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Posts posted by vikaslaxmi

  1. Dear Astrologers,


    DOB 27th Dec 1975 Time 1:15 am Delhi.


    At the start Jupiter Mahadasa very favorable results were there. Then as soon as other planets started to come in pratyantar around year 2000 then there became a distance from relatives and business people.


    Apart from a very few ones all the relations became tensed. Business as well as familial. There came a lot of tension between native and father.


    Currently also that problem is there. Please see and guide what is in store for the native in future









    Please guide.




  2. There is a case of complication that I am facing.


    A girl


    DOB 8 July 1978

    Time 2.00 am



    Despite sincere efforts by her family she is not able to get married. She has got Mesha Lagna and Karka Rashi. She is under her third dhayya of Sade Sati.

    Around 15<SUP>th</SUP> Dec 2006 she got a informal nod for marriage but then it got cancelled after much delay done by other party in January 2007. That rime Shani was retrograde and was in Karka Rashi.


    Then after few months around April she got formally engaged to a boy-but not married. The marriage was also fixed but as soon as shani again entered Leo the boy denied and marriage got cancelled. After that she herself is unwilling to marry. Before that her father was too particular in choosing a boy for her. She is under a lot mental pressure and much confused about life. She is under tremendous psychological pressure and is under confusion and depression of type Obsessive Compulsive Disorder apart form other disorders of depression. This disturbed the life of her family also deeply.


    The DOB of her father is 10 Mar 1950 5.30 am Bhiwani (Haryana) near Rohtak. He is also under pressure of debts of banks and business.


    Is it due to Combust Guru in her chart that father is so much dominating in her matters relating to her husband. Why is it so that her marriage is getting too delayed, although she is under Shukra Mahadasa, the lord of 2<SUP>nd</SUP> and 7<SUP>th</SUP> house


    Is the mental pressure due to Antar of Rahu that she is under going currently in mahadasa of Shukra


    What do you predict as the future of this girl. When will she get married. I think denial of marriage is not there for her


    I had suggested Moola Shanti Pooja and Kaal Sarpa Dosha Shanti Pooja to her. Fasting on Thursdays and wearing of Diamond.


    Sir, Please guide me in this case.



    Thanks for your kind cooperation

  3. Dear Learned Astrologer,


    Kindly explain the effect of Sade Sati of Sani on a native having Kanya Rasi and Kanya Lagan.


    This native have Sani in Retrogession at the time of birth and is present in 11th house from lagna.


    DOB 27 Dec 1975

    Time 1.15 am

    POB Delhi


    Please also give remedial measures.


    He is going through first dhayya currently, as Sani is currently transiting Simha Rasi. Please tell the effect it will have for this dhayya and the balance two dhayya.



  4. Dear Learned Astrologer,


    Kindly explain the effect of Sade Sati of Sani on a native having Kanya Rasi and Kanya Lagan.


    This native have Sani in Retrogession at the time of birth and is present in 11th house from lagna.


    DOB 27 Dec 1975

    Time 1.15 am

    POB Delhi


    Please also give remedial measures.


    He is going through first dhayya currently, as Sani is currently transiting Simha Rasi. Please tell the effect it will have for this dhayya and the balance two dhayya.



  5. Dear


    I have studied your horoscope. It shows that you are manglik by lagna, chandra nad venus.


    There are two main resons for the job not fructifying.


    1. You have come under Rahu Mahadasa since March 2007. Rahu is Debiliated in your birth chart. It is thus creating delays and s\things not fructifying to your satisfacation.


    2. Gochar of Saturn thorugh Leo which is your house of gains. Saurn is enimical to Leo, thus a additional dealy in getting your income. As is is also the house of freinds, it may also pose differnces with your freinds.


    It iwll be till Sep 2009 in this isgn afte which you can have job.






  6. Dear USR,


    Thanks for the welcome. Your observations are true and up to the mark. In addition to that I would like to suggest that she is born in gandmoola and have gone of Moola Shanti. Also she seems to have the contoversial Kaal-Sarpa yoga, which is also putting some imbalance in her life.


    Sade-sati on her rashi is delaying things, although Shani is not too averse to her rashi i.e. Karka (lord Moon) but to her Lagna Lord i.e. Mars. This is putting up hinderances and disppointments in her ventures. Also, in Indian context, a women gets his identity after marriage. The lagna signifies identity of an individual. Thus are breakages in marriage talks and engagements.


    The second house from Moon, i.e Kutumbhsthana have Shani of Gochar. It is in his enemy rashi of Sun. So also a hinderance in forming her own family.


    Hope for your continued support.




  7. Dear All,


    This is a case of a girl who despite numerous, untireing efforts by her family members is not getting married. She has got two pre-marriage breakups and many last minute break in marriage talks.


    Study her horoscope and give your comments as to if she can get married.

    If yes, by when. If no, is there is a denial of marriage for her.


    DOB 08/07/1978 Time: 2.00 AM Place: Delhi.



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