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Posts posted by gkakella

  1. Respected Gurujis,


    I'm recently devorced. Someone said I'll be devorced again because there is no married life in my horoscope. Even if I married there won't be any kids or I live very far from kids.


    Is it true?


    I had a very bad experience from my first marriage. Afraid to get married again and don't want to spoil my life and the girl's life if devorce is certain in my horoscope.

    I am very depressed because my horoscope is very bad and hurts others life too.

    Please give me your valuable reading. My details are


    DOB: 20-11-76

    TOB: 21:13 hrs

    POB: Vijayawada, AP, India.


    I'm currently living in Australia and working as a lecturer. Please give me a reading regarding marriage and kids.

    Thank you.


    best regards,



  2. Namaste Raj Shekhar garu,


    I'm Gopi krishna Akella.

    You advised me earlier regarding the court case with my wife and my trip to india in august, 08.

    I'm travelling again on 16th Nov as my father's samvatsareekalu from 20th - 22nd nov.

    I'll be there for 10 days. Myself and my wife living seperate since feb'08.

    She lost the court case as well. I came to know that her father approached my uncle (mamayya).

    I'm getting some wrong vibrations. I would like to know whether are they going to do any harm?

    In the worst case, they can go for another case or complaint against me in india.

    It doesn't seem like they feel guilty or sorry.

    Please advice me, am I going to be in trouble if I meet them in india?

    I'm giving my birth details again.

    Gopi Krishna

    DOB: 20-11-1976

    TOB: 21:13 hrs

    POB: vijayawada


    Please advice me Raj Shekhar garu.

    Thanking you.

  3. Respected Rajsekharji,


    You advised me last time regarding the court case with my wife.

    I won the case. Now, I'm visiting india on 20th august.


    I just want to know is it good for me to visit now. will there be any problem from them if I visit now.

    Please advice me.

    Thank you.


    My details:

    Name: Gopi Krishna

    DOB: 20/11/1976

    TOB: 21:13 HRS

    Place: Vijayawada

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