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Posts posted by raemanzu

  1. Hey! I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my interview questions post a few weeks ago... it really really helped with my presentation and I got an A on it! I also learned some great stuff in the process. Thanks for being so willing to help and share your beliefs with me. I've definitely gained a huge respect for Hinduism from this project and it was a pleasure to meet you.


    I would try to use some sort of Hindu saying to close this message but I wouldn't know what I was doing so I won't make a fool of myself xD

  2. I am a Christian but I very much admire the Hindu way and believe that God accepts all who seek him truly, even if their path isn't through the Christian Jesus... so I believe that those who truly follow Krishna and so on are definitely valid in their beliefs.

  3. Hello... I'm a college student in a world religions class, and I'm studying Hinduism right now for my final project. I've read up on a few things about it but part of our requirements is to interview a member of the Hindu faith. So if someone would answer the following questions as fully as they can, it would be a wonderfully huge help to me! Some of them I'm confused about, and some of them I just want to get a human perspective of (straight from the horse's mouth). You don't have to answer all of them, and if someone wants to answer a few and someone wants to answer a few others, that would work too... I'd just like to get an insider's opinion and thoughts and feelings on these things.


    So here are the questions:


    What exactly is Varna? Is it the same as the caste system in India, and what determines a person's Varna?


    What is the Hindu view of people like Shankara and Ramajuna and others who challenged the way Hinduism had always been? Are they revered or thought of as radicals? or are Hindus indifferent to them?


    How many Hindus do you think do a daily puja?


    What do you think is the most popular "face" of Brahman and why?


    How do you understand Brahman? How do you think one achieves liberation?


    What is the role of the holy texts in your life?


    What is your view (or optionally the Hindu view in general) of women and their role in society, and how they should be treated?


    What defining rules or ethics do you think set Hinduism apart from other religions or cultures?


    What do you think of other religions, from a Hindu standpoint?


    What do you think are the most important things a Hindu can do in his/her life?

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