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Posts posted by ggg

  1. Accordig to Hindu mythology Kalki avtar will appear at the end of Kalyug.

    most of still believe that this is not 'kalyug end' which is absolutely incorrect. what has to be kept in mind is 'god, bhagwan .... by whatever name he is called doesnot belong to any one community, he is for everyone. he has to keep his words spoken through his avtaars, gurus, paigambars.

    This is the kalyug end when kAlki avtar had to appear. ques that arises is how can this be the kalyug end when only 5000 odd years have passed whereas kalyug's entire lenght is exactly 4,32,000 yrs according to the holy vedas ?

    answer to this is in the line i have written above in the bigger font.

    whatever is written in any holy book is never clear or simple, it is always indicative, one has to understand what actually is and what is the underline meaning of it. for instance ------ time alloted to Prophet Mohammad was 1400yrs 0r 'as koran says it 'sadi chaudvi' i.e 14th century' has almost come to an end which clearly marks the end of kalyug. but then why holy vedas say the kalyug to be of such a long period of time? well whatever is written is correct, what has to be kept in mind is that vedas were written way before the other holy books were written.


    the ans to the ques that what about the rest of the kalyug period is to be found out looking inside the sikh mythology.

    THE TEHTH GURU OF SIKHS - GURU GOBIND SINGH had 4 sons and name of his father was who was the NINTH GURU - GURU TEG BAHADUR JI.

    GURU TEG BAHADUR JI WAS killed by aurangzeb in delhi - chandni chowk. and GURU GOBIND SINGH JI'S 2 SONs got killed while fighting for hindus against muslims and the other two were killed by aurangzeb by getting them

    placed inside a small room as big as the two children, thus suffocating them to death. these two instances were amongst the most tragic incidents in history, therefore the life of kalyug was reduced by the almighty as ---

    25000 yrs for the matyrdom of GURU TEG BAHADUR JI and 100000 yrs each for one child of GURU GOBIND SINGH JI. THUS IF we add the years they come out to be 425000 yrs and then if wew add 5000 yrs already gone by the total comes out to be 430000 yrs. thus what remain is 2000 yrs. when we compare 2000 yrs to the entire period of 432000 yrs, we can call this as the 'kalyug end'.


    now the question is where to look for Kalki Avtaar ? what holy vedas say is that he will appear in SAMBAL NAGAR which is in uttar pradesh. but we all simply take the meaning of SAMBAL NAGAR as a place in U.P. this is another blunder we commit . the meaning of the word 'SAMBALNAGAR' is not simple rather it is symbolic of something.


    SAMBAL MEANS 'a place created by god himself where he would dwell on earth, and it is not a city where he lives, it is a body in which he dwells when he comes on earth. it is a special body which is created by himself which appears to be like ours but is different.

    therefore he is not to be found anywhere in u.p .


    but then the question still remains where to look for KALKI avtaar ?

    ans to this question can be found out in the 2nd PURANA - THE SIKAND PURANA which mentions the place of his coming.


    and if u get to read the literature of rishi vedvyas then u will come to know the mantra/name/slogan that he would give to this world like SRI RAM gave the mantra of JAI SIYA RAM to the world.


    if u still cant find him u or u have any other query u can mail me at gunit17171@hotmail.com.

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