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Posts posted by suspekt




    I met this Swami at New Dwaraka. He is a 'celeb' rock star style of sannyasi. He promotes book sales of his Diary which is being read like sastra which is just a self-glorifying collection of trite anecdotes of his very important travelling activities.


    He took up the class time that was dedicated to Bhagavatam to pitch his Diary and read us a chapter. I am a writer and believe me he shouldn't quit his day job.:rolleyes:




    Indramuna Swami has done more to bring krishna contest to the west than you realise. It is entirely unacceptable to talk about a spiritual master in this way, a real vaisnava would realise this.


    Firstly, when you talk about Vishnu's incarnations (or Krishna's incarnations) you are talking about the same person. Krishna is nondifferent from Rama is nondifferent from Vishnu. The only difference is in Their pastimes.


    "I will declare the mighty deeds of Vishnu, of him who measured out the earthly regions,

    Who propped the highest place of congregation, thrice setting down his footstep, widely striding.

    For this his mighty deed is Vishnu lauded, like some wild beast, dread, prowling, mountain-roaming;

    He within whose three wide-extended paces all living creatures have their habitation.

    Let the hymn lift itself as strength to Vishnu, the Bull far-striding, dwelling on the mountains,

    Him who alone with triple step hath measured this common dwelling-place, long, far extended.

    Him whose three places that are filled with sweetness, imperishable, joy as it may list them,

    Who verily alone upholds the threefold, the earth, the heaven, and all living creatures.

    May I attain to that his well-loved mansion where men devoted to the Gods are happy.

    For there springs, close akin to the Wide-Strider, the well of meath in Vishnu's highest footstep.

    Fain would we go unto your dwelling-places where there are many-horned and nimble oxen,

    For mightily, there, shineth down upon us the widely-striding Bull's sublimest mansion."

    --Rig Veda 1.154 :)


    No more arguements now. You can cannot argue with vedic text.


    No, what I mean is that Vishnu is a modern concept. And mostly he is the saviour of our planet, like Jesus-Christ was (his incarnations were to defeat the devils and save planet earth). I believe Vishnu has come into force in India after the British colony established.


    There are no archeological evidence of Vishnu in the past (not to my recollection), whereas there do is from Shiva. Shiva I think is prayed in the remote regions and by ancient traditional hindus, whereas Vishnu is more popular to the people who have been in touch with Christianity and Western world... (no... ? maybe I talk nonsense there..).




    If you believe in the "complete" nature of the vedic school of thought, all religions are appearing from the one source anyways... so who cares what comes first?


    To suggest that Vishnu is copied from christ is ridiculous... It's definitely the other way (even the word christ is derived from krista, aka krishna)


    Just because you are shaivite doesn't mean vishnu doesn't exist... even your own acharayas know this.

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