool: given by my friends and this gives a uniqueness to my user name which I find helpful while creating am emailid or user id , no conflict ever :)





    you need to provide the name of your birth place. Further, what is the source of your time of birth. As per given birth details; the lagna comes out to be Libra around 0.19 degrees and, even two minute difference prior to it, is changing the lagna to Virgo. As per your problem in education, I feel it to be atleast around 2.06 to 2.08 AM. Did you suffered some serious health and injury problems (like operation, problem of bones, headaches, jaundice, eye problem or other)between Oct 99 to Oct 2005?


    Dear Astro_Tech,

    The source of my birth time is my mother.birth palce isVisakhapatnam,ap

    No there was no serious injury between Oct 99 to Oct 2005. I started using spectacles in 2001, but there was nothing serious about it.

    Thank you,


  4. Om namah Shivaya


    Seek your advise for my future education and career change.

    For last many years I am trying get into a mba school and change my career in finance related job.

    neither I could successfully clear mba entrance exam in india nor I could apply for a mba school outside india. I blame my failure to my poor concentration.

    Dear Gurujan, pls, advise me if it is worth putting effort to get mba and how beneficial will it be to have a career in finance related job. Will I be successful in my current sade sati

    By birth details:


    Time: 2:10AM IST

    Location: Latitude: 17° 42', North. Longitude: 83° 24', East



    Thank you all,


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