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ce moi

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Posts posted by ce moi


    Lord only knows how much I love people that speak in such a plain straightforward way! And the fact that I totally agree with him makes it even that much more enjoyable!



    Prabhupada's Way or the Highway!


    Jun 24, USA (SUN) —
    Prabhus! What is this talk about the Modernist's way or the Guru's way or the middle way? I don't know about you, but I joined the movement in the early seventies because of Srila Prabhupada. I chose his way.


    If someone does not like that, what are they doing here? Heavy words you may say, but think about it. How many possible ways are there? I remember a joke I read - If there were ten 'new agers' in a room there would be fifteen different philosophies (ways)!


    Either we are here because we want to follow Srila Prabhupada's way or we are here to cause trouble. It is as simple as that, folks. The 'Pro Choicers' would have us believe that Srila Prabhupada's instructions are too complicated for our little brains and intelligence. But they are lying. They are complicating things to confuse us. Prabhupada's way is simple. In our hearts we all know that!


    Our history is full of devotees who wanted to do things their way. See how many philosophical deviations / murders / abuses of children / cover-ups / managerial miss-directions / College Going Gurus / changes to our books, ad infinitum have happened and are happening in ISKCON.


    They are all lead by devotees who wanted to do things their way.


    I say it is about time we cleaned this movement up. Those who want to do it their way should do just that. They should set up their own movement. They could call it - ISK-CONS International Society for Krishna Cons - The Pros and the Cons. A whole society for people who are against ISKCON - the Conners, ISKCOners.


    For that is what they are. Let's not be sentimental about it. Either you are Pro Prabhupada or you are Pro Choice! If you think that you know better, then do it yourself. SOMEWHERE ELSE. !!!!!


    I am sick of hearing 'O ISKCON is not the same anymore.' They are right! It is not the same because of these people changing everything that they can get away with.


    Where will we be in ten years time if we are thinking like this now?


    All the devotees who are loyal to Srila Prabhupada should stand up and be counted. The 'pro choicers' should be asked to leave and form their own movement or be humble and accept Srila Prabhupada's way.


    Govinda das




    What does it all means in these repeated time-loops of just few years now?

    Are we on Earth?

    or under the?

    or inside the BIG MOON ?


    btw.. what is that your way, op?


    ..and WHO IS that YOU ?

  2. Hi



    explain to me - mod

    why is important to have No. 6 post here - for me ?

    why is the rest all-the-time deletead by you - HAL?

    iS YOU A ai OF mars _ kuja_karta_key_a _?

  3. <-------ce moi ,.........but ---->>




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